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Secret Chief

From the link...
Bahá’u’lláh made no mention of Buddha, and if it had not been for ‘Abdu’l‑Bahá’s statement we would not have been in a position to state definitely that Buddha had been a Manifestation of God.​

Yes, so apparently they are thus in a position to state definitely that Buddha had been a Manifestation of God.

"Blessed souls—whether Moses, Jesus, Zoroaster, Krishna, Buddha..."

Buddhism denies the existence of a soul.

"Among the holy, divine Manifestations of God were Moses, Buddha, etc."

"The holy Manifestations Who have been the Sources or Founders of the various religious systems were united and agreed in purpose and teaching. Abraham, Moses, Zoroaster, Buddha, Jesus, Muḥammad, the Báb and Bahá’u’lláh are one in spirit and reality."

All taken from the source offered. I have read on this forum plenty of times the falsehoods from Bahais about Buddhism.


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
This OP was not about proof, it is about what constitutes evidence, that will then provide the proofs.

An example of the first aspect, which is evidence of "the person", this can be considered in this manner when the evidence is pursued for a proof.

The proof of a great leader is that he has subjects that attest to the Justice, mercy and compassion of that leader, and in their lives practice the demonstrative legacy of that leader.

So, in history who have been the leaders that have the greatest following of people that see that in their leader and have left a demonstrative legacy to live by?

We can offer that it is obvious that Jesus and Muhammad have proved they have been the greatest leaders?

Regards Tony
About Jesus and Muhammad proving they have been the greatest leaders? No, I don't think that they have, not at all. Christianity is, today, not really all that much about what Jesus said and did, but about how Paul (and a couple of pseudo-Pauls) interpreted the little they actually knew about what he did and said. Christianity really should be called Paulianity.

And Islam spread through military conquest, trade, pilgrimage, and missionaries, as Arab Muslim forces conquered vast territories and built imperial structures over time. Most of the significant expansion occurred during the reign of the Rashidun from 632 to 661 CE, which was the reign of the first four successors of Muhammad, not Muhammad himself. The caliphate—a new Islamic political structure—evolved and became more sophisticated during the Umayyad and Abbasid caliphates. Again, very little to do with Muhammad except the retention of his name, and a mis-guided belief as to how the Qur'an was written.


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
Gee, thanks. I try to be helpful. Thanks for noticing that. That I try to fill in the gaps that Baha'is refuse to talk about. And it is confusing. Maybe I didn't word it in a way that Baha'is like, but Baha'is still shun those that have been declared "covenant-breakers". And they have a lack of ability to bring peace and unity to these discussions. The Baha'i message is essentially, our prophet is from God and everything he says is the truth. And we know that, because he said so.
Pay attention, boys and girls -- this gets it right!


Well-Known Member
The fact that a planet hit earth, in fact the fact earth was formed in the first place refutes the finely tuned argument

Yes, there's this 'fine tuning' to give us our universe. And there's these freakish 'accidents' that augment this tuning. A 'tuned' earth still needs something to knock it off the axis that a tuned universe gave it.


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
We don't live in a vacuum. Ideas about religion, God and spiritual things are all around us. Why only the Baha'i interpretation? Why only the fundy Christian interpretation? Of course, Baha'is believe this is a new message and has corrected all the false beliefs that have accumulated over time. But still, for some people, it is only a religion that is making a lot of assumptions, God is real, and Baha'u'llah is his manifestation for this day and age. God being real depends on Baha'u'llah being a manifestation. That's something that we can all look at the claims and evidence, and I like to add, the prophecies, to see if he fulfills those things he claims.
In 2022, the population of the world reached 8,000,000,000 people. There are, at the end of 2022, 8,000,000 Baha'is, or 0.1%. That's not a very good showing for having the only correct interpretation, in my view.


Well-Known Member
No, that is wrong. It is a misinterpretation of those numbers. Sean Carroll did an excellent debunk of that argument in a debate with William Lane Craig.

As to your claim of the asteroid strike: Citation needed.

The asteroid hit a sulphur deposit in Yucatan. Otherwise the Cretaceous world would have survived, sort of.
So the asteroid needed to hit at the:
exact angle
exact spot (ie time of day)
exact season (spring, vulnerability)


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
You always say what is not evidence. Maybe you should say exactly what would be evidence.

Atheists: What would be evidence of God’s existence?
Evidence: an item or information proffered to make the existence of a fact more or less probable. Evidence can take the form of testimony, documents, photographs, videos, voice recordings, DNA testing, or other tangible objects.

Please note that testimony alone can never be sufficient, for the simple reason that there is no way to compare one testimony to another which contradicts it and determine, based on the testimony alone, which is true.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
The asteroid hit a sulphur deposit in Yucatan. Otherwise the Cretaceous world would have survived, sort of.
So the asteroid needed to hit at the:
exact angle
exact spot (ie time of day)
exact season (spring, vulnerability)
Citation needed. What peer reviewed paper made this claim?

