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Evolution of what?


The Lost One
I agree here with one.:

Do not the disbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were a closed-up mass, then We opened them out? And We made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe?"


اَوَلَمۡ یَرَ الَّذِیۡنَ کَفَرُوۡۤا اَنَّ السَّمٰوٰتِ وَالۡاَرۡضَ کَانَتَا رَتۡقًا فَفَتَقۡنٰہُمَا ؕ وَجَعَلۡنَا مِنَ الۡمَآءِ کُلَّ شَیۡءٍ حَیٍّ ؕ اَفَلَا یُؤۡمِنُوۡنَ

Excuse me, but water is inorganic molecules. Water is important, but water cannot make life.

Ever living organisms have always been made of cells, not water.

From unicellular microorganisms (bacteria & archaea) to multicellular organisms (plants, fungi and animals), their cells are comprised of number of biological molecules, but water aren’t those molecules.

Every single cells, have 4 biological macromolecules that exist, and each have certain functions in the cells. These biological macromolecules are:
  1. proteins
  2. nucleic acids (eg RNA, DNA)
  3. carbohydrates
  4. lipids

Water, by itself, cannot “make” living organisms, paarsurrey. Water, by itself, cannot make cells.

Organisms are reproduced - either sexually or asexually. For animals, such as mammal, they require reproductive organs that produce sperms and ovums (unfertilised eggs). A sperm and ovum are cells, known as gamete cells. When the egg is fertilised by the sperm, the two cells fused into single cell, the zygote. Shortly afterward, the zygote undergo a series of cell division, which create more cells, until embryos form. After a period of time, it will have enough cells to form all the tissues for the growing fetus, including all the bones and organs. Eventually a new life is born.

Water don’t have the ability to reproduce.

Clearly, your Qur’an passage show no understanding the difference between water and cells.


Veteran Member
paarsurrey said:
I agree here with one.:

Do not the disbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were a closed-up mass, then We opened them out? And We made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe?"


اَوَلَمۡ یَرَ الَّذِیۡنَ کَفَرُوۡۤا اَنَّ السَّمٰوٰتِ وَالۡاَرۡضَ کَانَتَا رَتۡقًا فَفَتَقۡنٰہُمَا ؕ وَجَعَلۡنَا مِنَ الۡمَآءِ کُلَّ شَیۡءٍ حَیٍّ ؕ اَفَلَا یُؤۡمِنُوۡنَ
Excuse me, but water is inorganic molecules. Water is important, but water cannot make life.

Ever living organisms have always been made of cells, not water.

From unicellular microorganisms (bacteria & archaea) to multicellular organisms (plants, fungi and animals), their cells are comprised of number of biological molecules, but water aren’t those molecules.

Every single cells, have 4 biological macromolecules that exist, and each have certain functions in the cells. These biological macromolecules are:
  1. proteins
  2. nucleic acids (eg RNA, DNA)
  3. carbohydrates
  4. lipids

Water, by itself, cannot “make” living organisms, paarsurrey. Water, by itself, cannot make cells.

Organisms are reproduced - either sexually or asexually. For animals, such as mammal, they require reproductive organs that produce sperms and ovums (unfertilised eggs). A sperm and ovum are cells, known as gamete cells. When the egg is fertilised by the sperm, the two cells fused into single cell, the zygote. Shortly afterward, the zygote undergo a series of cell division, which create more cells, until embryos form. After a period of time, it will have enough cells to form all the tissues for the growing fetus, including all the bones and organs. Eventually a new life is born.

Water don’t have the ability to reproduce.

Clearly, your Qur’an passage show no understanding the difference between water and cells.
Friends @Audie , @Pogo and @ChristineM , please.
" life "

Try living a year without taking water or anything containing water for a year, and then be alive to answer again, please, right?
Will anyone try doing it, right, please??

How much time a human can survive without water?

