Because, the term is exploited by people who want it to mean something other than what it should mean in regards to the concept of a completely different entity that would authenticate claims of Macro-evolutionary theory. It's another example on how Evolutionists rely on loose wordplay and shady Semantics to bolster what is basically non-evidential claims. And the fact that so few of them even know about this problem yet fling out "observed instances of speciation" as if that somehow proves their claims is further proof that they don't know much science beyond 6th grade level.
Species problem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In reality, what is usually called "Speciation" is nothing more than minor changes that in no way represent anything more than an Epigenetic change on a small scale.
In reality, what is usually called "speciation" is when enough small genetic changes accumulate between two isolated populations of a single parent species, they eventually are no longer able to reproduce with one another. We observe this happening all the time, particularly in species with a short life cycle, like fruit flies.