A variation of what, exactly.
I really don't see what's difficult to understand about the sentence: "everything produces a variation of what IT IS". The answer to your question is LITERALLY in the statement. IT. IT produces variations on what IT is, IT being the living organism that reproduces.
You can theorize all you want to, but what is the evidence???
The fact that living organisms reproduce variations of themselves is pretty conclusive proof that living things reproduction variations of themselves. Pretty cut and dried, really. Do you contest that?
You say "elephants and snakes are both variations on living organisms that came before them", which is the same thing as saying "living organisms that ere neither elephants or snakes gave rise to elephants and snakes".
Actually, no it isn't. It is more accurate to say "living things that weren't elephants or snakes - but belonged to a phenotype in which both elephants and snakes are variations within (i.e: vertebrates) - gave rise to snakes and elephants that were a variation on what it was".
That is pure speculation...I only see elephants producing elephants, so why do I need to conclude that the elephants of today came from a non-elephant of yesterday?
Why why why???
Because it's where every piece of available evidence indicates. Here are the facts of the case:
1) All living things on earth are the result of reproduction. No other known mechanism exists which can produce living organisms currently, although abiogenesis may explain how the initial life formed this has little bearing on what we observe in nature today - which is natural reproduction only.
2) All living things that reproduce do so with natural variations and mutations. These mutations can vary from producing subtle to significant changes in offspring in a seemingly endless variety of ways.
3) These mutations are naturally selected for or against depending on environmental attrition, and over time and through countless generational propagation this can and does result in significant changes in populations over time - even to the extent of two populations of the same species diverging over time until they can no longer interbreed, as in ring species.
4) No known mechanism exists which prevents these mutations from occuring or building up beyond a certain level.
5) The fossil record shows a clear pattern of divergence over time from simple life forms to more complex life forms as we ascend the geological strata. We see, in the fossil record, species diversifying and transitional fossils being dated in such a way that fit perfectly with evolutionary predictions. If evolution weren't true, we simply would not (or, in fact, COULD not) see this kind of pattern forming in the fossil record. It simply makes no sense to see this kind of formation otherwise.
6) Analysis of human and animal DNA show tremendous similarities that diverge as we get further from our genetic ancestors as predicted by evolutionary theory. That is, our genes are closer to our supposed evolutionary relatives than they are to our further evolutionary relatives. Not to mention ERVs which reoccur in very specific regions in human and ape DNA, for which the only reasonable explanation can be that humans and apes share a common genetic ancestor.
Like them or not, those are the FACTS as relate to evolution. So far, all I have seen you do is dismiss them offhand without any appeal to facts or any understanding of the findings themselves. Denial does not change what these facts are or what they indicate. If you don't accept them, fine, but you do not do so because you are more informed or honest or any of the other reasons you delude yourself into accepting. You do it because your prior assumptions about human ancestry are more important to you than the reality, and your inability to reconcile your beliefs with these facts means that you cannot allow yourself to objectively verify them or understand them for yourself. That's your problem - not the problem of science.
The difference is "reproducing a variation of what you are" would be why there are so many varieties within the dog "kind". That is an example of "reproducing a variation of what you are". You seem to think that the common ancestor of the snake and elephant is an example of the organism which produced both of those "kinds" would be an example of "reproducing a variation of what you are".
Because it is. Both elephants and snakes are vertebrates, ergo the common ancestor of both was a vertebrate producing vertebrates.
I object to that faulty reasoning, since it CONTRADICTS experiment and every day observation, which is no matter how many experiments you want to conduct involving animal reproduction, and no matter how many observations you observe after an animal gives birth, it will always be limited to its own kind...and I see absolutely no reason to think otherwise, not in a million years, or not in a billion years.
I've explained this to you countless times, and you still don't understand it. You're unable to define "kind" so you cannot make any claims whatsoever about "kind" being the reproductive limit. If "vertebrates" can be said to be a kind, then a vertebrate producing more vertebrates is perfectly sound, and that is all that is required for evolution to occur. Both snakes and elephants are variations within the "vertebrate" kind. Problem solved.
The bible says that God said God made all animals and they all reproduced "within their kind"......which simply means that dogs produce dogs, cats produce cats, turtles produce turtles. There hasnt been one exception to this rule as of yet, yet you believe that million of years ago when no one was around to see it, and a million years from now when no one living today will be around to see it, that this kind of crap happens.
Sorry, Charlie...but I ain't buying it.
The fact that, despite having it explained to you on so many occaisions, you still don't understand why "dogs produce dogs and cats produce cats" ISN'T a successful refutation of evolutionary biology really indicates that the only reason you "aren't buying it" is because you lack the required intellectual purchase.
Also, you failed to answer my question yet again. Is it really so difficult to type "yes" or "no"?