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Veteran Member
You said: "From that passage coupled with logic I have concluded that God chooses not to prove that He exists, since we have no proof of God's existence."

You do not see it but the logical flaw in this is that you are arguing in a thread about evidence for the existence of something. In order to get there -- first, you assume that something exists, then you give it a reason (its own "choice") for there being no evidence for its existence. A perfect circle. But a very real logical error.
No, I never assumed that God exists. I determined that by looking at the evidence.
I am giving a 'reason' why there is no proof for the existence of God, based upon scriptures coupled with logical reasoning.
There is no circle, just deductive reasoning.


The reason God does not prove He exists is because God wants our faith. If God proved He exists then we would no longer need faith because we would know for a fact that God exists.

Hebrews 11:6 And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who approaches Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him.

We must first believe that it is 'possible' for God to exist, and that requires faith since no man has ever seen God.

God will reward those who earnestly seek Him by helping them find the evidence they need to believe.

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
I think it's pretty clear by this point, that he just wanted to know whether some people consider the Baha'i scriptures "evidence".

I think one has to guess what his purpose for starting this thread is. I get almost no information from his comments, and he doesn't address the comments made to him. He writes, "This OP is to finalise once and for all what is Evidence of God," but all he's done is repeatedly lay out what he calls evidence for a god and calls for all to examine it with little interest in the responses. He talks but doesn't listen. My guess is that he's proselytizing in a way that he hopes the mods won't call him out for.

no paper concludes that organism evolve through the Darwinian mechanism

Probably. So what?

I don’t have a larger point
1 we know that eyes evolved form simpler organs
2 we don’t know by which mechanism it happened, (many have been proposed, being the Darwinian mechanism just one among many possibilities)

Is this what our discussion has been about? I don't disagree with either of these points. But I will say to you what I just said about another poster. I don't believe that that is all you had to say or why you brought up the evolution of the eye. Your purpose was likely to undermine evolutionary theory by sowing doubt about whether evolution was up to the task of generating eyes in a series of stepwise mutations that each conferred a survival advantage. That's what creationists do. Nobody else broaches this subject except perhaps people learning about evolution for the first time who want to understand the science.

If I'm correct about your purpose - sowing doubt among those who accept the theory as likely correct - there is no need. Critical thinkers doubt everything and hold beliefs tentatively in the sense that they are willing to revise them pending new evidence that justifies that. I don't seriously doubt whether the theory of evolution is correct, that is, I don't feel uncertain, but I understand that I have no way to rule out a deceptive intelligent designer who stacked the deck to make it look like evolution had occurred. I only understand that that is possible, but don't seriously entertain the possibility or lose sleep over it. That kind of doubt is called philosophical doubt, and it is distinguished from psychological doubt by being understood but not felt.

The logical reason God does not prove He exists is because God wants our faith. If God proved He exists then we would no longer need faith.

I rebutted this once, but you had no comment. You are describing a gaslighter. Here's some free advice: don't trust anybody who claims to have evidence for something that he could easily adduce but insists you trust him instead.

God is not indistinguishable from something that does not exist for 93% of the world population who believe that God exists.

You have been told repeatedly that such opinions are meaningless to the critical thinker, who doesn't care what others believe, just what they know and can demonstrate to be correct or probable.

Hundreds of times I have said that a claim is worthless unless there is evidence that supports the claim.

And your claims have been rejected as many times for that reason. It is others who judge for themselves whether your evidence and reasoning support your claim.

God does not prefer unfounded belief to knowledge, God prefers founded belief. One reason God gave us brains is to look for evidence and find it so we can believe.

That isn't working out too well. The more educated people are, the less likely they are to believe in gods.

To say that 93% of the population is not rational is illogical on its face because it is the fallacy of hasty generalization and the fallacy of black and white thinking.

No, it is neither of those fallacies nor any other. It is the conclusion of a sound syllogism. P1: Believing in gods or anything else without sufficient evidence is irrational by definition. P2: It is alleged that 93% of people hold that belief. C: You do the math.

Faith with evidence is not unfounded belief.

