Darwinism=!Neo-Darwinian models. Darwin also knew nothing about genetics which is now one of if not the biggest contributor to evolutionary biology. And yes, continually fills in gaps of our knowledge which creationists insist are still there, to make room for their straw manning of evolution to 'evolution must be like what Darwin thought it was or it doesn't work.'
Actually we have quite a bit more examples of transitions (especially when you add in genetic markers) but I'm not willing to argue creationist goal post shifting on what is 'transitional forms' for the next month, or be forced to limit talking about evolution to what creationists know about paleontology (or paleontology from 50 or more years ago). Take it up with the TalkOrigins transitional forms page.
My point has already been made. The discovery of PE doesn't lend any sort of credence to creationism, and it can not honestly be considered a 'creationist idea' when PE is also rejected by creationists as much as gradualism is. PE also doesn't remove gradualism but adds the concept of gradualistic tempo, and even the founding figures of PE like Gould was pretty conservative in his estimates of how much it impacts neo-Darwinian models.
Sure, I also don't really want to get mired in semantics of what characterizes 'transitional' or 'gradual' .. but the fossil record certainly did not satisfy Darwinian predictions as hoped, creationists and PE advocates agree on this, and even a staunch classical Darwinist like Dawkins notes 'it's as though they were just planted there with no evolutionary history'
I agree with Darwin, that yes, kinda the predictions of smooth transitions
were fundamental to the entire theory of evolution, the shorter the window- the more improbable the millions of significant lucky accidents that have to take place during that time. It doesn't exactly kill off Darwinism- and off course people will come up with work-arounds, but it certainly doesn't help the case does it? , Point being, that it's the goalposts of evolution that are shifting by necessity here, not creationism.
David Raup- curator and Dean at the Chicago Field Museum, defined evolution as simply change over time, which incorporates Genesis as much as Darwinism
Genetics are another matter- whenever the fundamental flaws in the fossil record are pointed out- 'it doesn't matter, because we have genetics'.... and vice versa...
two inadequate sets of evidence do not make a whole one, if anything I'd say the problems in each compound one another