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Experiencing God


Well-Known Member
I think that's a rather arrogant perspective, even within the theistic framework. I don't even attempt that, I give God my attention.
It is obvious to me that you are not referring to that part of my comments that refers to throwing one's pearls to swine, for it was Jesus Himself who cautions us not to do so. And in order to not throw our pearls before swine, it must be necessary to identify the swine. Unless of course you're saying that it is arrogant to believe something that Jesus said. But I don't think so, so I'll move on.

It seems you're referring to that part of my comment where I suggest that one could do something to get God's attention. In your response to me you say that this is arrogant to think that we could do something that should cause God to notice us. But I have to wonder, has God noticed you? You said that you give your attention to God. Do you not think that God notices such things? He says, seek me and you shall find me. How is that? Can not God find us on His own? Does He really need us to seek Him in order for us to find Him?

Jesus said, "If ye love me, keep my commandments. And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever."
(John 14:15-16)

Is this not us doing something that causes God to respond to us?


nolonger active
I think that's a rather arrogant perspective, even within the theistic framework. I don't even attempt that, I give God my attention.

Hi StormReturns and welcome to the message board or welcome back whichever the case may be :) ! "I give God my attention." Could be considered arrogant also :) . Unless of course you are extremely humble before God. Anyway StormReturns, you are going to make things interesting and do not be shy :) .


nolonger active
It is obvious to me that you are not referring to that part of my comments that refers to throwing one's pearls to swine, for it was Jesus Himself who cautions us not to do so. And in order to not throw our pearls before swine, it must be necessary to identify the swine. Unless of course you're saying that it is arrogant to believe something that Jesus said. But I don't think so, so I'll move on.

It seems you're referring to that part of my comment where I suggest that one could do something to get God's attention. In your response to me you say that this is arrogant to think that we could do something that should cause God to notice us. But I have to wonder, has God noticed you? You said that you give your attention to God. Do you not think that God notices such things? He says, seek me and you shall find me. How is that? Can not God find us on His own? Does He really need us to seek Him in order for us to find Him?

Jesus said, "If ye love me, keep my commandments. And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever."
(John 14:15-16)

Is this not us doing something that causes God to respond to us?

Sonofason, is there any chance that it could work both ways? God notices you because you notice Him (or Lord Jesus) or God notices you because He finds you interesting? "Be you hot or cold, if you are luke warm I will spit you out." Hot or cold for God, luke warm and forget it. Maybe :) .


Well-Known Member
Sonofason, is there any chance that it could work both ways? God notices you because you notice Him (or Lord Jesus) or God notices you because He finds you interesting? "Be you hot or cold, if you are luke warm I will spit you out." Hot or cold for God, luke warm and forget it. Maybe :) .

I agree.

But my question in the OP was referring to the actions that members of this forum have taken that they believe has gotten the attention of God. We surely can discuss what God has done to get our attention, and perhaps I should have thought to include that in the OP. But I did not.

I had been accused that my question was one of arrogance, perhaps because I did not allow for those who experience God first, but if it is true that we can do something to get God's attention, then surely the question itself is not an arrogant question. Whether I am arrogant is another matter, but that surely cannot be inferred from my question.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
It is obvious to me that you are not referring to that part of my comments that refers to throwing one's pearls to swine, for it was Jesus Himself who cautions us not to do so. And in order to not throw our pearls before swine, it must be necessary to identify the swine. Unless of course you're saying that it is arrogant to believe something that Jesus said. But I don't think so, so I'll move on.
I think that it's arrogant to agree with Jesus when he's saying arrogant things.

I've noticed a tendency among some theists to "outsource" their negative characteristics to their god: "I'M not saying you deserve to go to Hell and suffer for eternity; GOD is. (... and ignore the fact that I think God is perfect and that I agree with every position I think he holds.)"


Sheppard for the Die Hard
I am. And watch your mouth! You are talking to god. :)
Hey listen lol,
If taking gods name in vain tweaked his gonads, he surely would have chopped mine off by now >.>

But I forgive his travesty with the world so I think we're straight.


Outstanding Member
Hey listen lol,
If taking gods name in vain tweaked his gonads, he surely would have chopped mine off by now >.>

But I forgive his travesty with the world so I think we're straight.

Why are you talking to me in the third person?


Well-Known Member
I think that it's arrogant to agree with Jesus when he's saying arrogant things.

So what? What you think is irrelevant.

I've noticed a tendency among some theists to "outsource" their negative characteristics to their god: "I'M not saying you deserve to go to Hell and suffer for eternity; GOD is. (... and ignore the fact that I think God is perfect and that I agree with every position I think he holds.)"

That's nice.


nolonger active
I agree.

But my question in the OP was referring to the actions that members of this forum have taken that they believe has gotten the attention of God. We surely can discuss what God has done to get our attention, and perhaps I should have thought to include that in the OP. But I did not.

I had been accused that my question was one of arrogance, perhaps because I did not allow for those who experience God first, but if it is true that we can do something to get God's attention, then surely the question itself is not an arrogant question. Whether I am arrogant is another matter, but that surely cannot be inferred from my question.

