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May God's Will be Done
Premium Member
Eyewitness testimony has demonstrated itself to be unreliable. Some of your particular witnesses that you call might not have even existed and, if they did, the words attributed to them were written down long after their deaths so they cannot be verified. The ones that we can verify had their own agendas, which biases their claims almost to the point of uselessness.

Even if your eyewitness testimony was trustworthy, which it isn't, then it would still not be enough to prove the existence of a God. That would require scientific evidence, not historical or legal evidence, because it's a claim about the nature of reality rather than what events might have occurred.

If this is to finally rest the case of the question of God's existence, then I expect you to deconvert from the Bahai faith and become an atheist. I doubt you'll do that, though, because you don't actually care about evidence at all. This whole thread is vanity.

Luckily we have a more recent Messenger to condisder the given evidence and History recorded at the time of the Messenger. It was recorded for this very reason.

The OP is about what is Evidence and that what is provided as evidence, is valid evidence.

It's not about if people agree with the given evidence, it is about understanding that it is valid evidence.

Regards Tony


May God's Will be Done
Premium Member
Look after #1 ... wrong!
Look after family first and then me.
I don't need to submit to be good to all humanity

You submit for the good of your family, great, well done, that is wonderful. We can choose to submit for the entire human family.

Regards Tony

Ella S.

Well-Known Member
Luckily we have a more recent Messenger to condisder the given evidence and History recorded at the time of the Messenger. It was recorded for this very reason.

The OP is about what is Evidence and that what is provided as evidence, is valid evidence.

It's not about if people agree with the given evidence, it is about understanding that it is valid evidence.

Regards Tony

It isn't valid evidence. It wouldn't even be accepted as admissible evidence in a court of law, which has a lower barrier of evidence than history or science.

It's also not valid evidence for the existence of God, because the existence of God is a claim about the nature of reality, not what occurred in the past. The only kind of evidence that's valid evidence for a claim of that character is empirical, scientific evidence.

What you have provided simply isn't evidence. At best, they're claims.


Veteran Member
You submit for the good of your family, great, well done, that is wonderful. We can choose to submit for the entire human family.

Regards Tony
The third line of my response was addressing that issue.

You are obviously a kind and spiritual person, but you do not need religion or spirituality to be so; you have chosen that ... which is good, I have chosen a different path

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Luckily we have a more recent Messenger to condisder the given evidence and History recorded at the time of the Messenger. It was recorded for this very reason.

The OP is about what is Evidence and that what is provided as evidence, is valid evidence.

It's not about if people agree with the given evidence, it is about understanding that it is valid evidence.

Regards Tony
And you have not shown any of your claims to be evidence yet.


Well-Known Member
Values are natural, whether they are precise for certain aspects is down to personal belief. What may be precise here on earth may in fact be far from precise elsewhere.

But the fact remains that the quantum realm is chaotic and the universe is pulled every which way by trillions of gravity points.

Quantum theory may point to what has been described as a certain irreducible lawlessness in nature. However, one of the principle features of the theory is that it’s fundamental laws can be expressed in terms of a wave function which, as described by Schrodinger’s equation, is fully deterministic.

The question of the role gravity plays in the formation of galaxies in an expanding universe, leads inevitably to further consideration of fine tuning, in the sense of cosmological constants, critical density etc. That this force, which is very weak but apparently infinite in it’s influence, has caused the slightest deviations in the uniformity of an isotropically expanding universe to form galaxies, stars, supernovae and black holes, appears so incredibly improbable as to merit the word miraculous; I know you don’t believe in miracles, but it’s extremely difficult to avoid the conclusion that, if we use the term merely to describe an improbability so vast as to be a statistical irrelevance, we are living in one.


Well-Known Member
Human nature being what it is, if we found undisputable evidence for God then we would likely stop searching. God isn't lost, he is so obvious its blinding!

And no matter how far the finite goes in discovering the infinite, there will always be more to discover!


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
In your personal opinion...

However such evidence would not be considered falsifiable nor stand up in q court of law

Any evidence would have to be observable but since God is not an observable phenomena the assumption is that no evidence means no God.

But we are like the painting trying to prove the existence of the painter which can never be proven because the painter is not in the painting but separate from it. So if a search was conducted in all the lands and universes of the painting no God would be found.

But the fact the painting exists is evidence of the painter. We are the evidence.

God Incarnate and the New Atheists

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Any evidence would have to be observable but since God is not an observable phenomena the assumption is that no evidence means no God.

But we are like the painting trying to prove the existence of the painter which can never be proven because the painter is not in the painting but separate from it. So if a search was conducted in all the lands and universes of the painting no God would be found.

But the fact the painting exists is evidence of the painter. We are the evidence.

