I'm sorry MysticPhD, but I'm going to have to break down your paragraph/sentence structure, as I am not sure where you stand, or exactly what it is you are proposing. :sorry1:
Unfortunately the insidious default of "No God" unless you prove it . . . is the true wolf pack in "neutral" clothing.
Again, the table is clearly set and controlled by those with the default of "Yes God". Consider:
-- Total human population ~ 7 Billion
-- Human population that believes VEHEMENENTLY in a magical, unprovable, all-knowing being as creator and ruler of the universe ~ 6.5 Billion
-- Human population that is undecided as to God's existence ~ 0.4 billion
-- Population that strongly believes that there is "No God" ~ 0.1 Billion
.....give or take....
? So where again is the pack?
The Discovery Institute fraudulently sought to inject religious Creationism into curricula by misrepresenting the generic ID principle. ID ONLY objects to the usurpation of the default position by evolution theory. Instead of maintaining OPENLY that we "don't know" the source of the design or mutations . . . they mask their ignorance under artificial mathematical jargon . . . like randomness and probability as if that explained it scientifically.
Ah.... I think I see the error that you are proposing, and as considered by many theists/creationists/etc....
Here is the original ID theory. --->
Fleshed out a little more simply at this main site --->
Intelligent Design Network :: Seeking Objectivity in Origins Science
You, they, and many an other theist are forgetting
The Scientific Process. :yes: and the reason that Evolution is still discussed as "a
Science is always open to new information. It is the quintessential core value of all science. The theory of evolution is taught, since
it is the one and only theory that holds up against many thousands and thousands of experiments. Never ONCE failing. If it did fail, EVEN ONCE, then the theory would be torn down and reconstructed around the facts. That is the scientific process, as all elementary and junior high students are taught (whether they grasp it, or have it reinforced by their parents is a different matter).
- Hypothesize ---> Test/experiment ---> re-evaluate and modify hypothesis to fit the facts.
However; the ID objectives (linked above) clearly states....(with more flowery words)....."Gee....evolution is fine and all. But since we cannot reasonably test events that occurred billions of years ago; including the 'moment of creation/big bang' then we must accept that the theory of evolution ain't so hot, since we cannot test/experiment on its hypothesis. Oh well. I guess that means that any old crackpot hypothesis is of equal value to the theory of evolution, since NONE OF THEM can be reasonably tested.....EVER." La Dee Da!
"Oh look! We have a theory! Some all knowing, all seeing force created everything! Now it up to everyone else to prove us wrong." "WHEEEeeeee!"
Of course MysticPhD.....at this point the Spaghetti Monster believers have equal footing to promote their own theories in our schools utilizing the ID system of (il)logic.
There shouldn't even be a conflict. The ignorant will remain ignorant as long as they see science as the enemy of God.
I agree.
If they saw science as the truly neutral arbiter . . . instead of the non-neutral one it deceptively proclaims as neutral . .
:sarcastic Uhhh...OK, you lost me there.
Science IS neutral.
..... The existence of God cannot be disproved nor proved.
Again, I agree.
But science acts AS IF it has just about disproved God for all intents and purposes. THAT is unconscionable arrogance.
Here I vehemenently disagree with you. In the history of humanity, science awoke a few centuries back. It is just now just starting to introduce itself and its logical proofs to a mass of humanity that has (for hundreds of generations) believed whole-heartedly in magic, to a degree that many are willing to kill and die for it. Thus the young entity of
science is
NOT getting a warm welcome to the table. :fight:
It is the old beliefs in magic that,
without any proof, insist that they are correct, simply because they have been around for a much longer period of time. THAT is the unconscionable arrogance. THAT is the wolfpack.