Ants have a type of thinking capacity. Now whether you want to call this thinking capacity a mind is up to you. But ants do have some type of thinking capacity. My point is simply the mind is not dependent upon the brain to exist. The brain cannot be used to explain the origin of the mind. The only thing we can show is that they correlate, but this doesnt explain origins. Your thoughts, memories, sensations, etc, none of these things are made up of matter. Your thoughts are not material substances. But your brain is, so what is true of your brain is not true or your mind. Thus, one cannot be used to explain the origins of the other.
There can be no change without time, Legion. Let me repeat, THERE CAN BE NO CHANGE WITHOUT TIME. Anything that is in motion is changing, thus, TIME. If something is behaving, it is in time. There is no way out of this, legion. No matter how many paragraphs you want to type, or how many books or articles you want to paste on here, there cannot be any change without time. This is true regardless of physics, biology, chemistry, or any other branch of science you want to use. There can be no change without time.
Yes there is reason that it need to be a first cause. Infinite regress is impossible. If we can demonstrate the impossibility of infinite regression (which we can), then the only option available is there was a first cause which existed externally from the universe. There are no other options, Legion. Any cosmological model that you use will have to be a temporal one, thus, infinite regression. It is IMPOSSIBLE for there to have been an eternal cause and effect chain which gave rise to the present chain. This is impossible, and it can very well be demonstrated. The only option left is for there to have been a transcendent cause who was not itself within time. That is the only other option. One option is impossible and can/should be disregarded, while the other option makes good logical sense. Now I understand that this is hard for you to accept as a non-theist and you must do everything within your power to make it so that this isnt the case. But there is nothing you can do because it is awfully hard to rebuttal the truth.
Legion, the universe began to exist some 13.7 billion years ago. How could the universe be the beginning of causation when it itself was the product of causation?
Once again, the universe began to exist, Legion. And no one is saying this causation didnt involve time. Time began simultaneously with the creation of the universe. One didnt exist prior to the other.
Infinite regress is impossible, Legion.
Um, Legion, whether or not X exist is not dependent upon what is assumed and what is not assumed. If you dont assume that God exists, that has nothing to do with the truth value of whether God actually does exist. A person in Japan may assume that I DONT exist, but yet, here I am: EXISTING. So your analogy doesnt work my friend.
Please respond directly to the premises of the argument and demonstrate why they are false. I need specifics, not rhetoric.
That is used as a hyperbole to explain the extremity of the singularity. It is not meant to be used in terms of quantity.
The same thing. All matter and energy was so compressed that there was no space
and the only way to describe such extreme conditions would be say the temperature becomes infinite. It is not used in the sense of quantity because think about it, infinity is not something you can take away from and get less. So if space expanded and things cooled off sense then, then how was it actually infinite in the first place? If you have an infinite amount of marbles and you give me three, you would still have an infinite amount of marbles. It cant become un-infinite if it was an actual infinity.