God Incarnate and the New Atheists
No, people are not making that assumption. Most atheists lack a belief in God because there is a lack of evidence for any God. That is not the same as assuming that God does not exist.

And no, we are not the evidence since it appears that there is no need for a God that anyone as demonstrated for us to be here. You are making the error of assuming the antecedent.


Well-Known Member
This OP is to finalise once and for all what is Evidence of God. After this OP there will be no need for anyone to demand evidence, as it will have been provided.


This OP is applicable to all Faiths Moses and Torah, Jesus New Testament, Muhammad Koran, etc), but I will use what has been offered in the Bahai writings.

Wait are you going to use "it's true because it says so"????

So Evidence of the Hidden God.

"He Who is everlastingly hidden from the eyes of men can never be known except through His Manifestation, and His Manifestation can adduce no greater proof of the truth of His Mission than the proof of His own Person." Gleanings from the Writings of Baha'u'llah

OMG, you are? It says he is the manifestation, that is the proof?????? The proof is a guy?

After the Manifestations have left the earth, the Word remains as the proof

"Say: The first and foremost testimony establishing His truth is His own Self. Next to this testimony is His Revelation. For whoso faileth to recognize either the one or the other He hath established the words He hath revealed as proof of His reality and truth. This is, verily, an evidence of His tender mercy unto men. He hath endowed every soul with the capacity to recognize the signs of God. How could He, otherwise, have fulfilled His testimony unto men, if ye be of them that ponder His Cause in their hearts. He will never deal unjustly with any one, neither will He task a soul beyond its power. He, verily, is the Compassionate, the All-Merciful." Gleanings from the Writings of Baha'u'llah

Yes people are their "own self". Not evidence.

Yes revelations are a common claim. Like others these have nothing new, nothing a human couldn't come up with using theology and knowledge of the time. These do however have no philosophical density at all and literally completely wrong science. Every science mention is incorrect.

Mercy, compassion and being just are not then or ever, evidence of a supernatural being sending messages to this person.

So the trial begins, the evidence is already boxed, the defendant/s stand in front of all Humanity

So what can be provided are the links to all the proof given by the Manifestations (defendants).

The person of the Manifestation is one line of evidence, Character references are available.

The Guidence/Wrirings given by them is the other line of Evidence left, that can be linked.

That is all the defendant will give as proof of God.

Now the key here is, we all get to be the jury and the judge. The Manifestations will individually submit to your verdict, so the burden of Justice now falls upon each individual.

Regards Tony

I've read much of his writings. The philosophy is literally child like. Could you link to anything that demonstrates a knowledge of any philosophy. This would not demonstrate divinity because if you read some similar philosophers from this time period you will see they are an infinite level above these writings. Read some Kant and Nietzsche .

I think I've seen all the science. It's literally all incorrect. He doesn't understand humans evolved and still are in the animal Kingdom, never mind primate Order. Thinks the ether is a thing. So did scientists of that time. So he's using science of the day. Not getting divine messages about science.
Is there a summary of all the science he talks about in case I missed something?

This is not evidence. Even if he were a great philosopher. Kant wasn't claiming divine messages. Even if he used intuition to predict science
Epicurus predicted 22 big scientific discoveries without help from Yahweh.
These are claims. Like Joe Smith, Muhammad, Paul, Prince Arjuna, current Jesus in Australia and Scientology and its claims about an alien race seeding humanity during an intergalactic war or something.

Do you know what evidence is?
Jehovah's Witnesses use the same level of evidence (writings of a guy) to show the world is soon ending and all non-JW are going straight to hell, no exceptions. The rapture is on it's way and they have evidence.

Even worse, Bahai get to CHOOSE the criteria by which he is judged?????? Since he was - nice guy, compassionate, wrote a lot, the things that he WAS in life? They take those normal person things and say that is the evidence?????? This is made up whole-cloth?


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
Quantum theory may point to what has been described as a certain irreducible lawlessness in nature. However, one of the principle features of the theory is that it’s fundamental laws can be expressed in terms of a wave function which, as described by Schrodinger’s equation, is fully deterministic.

The question of the role gravity plays in the formation of galaxies in an expanding universe, leads inevitably to further consideration of fine tuning, in the sense of cosmological constants, critical density etc. That this force, which is very weak but apparently infinite in it’s influence, has caused the slightest deviations in the uniformity of an isotropically expanding universe to form galaxies, stars, supernovae and black holes, appears so incredibly improbable as to merit the word miraculous; I know you don’t believe in miracles, but it’s extremely difficult to avoid the conclusion that, if we use the term merely to describe an improbability so vast as to be a statistical irrelevance, we are living in one.

Take a look at the simple double slit experiment. Can anyone determine where the next particle will strike the target?

