I'd have to say that "evolution" exists (and so what is known is obviously logical), but cannot be credited with causing life to exist -if for no other reason than something else caused what we call evolution to exist -even if there was no creative influence from what we call the Big Bang until the emergence of life. It would have been inevitable, so it would have been initiated long before.
Correct. The emergence of life is under the domain of chemical evolution, while evolution, as we talk about here, is really biological evolution. Two different systems. Two different theories. Just like Big Bang or stellar nucleosynthesis are different theories, but have a lot in common.
I'd also have to say that it is more logical to conclude that there is an intelligence behind all that we see than to conclude that life was a series of fortunate accidents.
Perhaps the totality of things, life, world, matter is intelligent in itself, not just behind it, but part of it?
So.... If the definition of evolution did not allow for a creator, I'd have to say it would not be logical.
It does allow for a God. There's some 8% (if I remember the numbers I saw recently in some other post) of scientists who believe some form of God or intelligence is behind evolution. Personally, I don't think we can understand such an intelligence, so we might never really know for sure if there is or isn't. But as of now, evolution is true. It is as true as gravity, but no one is questioning if God exists or not because of natural gravity pulling you to stay on Earth.