"Water and life are inseparable. No known living thing can function without water, and there is life wherever there is water on Earth (Rothschild and Mancinelli, 2001). One of the greatest problems of living on land is thus that the air is almost always deadly dry. For example, at equilbrium with air of 50% relative humidity at 20°C, cells have a water content of about 0.1 g H2O g−1 dry mass. This is probably not enough water to surround the proteins and membranes in a cell (Billi and Potts, 2002) and so stops metabolism and kills almost all animals and plants."
Many evolutionists are so obsessed with the idea of a chain of related animals that they forget that the environment around them must have evolved along with or faster than these animals' supposed biological evolution, or else they would not have survived in a hostile environment like the one that suggests a universe in formation.

Why do evolutionists limit their evolutionary theory only to animals, and forget about the environment that also had to be transformed to welcome them upon their "evolutionary" arrival?

For example: when did the water appear in the evolution of the animals? :eek:

I find the evolution of religion interesting.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
paarsurrey said:
I agree here with one.:

Do not the disbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were a closed-up mass, then We opened them out? And We made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe?"


اَوَلَمۡ یَرَ الَّذِیۡنَ کَفَرُوۡۤا اَنَّ السَّمٰوٰتِ وَالۡاَرۡضَ کَانَتَا رَتۡقًا فَفَتَقۡنٰہُمَا ؕ وَجَعَلۡنَا مِنَ الۡمَآءِ کُلَّ شَیۡءٍ حَیٍّ ؕ اَفَلَا یُؤۡمِنُوۡنَ

Friends @Audie , @Pogo and @ChristineM , please.
" life "

Try living a year without taking water or anything containing water for a year, and then be alive to answer again, please, right?
Will anyone try doing it, right, please??

How much time a human can survive without water?

"Water and life are inseparable. No known living thing can function without water, and there is life wherever there is water on Earth (Rothschild and Mancinelli, 2001). One of the greatest problems of living on land is thus that the air is almost always deadly dry. For example, at equilbrium with air of 50% relative humidity at 20°C, cells have a water content of about 0.1 g H2O g−1 dry mass. This is probably not enough water to surround the proteins and membranes in a cell (Billi and Potts, 2002) and so stops metabolism and kills almost all animals and plants."

One needs water to sustain life, water itself is not life.


Veteran Member
Excuse me, but water is inorganic molecules. Water is important, but water cannot make life.

Ever living organisms have always been made of cells, not water.

From unicellular microorganisms (bacteria & archaea) to multicellular organisms (plants, fungi and animals), their cells are comprised of number of biological molecules, but water aren’t those molecules.

Every single cells, have 4 biological macromolecules that exist, and each have certain functions in the cells. These biological macromolecules are:
  1. proteins
  2. nucleic acids (eg RNA, DNA)
  3. carbohydrates
  4. lipids

Water, by itself, cannot “make” living organisms, paarsurrey. Water, by itself, cannot make cells.

Organisms are reproduced - either sexually or asexually. For animals, such as mammal, they require reproductive organs that produce sperms and ovums (unfertilised eggs). A sperm and ovum are cells, known as gamete cells. When the egg is fertilised by the sperm, the two cells fused into single cell, the zygote. Shortly afterward, the zygote undergo a series of cell division, which create more cells, until embryos form. After a period of time, it will have enough cells to form all the tissues for the growing fetus, including all the bones and organs. Eventually a new life is born.

Water don’t have the ability to reproduce.

Clearly, your Qur’an passage show no understanding the difference between water and cells.
We recommend a diet of Evian,
nothing else.


The Lost One
Try living a year without taking water or anything containing water for a year, and then be alive to answer again, please, right?
Will anyone try doing it, right, please??

The Qur’an 21:31 clearly stating life is CREATED FROM water because of the use of the word “MAKE” in the passage you quoted…it is not talking about organisms (eg humans) having to ”DRINK” the water.

there are huge differences between drinking the water and being created from water.

As I said before, water is INORGANIC MOLECULE - comprising of 2 hydrogen atoms bonded to oxygen. That molecule cannot reproduce, to make baby.

For 2 human to have baby, it would 2 different single-cell - ”gametes” - one gamete cell, a sperm from a man, and other gamete cell, an ovum (or unfertilised egg), to fuse together (the fertilising process) into a single cell - the zygote.