As you say gravity although a weak force is infinite in it's effect. So we have.trillions of objects each in motion, and each having an effect on the motion of every other object.

As a local example of the result our moon is slowly but inexorably moving away from the earth.

As another example, galaxies are in general moving away from each other. Yet the Andromeda galaxy will collide with out galaxy in around 5 million years.

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Suddenly, one or more of the physical senses begins to apprehend a movement or a crash or an aroma. Something has become evident to the senses, and that makes it evidence, evidence being the noun form of the adjective evident. The brain then automatically begins telling us what this apprehension says about our reality and how we feel about it. This is evidence becoming evidence of - the interpretation stage. I hear a sound. Next, I recognize it as the doorbell. Next I interpret to mean that somebody is at the door summoning me. I open the door and see a face. The brain tells me whose based on prior experience and memory. It's the landlord. The brain reminds me that the rent is due, then that I don't have the money, and then tells me how to feel about that - a little apprehensive, perhaps. Then come the tentative predictions of what comes next. The formal definition of evidence states that it is knowledge that makes a given proposition more or less likely to be the case about reality (evidence for and evidence against).

what is Evidence of God. After this OP there will be no need for anyone to demand evidence, as it will have been provided.

Evidence of God would be an apprehension best understood as a manifestation of a supernatural sentient agent. The Baha'i offer the biography and words of people claiming to be channeling a god as defined here. You look at those words and see a god. I look at them and see words anybody could have written. I am certain that I could write words that you could not distinguish from those you think come from a god. So could many others, it seems.

Others offer different evidence, but it is also not evidence of a god, but rather, evidence that people believe in such a thing and hope to make others believe the same. Some point to reality and say, see - there's God. They point to a living cell. One RF poster used to like to post galleries of pretty pictures of flowers and animals as evidence of a god. Some claim that moral intuitions and moral behavior require that a god exist for that to be possible. Then come the logical arguments which include some self-proclaimed proofs from the Middle Ages as well as the fine tuning argument already mentioned in this thread.

None of these convince the competent critical thinker, even those who call themselves theists. They understand the evidence doesn't support their belief. Some have said so on these threads. If they believe, it is by faith, not through evidence.

Critical thinking can be understood as the science of evaluating evidence using reason to arrive at sound conclusions about what is true, what actually exists and can be found. We all do it to some degree every hour of every day, as when we correctly interpret the significance of a red traffic signal, but to do it well in all settings is an acquired skill, one typically only developed through a university education, and even then, most graduates are unfamiliar with many of the logical fallacies.

Incidentally, who is asking you for evidence of gods? The request, if made, is a rhetorical device by somebody who knows that you have no evidence that would convince him. How could you if he lives in the same world and has eyes and an analytical mind? If you had it, he would already have it, too. I've gotten out of the habit of asking that rhetorical device and just making my position plainly and directly - you don't have evidence for your beliefs that would convince me.

If they disagree, they can offer something and I can tell them why it doesn't support their belief as I just did regarding messages from self-proclaimed messengers of an alleged god. You needn't show me any more words from your book. Asking for evidence rhetorically just gets one another boatload of quotations in fey language to evoke otherworldliness with a lot of ye's and thou hasts - deepities, as Dennett calls such vapid pronouncements

God provides the Messenger, the Revelation and the Word to each and every individual to be the judge of that evidence, which we have to pursue individually.

Done. What else do you have?

That is the proof God gives, the signs of that proof are found in all of creation, in many varied ways.

Here's where a better understanding of logical fallacy would serve you. This is a circular argument. You wouldn't make it or believe it if you understood that. You assume what you're trying to prove. Change those words and make them fallacy-free: "These are the signs (evidence) that we interpret as evidence of a god" rather than "God gave us these signs of Himself"

The Word of God becomes the standard required for humanity to implement in their daily lives, it makes us, or breaks us, it is creative, not fictional.

The evidence contradicts you. Man's greatest progress comes whenever he puts his gods aside and turns to his own senses and mind for answers. That's true on a large scale as with the Enlightenment, which catapulted man from the intellectual dungeons of the Middle Ages to modernity, as well as an individual level. That describes my personal journey out of religion to an atheistic, humanistic worldview. That was a winner. I have navigated reality as if it were godless, and arrived at my desired destination - a state of wellbeing, both hedonic (comfort) and eudaimonic (purpose).

You have a pretty tough sell trying to convince somebody with such experience that he made a mistake and to return to "God" as his standard. What I see on these threads is the price some pay for that choice. Yes, it makes or breaks them. I see a lot of breakage. I see posters aimlessly wandering the halls of the forum in defense of their beliefs, starting thread after thread arguing for gods or against atheists or science (does anybody else use the word scientism?).