This is incoherent. It's self-contradictory. You have repeatedly complained that nobody explains your errors in reasoning to you, although it seems that that's all I've been doing in this post. You are confused about what faith-based belief and unfounded belief are. They are synonyms. And if one injects enough evidence to support the belief and make it no longer unfounded, it is no longer believed by faith. That you cannot understand that or choose to not try to does not mean that nobody has explained your errors to you. It's that nobody can without your attention and cooperation.

There is clear evidence .. 50% of people are Christians and Muslims. They consider that there is clear evidence.

Hopefully, you read what I just wrote to Trailblazer. It doesn't matter to the critical thinker what they believe if they can't justify that belief. It no doubt matters to their priests, who, like them, appear not to have any empiric standard for belief.

I feel sorry for "critical thinkers", who cannot think outside the box.

I feel sorry for those who can't think in the box. Stepping outside the box is for finding new hypotheses, for creatively considering things never before considered. But one needs to bring such ideas back to the box for critical analysis before there is belief. This thread is an endless litany of such thinking outside the box being subjected to box thinking by others who can.

but you will probably say then that they are all deluded. Yeah, sure. We're all deluded.

You keep returning to this emotive language. I've already addressed this once with you, and you chose to ignore it then. If by deluded you mean holding a false belief, then yes, you are deluded, although I would probably just tell you that your belief is unjustified. If by deluded you mean mentally ill like a paranoid schizophrenic, then no, that would be an unjustified claim. Why not stick to descriptive language as I just did? And maybe this time explain why what I said is incorrect or inadequate if you think so before making this same claim again.


One Planet, One People, Please!
Premium Member
Then what was the intention of this thread? What did you want to debate? This was posted in General Religion Debates after all.

It was to clarify what Evidence can be used if we want to determine what is God?

You may note ut is the largest accusation faced. That one has no evidence.

Well what is the evidence used to prove God?

Reason and logic notes that it is the 3 sources mentioned.

It really only needed to be a handful of replies.

Regards Tony


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
No, I never assumed that God exists. I determined that by looking at the evidence.
I am giving a 'reason' why there is no proof for the existence of God, based upon scriptures coupled with logical reasoning.
There is no circle, just deductive reasoning.


The reason God does not prove He exists is because God wants our faith. If God proved He exists then we would no longer need faith because we would know for a fact that God exists.

Hebrews 11:6 And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who approaches Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him.

We must first believe that it is 'possible' for God to exist, and that requires faith since no man has ever seen God.

God will reward those who earnestly seek Him by helping them find the evidence they need to believe.
Still going around in circles -- and changing your story as you go. Now you have added something else that you couldn't possibly know, which is that "God wants our faith." You do not know that -- you invent it to give some structure to your myth.

Indeed, you go further in your reinvention, because earlier you said that God chooses not to provide evidence, and now you are saying, well maybe if we are "earnestly" seeking, He'll give in and do what you earlier said He won't.

And so it goes...


No religious beliefs
In my opinion, the existence of God can NEVER be demonstrated because God chooses not to make Himself demonstrable.

In my opinion it is unreasonable and illogical to expect God to demonstrate that He exists just because you want Him to.

That fits the evidence, or lack thereof, perfectly. Who can disagree that if an all powerful God wants to hide from us we're not going to find him?

The problem with using it in this kind of discussion is that it stops everything dead. If that's true, there's no point in talking any further. We can't reach any conclusions because God doesn't want us to. Science can never investigate God because he is more powerful than human scientists. Added to this is the sad conclusion that all these vague apprehensions of God that so many of us have can't be relied on because, well, God is deliberately being mysterious to the point where we can't distinguish between messages from God and the imaginings of our minds. And that's how God wants it. And the whole thing floats in a void between knowledge and imagination, belief and disbelief. The only "reasonable" thing to do is to drop the whole thing, carry on as if God doesn't exist, and maybe hope he might change his mind one day.

Unfortunately also, the whole thing also could be a kind of last ditch defense by believers who can't come up with "reasonable" evidence. Or not.


One Planet, One People, Please!
Premium Member
These testimonies are hearsay, passed through thousands of hands. Do you really think they're reliable?

As the faiths get older, not so reliable. But in the given evidence, there is advice of how to judge these grey area matters.