A gamete is a cell, not water. Each gamete cell will some types of protein, plus only half of the number of chromosomes, hence 23 chromosomes. Fertilisation will join both gametes’ chromosomes, so a total of 46 chromosomes in a zygote.

proteins and chromosomes are not made out of water, paarsurrey.

you really don’t understand biology.

humans do drink water to hydrate…we all understand that, paarsurrey. Maintaining water level are vital for the survival of our organs, tissues and cells. But you are confusing “drinking the water” with “creating life”.

water don’t create life, nor do water reproduce. Water alone cannot create, nor reproduce life, only cells during reproduction can.

you are misreading and misunderstanding the passage you have quoted.
I see that you still do not know what a religion is.

Unlike you, I don’t seek to define the religions of others for them.

When I am interested in a particular religion, I turn to historiographers and anthropologists who are experts in the field, not random dudes on the internet.

I prefer science.

As everybody knows, science is poetry in motion.

And make note of the violins, which are very important in Catholicism.

That’s science.

Thomas Dolby - She Blinded Me With Science (Official Video - HD Remaster)​

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Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Unlike you, I don’t seek to define the religions of others for them.

When I am interested in a particular religion, I turn to historiographers and anthropologists who are experts in the field, not random dudes on the internet.

I prefer science.

As everybody knows, science is poetry in motion.

And make note of the violins, which are very important in Catholicism.

That’s science.

Thomas Dolby - She Blinded Me With Science (Official Video - HD Remaster)​

The theory of evolution is science. You probably do not understand the sciences very well. You also do not seem to understand the concept of "religion". You tend to use that as a catch all term for various ideas that you do not seem to understand.
The theory of evolution is science. You probably do not understand the sciences very well. You also do not seem to understand the concept of "religion". You tend to use that as a catch all term for various ideas that you do not seem to understand.

The Inquisitionists agreed with you.

So you are not alone.

You’re just a throwback to the time of the Spanish Inquisition, that’s all.

That’s why we are on opposite sides, here.

The Witch Hunt in Cartagena- History of Cartagena​



The Lost One
The Inquisitionists agreed with you.

So you are not alone.

You’re just a throwback to the time of the Spanish Inquisition, that’s all.

That’s why we are on opposite sides, here.

The Witch Hunt in Cartagena- History of Cartagena​

Except it has been the churches that did the witch hunts…as to the Spanish Inquisition, that were the groups among Catholic monarchs and to some extents, the Roman Catholic Church.

But the focus of these types weren’t just focused on alleged witches, they targeted alleged heretics (fellow Christians, but belonging to sects outside Catholicism), Jews and Muslims. Atheists would have been target too, if there were any in Spain.

Hunting “witches” were something that Christians do, not atheists. I have never known any atheists torturing & burning witches.

so, it is really hypocritical to use the Inquisition card on an atheist like @Subduction Zone .
Except it has been the churches that did the witch hunts…as to the Spanish Inquisition, that were the groups among Catholic monarchs and to some extents, the Roman Catholic Church.

But the focus of these types weren’t just focused on alleged witches, they targeted alleged heretics (fellow Christians, but belonging to sects outside Catholicism), Jews and Muslims. Atheists would have been target too, if there were any in Spain.

Hunting “witches” were something that Christians do, not atheists. I have never known any atheists torturing & burning witches.

so, it is really hypocritical to use the Inquisition card on an atheist like @Subduction Zone .

The Spanish Inquisition is not a “card”.

It’s a part of white supremacy.
Except it has been the churches that did the witch hunts…as to the Spanish Inquisition, that were the groups among Catholic monarchs and to some extents, the Roman Catholic Church.

But the focus of these types weren’t just focused on alleged witches, they targeted alleged heretics (fellow Christians, but belonging to sects outside Catholicism), Jews and Muslims. Atheists would have been target too, if there were any in Spain.

Hunting “witches” were something that Christians do, not atheists. I have never known any atheists torturing & burning witches.

so, it is really hypocritical to use the Inquisition card on an atheist like @Subduction Zone .

The Inquisitionists were Idolaters, just like the masters of Cauca who mistreated their slaves.

True Catholicism is about Welcoming the Stranger.

Surely your own culture has figured this out after all these centuries.