:) Sonofason, I do admit that you do have your hands full with this topic, but lets face it, whatever you did is getting a lot of viewer interest and member activity :) . So anyway, way too cool! When I was five years old my mother shut the door to my bedroom so that the hall light no longer provided light to my bedroom and I was in the dark. I threw a fit! She told me to pray to God in the name of Jesus Christ to take away my fear of the dark. Up until then I had never heard of God or Jesus Christ. I said the prayer, I had an undescribable experience that affected me for the rest of my life (for sixty years now anyway), and I was never afraid of the dark again. That prayer, which my mother had suggested as a joke on a five year old, changed my whole life. If I had not made that prayer, then my whole life would have been different, and probably not for the best. I have been a Christian mystic for sixty years with the last forty years of it being also a yogi mystic. There has been a lot of rough ups and downs through the years but over all it has been an interesting ride. I wouldn't give any of it up and the thousands and thousands of hours that I spent in meditation has taught me a lot things that are leading to some real interesting realities. Yes I never had a life, but "whoa!", the knowledge was worth it :) . So anyway Sonofason, that is my story :) . Well, at least I got to post one post where I am on topic :) .
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Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member
Are you upset because I don't consider your goosebumps to be an "experience of God"?

Are we allowed to personally define God?

If someone wants to define God as an experience of goosebumps? I suppose I don't see it as a problem. It's only when someone thinks they have an authority to define God for anyone else.

They don't. The importance, I think, is in explaining that they don't have that authority.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Do you think Sonofason is trying to define God as "the experience of goosebumps"? I don't.

My impression was that he's taking the goosebumps as evidence of a god-concept... one generally in line with mainstream Christianity.

Sonofason, is my impression correct?


Relentlessly Rational
Are we allowed to personally define God?

If someone wants to define God as an experience of goosebumps? I suppose I don't see it as a problem. It's only when someone thinks they have an authority to define God for anyone else.

They don't. The importance, I think, is in explaining that they don't have that authority.

That's the problem, anyone can, and everyone does, personally define God because there is no objective God that we can study to find out the actual characteristics. To some, God is the guy who finds their lost car keys. To others, God is something else. Nobody agrees and since there's no reason to think God is real at all, nobody can prove anyone else wrong or themselves right.


Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member
Do you think Sonofason is trying to define God as "the experience of goosebumps"? I don't.

My impression was that he's taking the goosebumps as evidence of a god-concept... one generally in line with mainstream Christianity.

Sonofason, is my impression correct?

Perhaps, but God, the Christian God is being defined according to someone's experience. Paul's, Moses' whoever wrote the gospels...

The only authority the Bible possesses is the authority of those that wrote it. They've define the Christian God according to their personal experiences.

So getting goosebumps supports these other personal experiences which have defined the Christian God?

Sorry, wasn't trying to criticize your post.

So I believe in "God" as the experience of the absence of self. Something I've experienced. However I also have experienced a lot of things Christians claimed to experience. The experiencing of the experience is real. What that experience means is self-determined.

When it comes to my experience of God, I've experienced a lot of contradiction. Both the absence of self and the presence of God. Makes no sense, however knowing this makes the experiences no less real.

The "evidence" offered is testimony. It is not verified or verifiable evidence. My experience of God affects my life. It greatly affects my life. So what? As long as I'm not doing anything to bother you.

There's no verifiable evidence of God. There is testimony and personal experience. I'd like to find something that is verified and validated but I don't think it's going to happen.


Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member
That's the problem, anyone can, and everyone does, personally define God because there is no objective God that we can study to find out the actual characteristics. To some, God is the guy who finds their lost car keys. To others, God is something else. Nobody agrees and since there's no reason to think God is real at all, nobody can prove anyone else wrong or themselves right.

Yes, correct but why is it a problem?

This is the reality, denying it serves no purpose. We personally determine what we experience as God/not God. I'm happy to allow you to define your experiences as you choose.

I wouldn't allow the Bible to define my experiences, some do. I don't expect you to respect the non-validated testimony of my personal experiences. I don't think anyone should have that expectation of any non-validated testimony including that found in the Bible.


Relentlessly Rational
Yes, correct but why is it a problem?

This is the reality, denying it serves no purpose. We personally determine what we experience as God/not God. I'm happy to allow you to define your experiences as you choose.

It's a problem because reality actually matters. We do not personally determine what we experience as God or not God, we are personally responsible for what we THINK we experience, just as we are personally responsible for claims we make about Bigfoot, angels, leprechauns and unicorns. What we experience matters and it represents something on the "reality scale". If you think that it doesn't make a bit of difference what people claim, you're just wrong. The metaphorical drunk doesn't really see pink elephants and it would be foolish to let them think they do. We don't think that the crazy guy on the street corner is really talking to someone else that we just can't see, we seek to get him help because there is something wrong with him. We don't get to define reality as we see fit, especially if we're going to take those definitions out and try to convince others that they are true without any validation whatsoever.

I wouldn't allow the Bible to define my experiences, some do. I don't expect you to respect the non-validated testimony of my personal experiences. I don't think anyone should have that expectation of any non-validated testimony including that found in the Bible.

That's sort of the problem, *YOU* shouldn't accept the non-validated testimony of your personal experiences either! You have no reason whatsoever to take those thoughts seriously. You have no way to verify them, you are just making internal assertions that you cannot test in any rational way. You might be entitled to your own beliefs, nobody has any way of stopping whatever thoughts you have going on in your head, but you are not entitled to your own reality. The second you open your mouth, your beliefs are subject to being challenged and people have an obligation to point out how utterly unsupported they are, even in your own head.