With Islam they have hadiths that will also be supported by a chain of narratives. There is also guidance in the Quran as to how to determine the truth of the narrative.

In the Baha'i Faith there are personal testimonials and a history compiled at the time of the events by those that took part. The sources are also noted.

These are reliable historical testimonials.

Regards Tony

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
It was to clarify what Evidence can be used if we want to determine what is God?

You may note ut is the largest accusation faced. That one has no evidence.

Well what is the evidence used to prove God?

Reason and logic notes that it is the 3 sources mentioned.

It really only needed to be a handful of replies.

Regards Tony
I would say that the evidence given could not be used to determine what is God, because the writings of Baha'u'llah on their own have just as much proof as Joseph Smith's writings about God. Therefore it is unreliable evidence unless you can show us otherwise. Why is it greater than Joseph Smith's writings?

If there are three dark caves sitting beside each other, each hundreds of miles long, and you were to say "The evidence of God is within that one", we would ask you for a specific location and thing to look for within the cave, because another person claims "The evidence of God is within that one" pointing to another cave, and the same with a third person pointing at the third cave. It isn't helpful at all to just point at the cave and expect someone to find the evidence without knowing what they're specifically looking for. Now try that for dozens of religions that have scriptures of their own.


One Planet, One People, Please!
Premium Member
And now you are just being silly. Anybody who had the capacity to write the Qur'an or Baha'i writings also had the capacity to read the Bible -- and there were sufficient Bibles available for both to read. The fact that they could read and cite the Bible says precisely zero about the provenance of the Bible.

The Evidence covers this Quandary.

The evidence of the Person of the Messenger also covers this.

I will not give proofs from the evidence in this OP.

Regards Tony


Veteran Member
The scientific method is a good tool to establish the truth about the physical universe, yes.
And thus far the physical universe is all we can say exists. The many absurd guesses theists make have no basis in fact.

Well, that's nonsense.
The existence of God is not affected by our knowledge of the physical universe.
Since the many thgousands of god concepts can't be said to be anything more than imaginary, you are correct. Mickey Mouse is also not affected by our knowledge of reality. Many can enjoy imaginary characters for various reasons, but it isn't for knowledge.

Your sweeping brush again. Not everybody discards reason, in order to believe in God.
No one uses reason to conclude Gods exist. Attempts to do this are successfully rebutted as a routine.

Muslim Doctors do not, for example.
We are not all uneducated.
Yes, doctors understand they have to rely on facts and reality to be ethical and competent. Gods and superstition is irrelevant to their profession. It illustrates how therists have learned to set aside their religious belief to get knowledge right.

That's absurd.
A person who believes that their soul does not die at death has no choice in the matter.
Not if they were indocrinated to believe, and lack sufficient reasoning skills and self-reflection to judge religious concepts without assumptions. No one believes irrational religious ideas vai facts and reason.


One Planet, One People, Please!
Premium Member
Yet those people could be as biased as you are, so we can't trust followers as reliable witnesses.

That is your issue.

One must pursue the Evidence and determine from the evidence if those persons were trustworthy and truthful.

Otherwise justice has been neglected in making such a statement.

Regards Tony


One Planet, One People, Please!
Premium Member
I would say that the evidence given could not be used to determine what is God, because the writings of Baha'u'llah on their own have just as much proof as Joseph Smith's writings about God. Therefore it is unreliable evidence unless you can show us otherwise. Why is it greater than Joseph Smith's writings?

If we agree on the 3 aspects of the evidence, then that is exactly what can be determined from the evidence.

Regards Tony


Veteran Member
Still going around in circles -- and changing your story as you go. Now you have added something else that you couldn't possibly know, which is that "God wants our faith." You do not know that -- you invent it to give some structure to your myth.
No, I am not changing my story. It is the same as last time.

Nobody can ever 'know' anything about God as a fact....
I 'believe' that God wants our faith because I believe what the Bible and other scriptures say about faith, and also because it makes sense, if God exists, that God wants our faith since there is no proof that God exists.
Indeed, you go further in your reinvention, because earlier you said that God chooses not to provide evidence, and now you are saying, well maybe if we are "earnestly" seeking, He'll give in and do what you earlier said He won't.