Your western culture has had the benefit of centuries of hindsight, so surely you’ve realized this by now as well.

The only arguments that the Inquisitionists have in their favor is their western culture and their whiteness.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
The Inquisitionists were Idolaters, just like the masters of Cauca who mistreated their slaves.

True Catholicism is about Welcoming the Stranger.

Surely your own culture has figured this out after all these centuries.

Your western culture has had the benefit of centuries of hindsight, so surely you’ve realized this by now as well.

The only arguments that the Inquisitionists have in their favor is their western culture and their whiteness.
Wow! Now that post ironically reeks of racism.
Except it has been the churches that did the witch hunts…as to the Spanish Inquisition, that were the groups among Catholic monarchs and to some extents, the Roman Catholic Church.

But the focus of these types weren’t just focused on alleged witches, they targeted alleged heretics (fellow Christians, but belonging to sects outside Catholicism), Jews and Muslims. Atheists would have been target too, if there were any in Spain.

Hunting “witches” were something that Christians do, not atheists. I have never known any atheists torturing & burning witches.

so, it is really hypocritical to use the Inquisition card on an atheist like @Subduction Zone .

Why do some atheists claim that magic is useless?

You know magic can be useful, right?

Atheists attack brujeria and magic all the time.

Have you seriously never seen it?

Atheists have attacked my wife just because she considers herself a bruja.

It’s the New Inquisitionism.

She’s even been accused of cannibalism by new white atheist types.


Be your own guru
Try living a year without taking water or anything containing water for a year, and then be alive to answer again, please, right?
Will anyone try doing it, right, please??
Who said water is not necessary for human life?

"Up to 60% of the human adult body is water
. According to Mitchell and others (1945), the brain and heart are composed of 73% water, and the lungs are about 83% water. The skin contains 64% water, muscles and kidneys are 79%, and even the bones are watery: 31%."
"The body is made up of 50 to 75% water. Water forms the basis of blood, digestive juices, urine and perspiration, and is contained in lean muscle, fat and bones. As the body can't store water, we need fresh supplies every day to make up for losses from the lungs, skin, urine and faeces (poo)."
"For the average 70 kg man, 60% of the total body weight is comprised of water, equaling 42L. The body's fluid separates into two main compartments: Intracellular fluid volume (ICFV) and extracellular fluid volume (ECFV)."
"If you doubt that, then you probably don't comprehend how many water molecules are in your body at any given moment. A 70 kg adult has about 50 kg of water in them. That's over 2700 moles, which is over 160,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 molecules."

How can we make water from human body: By cremating it. The water molecules will evaporate and mix in the atmosphere. You could collect this by passing the fumes through water.
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The Lost One
The Inquisitionists were Idolaters, just like the masters of Cauca who mistreated their slaves.

True Catholicism is about Welcoming the Stranger.

Surely your own culture has figured this out after all these centuries.

Your western culture has had the benefit of centuries of hindsight, so surely you’ve realized this by now as well.

The only arguments that the Inquisitionists have in their favor is their western culture and their whiteness.

Excuse me…

But it weren’t just one inquisition. There were numbers of them, including the one controlled by the popes themselves, the Roman Inquisition. And it werent the Catholics, the Anglicans and Protestants were no better.

There are no such thing as “True Catholicism”, as the orthodoxy of the Pauline church underwent a number of changes.

The original church that began with Jesus’ ministry, were only Christians that were Jews by blood. Then Christianity spread to outside of the sphere of Judaea and Galilee, accepting the “gentiles”. Early Church Fathers popped up in different places, Syria, North Africa (including Egypt), Greece and Rome, during the 2nd century. In eastern Mediterranean, the majority of these Greek-speaking church leaders, while in the west, Latin-speaking church fathers hold sway.

Orthodox - east & west - have already began turning on other Christians, so it weren’t just pagans persecuting Christians, but also sect against other sects, centuries prior to 4th century Constantine. And when Constantine came into power, so the church he favoured. Gnostics weren’t the only victims of the persecution. Jews were persecuted in Spain, during Visigoth rule (5th to 8th centuries).

Like or not, the Inquisitions, in whatever forms or incarnations, were Christian thing, not atheistic.