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Evolution, maybe someone can explain?


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
This is just proof that they are not to be considered reliable about anything that concerns science and belief in God.

Personal Insult is a tool of weak people
OK, so according to what I have read here by believers in evolution is that humans are fish. So how is it insulting to call someone a fish or an ape? Yes, ok, conversation is over I hope.


Well-Known Member
Are you sure that this ancestor sharing is 100% established objective truth? Just out of curiosity/.
The DNA analysis would be more than adequate for any relationship brought to trial if it were a legal case. Beyond that nothing is ever absolutely sure, this is about at the level of the sun rising tomorrow which might not happen. We might be wrong and there really are pixies in charge of gravity and they could go on strike.

oh and there is all the other evidence that had already come to this conclusion long before anyone had even heard of DNA.
At this point, without massive evidence to the contrary, it is established, but you are free to look for any evidence and present it and we will evaluate it.


Premium Member
Sure. Like saying someone you have affection for is an ape can be interpreted as insulting...but why, according to the science? After all, don't you believe you are an ape, your mother is an ape, I am an ape, and so forth?
All primates are evolved primates.


Premium Member
OK, so according to what I have read here by believers in evolution is that humans are fish. So how is it insulting to call someone a fish or an ape? Yes, ok, conversation is over I hope.
Sounds like you are reading Science Fiction about Fish people from another solar system. No, on this planet humans evolved from fish.
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Χριστός ἀνέστη
Some who believe that the theory of evolution is true beyond doubt also believe in unseen beings, whether they are angels, God, gods, or dead persons speaking to them. I do wonder since evolutionists lean on what they believe is evidence supporting the theory, those same persons may also believe in God and/or unseen spirits, even those of the dead. So when someone who believes that the theory of evolution is true because of what they consider as evidence, the same idea should be applied to other beliefs as well.
Yes , but as i explained they are different categories and not all evidence has same face value.

Especially among those believing the theory of evolution and God plus unseen spirits. Why not?
Further, I no longer believe the evidence brought forth to say that the theory of evolution is valid.
You need to present alternative and not some wo-doo non-sense.

Because yes, too much is left out from the theory, including the 'in-betweens.'
But that is based on every piece of evidence that we have.We are not God to know everything , remember.
But we learn to know more with time and we are gratefull for it.

There really is no support other than fossils. Nothing to show fish literally evolved to land dwellers and then apes and humans.
That is because you expect a video of years and years of procces.
And you don't understand the enviourment by which fossils are being preserved.

So why not question those who accept evolution as true if they also believe in prayer as justifiable
You can , but it seems that every time when you do that it ends up with you knowing the answer before asking the question.

, prayer perhaps to saints
False, we don't pray to Saints.

You don't understand Orthodoxy , it is much more komplex then you can imagine.

, communicating with dead persons -- so -- the subject of evidence does not just stay with evolution. If someone does not believe in God or unseen spirits there would be no reason to ask for justification since they do not believe there is evidence of God. Yes, I think it's pertinent.
The difference between me and you is the word 'spirits'.

I belive in one Spirit that is within all of us.

You should check the biblical narrative about Spirit and come back here.
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Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
This is just proof that they are not to be considered reliable about anything that concerns science and belief in God.

Personal Insult is a tool of weak people
Not everyone's interpretation of insult is the same.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Yes , but as i explained they are different categories and not all evidence has same face value.

You need to present alternative and not some wo-doo non-sense.

But that is based on every peace of evidence that we have.We are not God to know everything , remember.
But we learn to know more with time and we are gratefull for it.

That is because you expect a video of years and years of procces.
And you don't understand the enviourment by which fossils are being preserved.

You can , but it seems that every time when you do that it ends up with you knowing the answer before asking the questio .

False, we don't pray to Saints.

You don't understand Orthodoxy , it is much more komplex then you can imagine.

The difference between me and you is the word 'spirits'.

I belive in one Spirit that is within all of us.

You should check the biblical narrative about Spirit and come back here.
According to definitions, many do pray to saints. Intercession of saints - Wikipedia
#:~:text=The%20doctrine%20is%20held%20by,%2DCatholic%20churchmanship%2C%20respectively). If you don't agree, that's your opinion, the question really is what evidence is there that saints hear those prayers? And now I'm wondering about the Pope...he says evolution is true, I think, and believes what scientists say about it. People speak about evidence of evolution. What about prayer to saints or God? What evidence is there that saints or God hears and answers prayers?