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Yes, there's this 'fine tuning' to give us our universe. And there's these freakish 'accidents' that augment this tuning. A 'tuned' earth still needs something to knock it off the axis that a tuned universe gave it.
No, that is an unsupported claim. And it is too easy to refute.


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
No, that is not the Baha'i message.
The message is that we know that Baha'u'llah was who He claimed to be because of the evidence that supports His claims.
605 posts in, and nobody has actually laid that evidence out yet. It can't be a good idea to start a thread saying, "If you want to know if I'm right, go look at the things I did, in the same way -- although I'm not going to tell you what those things are, nor how I interpreted them."


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
Yes, there's this 'fine tuning' to give us our universe. And there's these freakish 'accidents' that augment this tuning. A 'tuned' earth still needs something to knock it off the axis that a tuned universe gave it.

Freakish accidents kind of refute the fine tuning idea
If the universe were fine tunes freakish accidents could not occur


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
Nobody can EVER demonstrate God since God is not available for a demonstration.
God sends Messengers since they are both divine and human so they can demonstrate God to humans.
Knowledge of God comes to humans through the Messengers since it cannot come to us any other way.
Once again, you cannot demonstrate in any possible way that what you say has anything at all to do with reality.

First, why is God not available for a demonstration? How do you know that? God is, so I'm told, omnipotent. God walked with Abraham, and wrestled with Jacob, so I'm told. God must be responsible for miracles -- if they occur -- and if that is the case, that is a demonstration of God, is it not? So you just made that part up out of whole cloth because it "fits your religious belief."

How do you know "Messengers...are both divine and human?" What part of them looks divine to you. Do they have a little mark on their left heel? An aura that only you can see? And why would they need to be anyway? I repeat, God is omnipotent, and could, at His pleasure, cause anyone to know anything He wished them to know. You just made that part up out of whole cloth because it helps to fill in the storyline details.

If knowledge of God, "cannot come to us any other way," then admit it now -- God is NOT omnipotent. In fact, it would appear He's rather weak. Hell, even an idiot like Donald Trump can get his message out to his lackies, using nothing but a phone and his thumbs.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Freakish accidents kind of refute the fine tuning idea
If the universe were fine tunes freakish accidents could not occur
There are several problems with the fine tuning argument. It is based on the values of various constants of the universe. The first and biggest problem is that they assume that hose values could be different. We do not know that. We don't know if they could be different or not and it is an error to assume that they can vary. There are even examples of constants of the universe being solved.

Another problem is that they assume that life would be impossible if those constants could be changed. We don't know this. Perhaps human life could be impossible, but we do not know enough to say that all life would be impossible.


Veteran Member
In all fairness, I may not agree with @TransmutingSoul 's methods, and I didn't read every post..... but it seems like the question was whether the Baha'i writings would be considered evidence, and that was it. It kind of sounds like the OP wanted to stick with that, and cover greater subjects later on.[/quot]
Tony has a habit of manipulation, and he does what is called the "foot in the door" approach. He thinks if he can make a minor point that he has earned agreement and support.

Are the tests evidence for his claims. Of course. It is much like the police fining a knife in the street near a stabbing is evidence and is colleted. It turns out the knife wasn't the weapon, but it was still evidence. Just because something is evidence does not mean it is valid and is applicable to what is being investigated. Do you follow me here?

Tony and the Baha'i obviously respect critical thinkers and they are looking for agreement in any way they can, and they don't care how weak their case is.

If that's the case, I do that sometimes, too. Start small, and work from there. Though I haven't asked about how to read things as evidence, yet.
The thing is none of the Baha'i have anything past the small. They have extraordinary claims and they lack extraordinary evidence. That's the end of it. They seem to think that they believe is enough. They repeat their claims over and over which is what propaganda does. The more they behave this way the less credibility they have, it is desperate and manipulative. I doubt they understand what they are doing. Those who make poor judgments about things will tend to work hard to do things to avoid accontability and double down on poor judgment.

The reason is shame in having poor judgment. They have something about themselves they want to hide from themselves, and arguing defensively is a way to do this. Do people who admit they made a mistake keep arguing? No. So if they keep arguing that must mean they are correct in their beliefs. Look at the posts that blame skeptics for some sort of fault, or flaw, or not doing thorough investigation, etc. This is them not looking at their own thinking and deflecting blame elsewhere. I've seen this pattern of bahvior in theists since I started debating religion in 1996.

Look at the George Santos situation. Critics are blaming democrats for not catching his lies. Why is it their responsibility to check the credibility of an opponent, they are busy with their own message? Why is there not complete blame on false claims and deliberate fraud by Santos? We critical thinkers are examining the claims and claims of evidence (often not valid as evidence in these claims) and find flaws and misrepresention. These criticism get ignored and the claims of evidence is repeated again and again, and to my mind that is fraud. Once something is exposed as invalid it is invalid, it isn't repeated as if it will magically become valid.

So Baha'u'llah may not have thought hiumself a fraud (perhaps mentally ill) but what Baha'i followers are doing is fraud. They want us to take their word for it all and not think or scrutinize, and we don't do that. Our ethics follow a method and that is requesting valid evidence for any claims made in debate.