There is the key - "who disagree with you".
The real key is - 'people who will pretend to know more than they do, misrepresent information provided, and even lie about it in order to prop up their beliefs'.
Like you did in this thread:
The Miracle of Water.
Unwilling to allow that you might be wrong about something, you just went on misrepresenting the material I had provided - all so you would not have to admit error.
Note the flow of events in that thread:
You claim real science is all about interpretations.
I ask:
What is your interpretation of this:
Science 25 October 1991:
Vol. 254. no. 5031, pp. 554 - 558
Gene trees and the origins of inbred strains of mice
WR Atchley and WM Fitch
Extensive data on genetic divergence among 24 inbred strains of mice provide an opportunity to examine the concordance of gene trees and species trees, especially whether structured subsamples of loci give congruent estimates of phylogenetic relationships. Phylogenetic analyses of 144 separate loci reproduce almost exactly the known genealogical relationships among these 24 strains. Partitioning these loci into structured subsets representing loci coding for proteins, the immune system and endogenous viruses give incongruent phylogenetic results. The gene tree based on protein loci provides an accurate picture of the genealogical relationships among strains; however, gene trees based upon immune and viral data show significant deviations from known genealogical affinities.
Your snarky holier-than-thou-even-though-you-have-no-idea-what-the-science-is response:
There is no need for interpretation here. It simply means what it says.
Blah blah blah provide an opportunity to examine the concordance of gene trees and species trees, especially whether structured subsamples of loci give congruent estimates of phylogenetic relationships.
So in my simple way of putting it...
"By looking at this data - data on genetic divergence among 24 inbred strains of mice, we can examine it along with the trees we drew up, and see what they can tell us.
My analysis:
FAIL #1 - misrepresentation of the process of phylogenetic tree reconstruction
The data was used to PRODUCE the trees - the trees are not 'drawn up' first. You really are this clueless about the evidence that you imply sufficient knowledge of to dismiss?
The lineages of those 24 strains of mouse are KNOWN. The methods of reconstructing (not drawing, not guessing, not imagining) those trees were tested using genetic data to see whether these methods would reproduce the known relationships.
Guess you missed that, despite claiming "There is no need for interpretation here. It simply means what it says."
You probably should have stopped there
And your amazing, insightful reply to this - rather than admit you were wrong?
A series of dictionary definitions of a few of the words in my post, in some
lame, desperate attempt to save face.
You didn't even TRY to rebut what I had written, which I explained
Then you ran off.... As usual.