And so it goes...
No, I never said that God chooses not to provide evidence, I have always been consistent in saying that God provides evidence but God chooses not to provide proof. Evidence is not proof.

Evidence is information that indicates that something is true and causes you to believe it is true.

Evidence helps to establish if something is the truth but it does not establish it as a fact.

Proof is what establishes evidence as a fact.

The existence of God has never been established as a fact because there is no proof that God exists.


Veteran Member
That is your issue.
False. These are your witnesses and they are flawed and unreliable for the reasons I gave. You offer no rebuttal so you must agree with what I said.

One must pursue the Evidence and determine from the evidence if those persons were trustworthy and truthful.
Which is exactly what we critical thinkers offer this discussion. All you offer are superficial claims that you fail to support with evidence.

Your ongoing error is to assume we critical thinkers aren't examining your claims, and looking for any evidence they are correct. You expect us to accept and adopt your assumptions and the religious beliefs that follow from those faulty assumptions. That is not how reason works.

Your ongoing efforts illustrate the weakness in faith as a means to determine truth.

Otherwise justice has been neglected in making such a statement.
Justice is showing all those reading this that your claims are rejected due to your own failure to show they are true.

If we agree on the 3 aspects of the evidence, then that is exactly what can be determined from the evidence.
We have already explained that we determine your evidence is insufficient to warrant a valid conclusion. You need to submit extraordinary evidence and yours is dubious at best.

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
If we agree on the 3 aspects of the evidence, then that is exactly what can be determined from the evidence.

Regards Tony
But what motivates one to start with Baha'i Faith's writings? Why not start with The Book of Mormon? Or the Rig Veda? Or the Zend-avesta? What about the Bible? Or the Qu'ran?

Certainly nobody will explore the full extent of all these writings in their lifetime, unless they have too much time on their hands. I don't see why someone should even explore the full extent of even just one of these when many come out from studying them, as nonbelievers in the end. There is no reason to search one 200-mile dark cave in search for evidence of God, just because someone said the evidence is in there somewhere, when there are a dozen of these caves that are claimed to have it, contradictory to the supposed evidence the other caves contain.


One Planet, One People, Please!
Premium Member
False. These are your witnesses and they are flawed and unreliable for the reasons I gave. You offer no rebuttal so you must agree with what I said.

The intent is to leave you with your own thoughts.

This OP is not going off topic with me.

There is ample evidence.

Regards Tony


One Planet, One People, Please!
Premium Member
But what motivates one to start with Baha'i Faith's writings? Why not start with The Book of Mormon? Or the Rig Veda? Or the Zend-avesta? What about the Bible? Or the Qu'ran?

Certainly nobody will explore the full extent of all these writings in their lifetime, unless they have too much time on their hands. I don't see why someone should even explore the full extent of even just one of these when many come out from studying them, as nonbelievers in the end. There is no reason to search one 200-mile dark cave in search for evidence of God, just because someone said the evidence is in there somewhere, when there are a dozen of these caves that are claimed to have it, contradictory to the supposed evidence the other caves contain.

Now we cover the quandary of Faith.

In my journey, reading the available evidence, I have found that the search for truth requires justice and dedication.

If we have no desire to know of God, there will be no desire to pursue the evidence God gives.

We also have big egos. We can restrict our own search when our ego thinks it has found all the answers it needs.

Regards Tony


Veteran Member
The intent is to leave you with your own thoughts.
Did you assume we critical thinkers don't have our own thoughts already?

If so, that is yet another unforced error you made.

The odd thing you really don't seem to understand is how your own manner and behavior is a huge negative influence. You exhibit bad faith, and that turns people off even if you had valid evidence and a coherent exlpanation.

This OP is not going off topic with me.
You created off topic by titling this thread "Evidence" and then refusing to offer any, as you repeat false and incoherent claims.

There is ample evidence.
Only for those who assume the claims are true already, the faithful follower. Not for critical thinkers who seek truth. Even for those of other faiths your evidence is way too weak for them to be convinced, and they're believers. They assume a God exists.