Okay then, let's put all the other stuff aside for a while.
What would you like to ask?
Straight away, that's not right. Human did not evolve from "bacteria". Modern bacteria represent a separate evolutionary "branch" that separated from humans as far back ago as the last universal common ancestor. For reference, see this tree of life model:
A new view of the tree of life
If it helps, think of bacteria as your cousins. You both share the same ancestry, but their "branch" of the family is separate from your "branch". You didn't come FROM your cousins.
What humans evolved from, after the LUCA, is early, single-celled eukaryotes. And no, "bacteria" is not another words for "single-celled organism". It is a particular classification of single celled organism that evolved alongside other forms of life into the variety of forms we see today. So to say humans "evolved from bacteria" is like saying that you are "descended from your cousins".
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