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
OK, as expected the naysayers are here about what constitutes evidence. I am not going to address these one on one, pure waste of time.

Evidence of an artist is the artwork.

Evidence of an inventor, is the invention.

Evidence from a crafts persons is the craft created.

The quality of the artwork, invention or crated object attests to the quality of the artist, inventor or craftspersons. The works contain the essence of their trade.

Evidence of a Messenger is that a Message is given. The Quality of that Message determines the quality of the Messenger, the Message contains the essence of the Messenger.

God is only defined by the Messengers.

Not everyone will look at the evidence provided, that in no way negates that the evidence is provided, to say it is not provided is paramount to a denial of Justice.

Regards Tony
I'm not sure if you realize that you contradicted yourself. On the one hand, you said this, implying that evidence for God should be all around us:

Evidence of an artist is the artwork.

Evidence of an inventor, is the invention.

Evidence from a crafts persons is the craft created.

Then you said this, implying that evidence isn't all around us except for "Messengers":

God is only defined by the Messengers.

You've seen your arguments for God based on how wonderful - in your view - Baha'u'llah is fail over and over. If the first part of what you said is true, there should be all sorts of arguments for God you could make based on empirical evidence in the natural world; why don't you ever use them?

Ella S.

Well-Known Member
Any evidence would have to be observable but since God is not an observable phenomena the assumption is that no evidence means no God.

But we are like the painting trying to prove the existence of the painter which can never be proven because the painter is not in the painting but separate from it. So if a search was conducted in all the lands and universes of the painting no God would be found.

But the fact the painting exists is evidence of the painter. We are the evidence.

God Incarnate and the New Atheists

In such a scenario, the people within the painting would therefore have no rational reason to believe in the existence of a painter. Even if their beliefs are true, they are not justified.

Since we do not have access to the full picture like the people in the painting, then, whether there is a God or not, it is still unjustified to believe in one or claim that it exists. All we can do is form our beliefs with proper justification and be willing to change them when a contradictory belief demonstrates itself to be more justified.

I get that that's frustrating, but we simply can't tell the difference between a true unfalsifiable claim and a false one. It's not justified to assume that our unfalsifiable beliefs are correct.
Last edited:


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
This evidence can be tested in the heart of every fair minded observer.

No, it csnnot be testedin the heart of anyone. The heart is a muscle without the capacity to form opinions about the validity of evidence. And a person's say so does not count as evidence

Any evidence would have to be observable but since God is not an observable phenomena the assumption is that no evidence means no God.

Tricky eh!

But we are like the painting trying to prove the existence of the painter which can never be proven because the painter is not in the painting but separate from it.

So where is the painting assumed to be painted by god? I've seen plenty of paintings of what human artists assume to be god, but never any produced by god


Well-Known Member
Take a look at the simple double slit experiment. Can anyone determine where the next particle will strike the target?

As you say gravity although a weak force is infinite in it's effect. So we have.trillions of objects each in motion, and each having an effect on the motion of every other object.

As a local example of the result our moon is slowly but inexorably moving away from the earth.

As another example, galaxies are in general moving away from each other. Yet the Andromeda galaxy will collide with out galaxy in around 5 million years.

And all these things fill me with awe and wonder, and gratitude for the miracle of life.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Methinks you need to do some study on recent findings on entropy.

Here is a starter...
Thermodynamic Origin of Life
Methinks you're confusing the existence of entropy
states in thermodynamic & heat transfer processes
with entropy being the driving factor. Enthalpy exists
too, but because it's not a fashionable term, no one
seizes upon it as creating the universe.

Your linked screed could describe what it does
without ever even mentioning "entropy". Alas, the
term has become fashionable in creationist-v-
evolutionist arguments, latching onto theories about
information & disorder. Ignore those poorly understood
(by the masses) ideas about statistical mechanics.
You don't even need classical thermodynamics to
understand life's origin & development. Just chemistry
& energy sources, eg, sunlight.
Last edited:


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
You don't even need classical thermodynamics to
understand life's origin & development. Just chemistry
& energy sources, eg, sunlight.

It seems you do, entropy has to increase enough for life to form.

As explained in the paper.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
It seems you do, entropy has to increase enough for life to form.

As explained in the paper.
Your paper doesn't say what you claim.
Life doesn't need entropy to increase.
Nay, an open system that's life-friendly
can even have decreasing entropy.
For example....
Imagine a planet that's experiencing net
energy input, ie, what's radiated into space
is less than what it receives from its sun.
Entropy is decreasing.
All it needs is the right chemistry & plenty
of available energy (eg, sunlight, geothermal)
for life to arise.

The planet's entropy state change is irrelevant.
It's enthalpy state is irrelevant. Those are just
values that happen in a thermodynamic system.
What matters to life?
Chemistry & energy input.