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Yes , but as i explained they are different categories and not all evidence has same face value.

You need to present alternative and not some wo-doo non-sense.

But that is based on every peace of evidence that we have.We are not God to know everything , remember.
But we learn to know more with time and we are gratefull for it.

That is because you expect a video of years and years of procces.
And you don't understand the enviourment by which fossils are being preserved.

You can , but it seems that every time when you do that it ends up with you knowing the answer before asking the questio .

False, we don't pray to Saints.

You don't understand Orthodoxy , it is much more komplex then you can imagine.

The difference between me and you is the word 'spirits'.

I belive in one Spirit that is within all of us.

You should check the biblical narrative about Spirit and come back here.
What evidence do you have about the one "Spirit" within all of us?


Χριστός ἀνέστη
According to definitions, many do pray to saints. Intercession of saints - Wikipedia
#:~:text=The%20doctrine%20is%20held%20by,%2DCatholic%20churchmanship%2C%20respectively). If you don't agree, that's your opinion, the question really is what evidence is there that saints hear those prayers? And now I'm wondering about the Pope...he says evolution is true, I think, and believes what scientists say about it. People speak about evidence of evolution. What about prayer to saints or God? What evidence is there that saints or God hears and answers prayers?
No , it's not my opinion , it is Orthodox position world-wide.
Other people interpretation don't concern us , we just write an answer everytime Orthodox is being mentioned.
Just as scientist do when someone publishes something about science.

We don't pray to saints,that's the end of the discussion,there are many books written concerning this matter and if you care to know you can try and find one and read something about it.

But no , you will choose to just jump from one point to another as usual.


Χριστός ἀνέστη
OK, so according to what I have read here by believers in evolution is that humans are fish. So how is it insulting to call someone a fish or an ape? Yes, ok, conversation is over I hope.
Long is the road from one to another species.

Ok , so you came from God?
Are you God?

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
If it really happened it didn't happen all at once but rather in numerous steps with each new species less fish like and more like a mammal or reptile.
You know, I realize you don't seem to really know that much about science and much of what you posts comes across as rambling, whacky nonsense to me, but it is heartwarming to see that you agree with the gradual change that is biological evolution.
No... ...I am saying no individual can engage in highly complex activity without understanding through theory. Just as it requires science to create a beehive or a beaver dam it required science for human to create agriculture. Agriculture is orders of magnitude more complex because humans have a more complex language and secondarily because humans are a little more clever.
There is no evidence that science is required for any of that. I think it is the best way to understand it, but not a requirement of origination for any reason.

Your back to those random wild claims with no basis in fact. You seem to like to deliver these sorts of things as if they are revealed truths and you are omniscient.
How do you know what early farmers spoke?
How do you know? You got recordings? You have local newspapers from 14,000 years ago?
Extrapolation right? We just project everything we know about the stinky footed bumpkins who wrote history starting 1200 years after the invention of writing and that's sufficient.
Why do you keep calling early humans names? Do you secretly despise them for some weird reason?
We know language evolves so this is sufficient proof it has always evolved and no amount of evidence can affect this equation.
You don't offer any evidence and the evidence that is available, says they evolved.
It doesn't matter that the same symbols are found in caves all over the world because people mustta spoken proto Latin anyway.
We've all been down this road with you many times. You saw some pictures. You came up with some stories. You appear to have fallen in love with your own stories and seem to feel those stories must now be facts.


Χριστός ἀνέστη
What are the features for those who believe in the theory of evolution as well as God? Do the evidences compare?
Again , each evidence does not have the same value.

Evolution concerns the domain of Science.
God is not locked in the realm of Science.

So 'silly' question again , as usual.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
This is the equivalent to what we call the 'Big-Bang theory'.
So talk me throigh the process that brought light into being when the Big-Bang happend.
It really is not. If a person claims that a God made the universe they bear the burden of proof. As to the Big Bang there is ample evidence for it. And it has been confirmed by the predictions that the theory made. How would you even test the existence of a God? It is very difficult to have proper evidence for a God if you cannot test him.

