It sounded like you were saying certain things (like intelligent life) aren't possible without an intelligent designer. Yet your so called "original" intelligence had no designer of his own. He/she is just there.
Sounds like a contradiction.
That is why it seems logical to me that ORIGINALLY, intelligence and design increased directly together -and are essentially the same thing -everything IS intelligent design.
Certain types or levels of intelligence are made possible by their design.
Certain types or levels of design are made possible by intelligence.
We are not original. We are a product of some sort of designer -simply because we are of some sort of design by some sort of process we did not originate -but we do not understand our designer. An intelligence similar to ours is not immediately apparent -so it seems that one was not necessary.
For the original designer -that which designated everything would be as it is now -to not require a designer, it must have been self-designing.
That is essentially what is believed about the Big Bang -but the specific nature, complexity and potential of the Big Bang indicates that it was not the very beginning of all things -not the most simple state possible.
It indicates that it was designed somehow -designated to produce what is from that which was.
That seems logical to me, anyway.
An original intelligence would have "always" existed -but not in its present state.
Intelligence is something that develops -as is design.
The most simple state of everything must have been somewhat complex -a most simple intelligence capable of design -and a most simple design capable of intelligence -being one in the same and increasing in complexity, capability, definition, etc...
Technically, that which we are made of has always existed -though not in its present state -but we are not original. The original is everything -and we are only a part of everything. The original first became that which came before us -and we are part of what the original became. We are made in the image and likeness of the original. He is spirit -(pre- or non-elemental) and we are presently flesh (elemental).
(While -in some respects -the elements allow for OUR capabilities, they are also the source of our limitations. Though they are somewhat subject to us, we are also made of them and are more subject to them. They will exist when we no longer exist as an arrangement of them -or within an arrangement of them.)
If it seems that I am saying that God could have "evolved", that is correct -but not the sort of evolution based on the elements. Design and intelligence evolve.
Direct scriptural quotes from God actually support the idea.
God says that he is all that was -and all that will be -THE beginning AND the end.
God says "I AM THAT I AM" -but also says.....
Isaiah 33:10 Now will I rise, saith the LORD; now will I be exalted; now will I lift up myself