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
How do you think ancient people suddenly invented agriculture all over the world?
How do you know it was sudden and simultaneously worldwide? What's your evidence?
How would it even be possible to suddenly invent agriculture even in one single place if "Evolution" takes millions and millions of years and only the fit survive rather than the timid?
What? This makes no sense. Other than agriculture being a gradual process that changed with time, the reality of one does not interfere with the reality of the other.
You know I've long believed that human success is principally the result of complex language and that cleverness, the opposable thumb, walking upright, and our inventions have all greased the path.
Probably. Those traits offer fitness advantages.
I'm beginning to reevaluate these beliefs.
I think you should re-evaluate all of your beliefs. We've been trying to help.
Specifically where early homo omnisciencis
No such thing. It doesn't exist anywhere outside of your claims about it.
were apparently far more clever than other animals I'm beginning to suspect we are not.
Some more so than others obviously.
We might be far down from being number one even and we may be dropping fast as animals observe our technology and modern materials.
What do you believe now? Do you think they are just going from 0 to 100 mph instantly on the technology adoption and start building their own civilizations? Wow!
Now there's some Evolution for you.
No. That is just your random, empty claims.
We have created a world where cleverness is punished and weaknesses (characteristic that are less pronounced) are rewarded.
I thought you said that weakness didn't exist.
Soon enough a Handicapper General (...so it goes) will be appointed and only the weak can thrive or be free. We are adapting to this new world but we probably have evolved a might as well.
All I see is rambling to no rational conclusion.
They invented agriculture and cities very suddenly.
Show me. Show anyone. I just see this as more of your belief delivered as revealed truth.
You don't know why or how, I do.
And yet, you cannot explain it, provide evidence or draw any sort of rational conclusion to show anyone you know anything about this.
The answer shows Darwin is wrong about everything and even a termite can understand this.
Except the evidence shows that Darwin was not wrong and who what opinions you think termites have.

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member

Both are relatively "simple" agriculture but they are highly complex relative mere chance occurrence.
In your opinion. Another one that you will likely not be very keen on supporting with any evidence.
I believe we need to recognize other types of science with the most relevant being "Natural Science" which is coming to understand ones' environment through logic and observation rather than experiment and observation.
I don't have any idea what you are talking about and I'm fairly confident it isn't some flaw on my part. Natural science is science as far as I know and I can't imagine you will take the time to explain it as otherwise.

I'm assuming this is more of the same type of thing that you deliver like it is the revealed knowledge of an omniscient being.
This understanding allows the invention (manipulation) of technology within its parameters.
In other words, something you seem to have just made up is supposed to have parameters that will allow bees and beavers to develop and use technology. They haven't so far.
Termites have Termite Science and Humans had Human Science.
I don't know of any termite science. There is no evidence for it. You got any or is it more empty claims supporting empty claims?
One was far more complex because humans had far more complex language to allow the accumulation of knowledge through the generations.
While agriculture is a fairly complex enterprise, early agriculture does not appear to be so complex that it requires the magical explanations you seem to want. Just simply observation, curiosity and a willingness to try something could be the entire basis for its early development.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
No , it's not my opinion , it is Orthodox position world-wide.
Other people interpretation don't concern us , we just write an answer everytime Orthodox is being mentioned.
Just as scientist do when someone publishes something about science.

We don't pray to saints,that's the end of the discussion,there are many books written concerning this matter and if you care to know you can try and find one and read something about it.

But no , you will choose to just jump from one point to another as usual.
That's fine if you want to end the discussion, nevertheless the situation stands. Either there is evidence of saints communicating with the living, or there is not. Orthodoxy, as you mention is not the world's only religion. Obviously some people do pray to Mary.
The following is from a Catholic-based website, "Why Pray to Mary? Because Jesus has given us his Blessed Mother as our great spiritual mother (Rev.12:17), a heavenly advocate who intercedes for us." So now the question is, what evidence is there that Mary hears prayers? Why Pray to Mary? | Catholic Answers
The general question remains, however. What evidence do you offer for the existence of God, since we're centering on evidence of evolution, for God-believing people, what evidence do you say there is for the existence of God?