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Faith and Religion: Does Everyone Have To Be The Same?


Earthbending Lemur
Premium Member
Yes, indeed!

We accept them ALL as being legitimate and God-sent, as well as Zorotrianism, the Babi Faith, Sabaeanism, and the Baha'i Faith, as the quote I posted made clear!
How do you reconcile the fact that some of the teachings in each religion are diametrically opposed to other teachings found in other religions? Is it only certain interpretations of these religions that are true-- interpretations that conveniently align all the beliefs?

Bruce said:
Of course, only one at a time can have the latest teachings and laws, but that's always been the case, and even the newest eventually shifts into the line of previous religions as new Divine Revelations come, as they always will.
Well, ok. If one of them has the latest teachings, doesn't it make that religion "more true" than the religions that don't have the latest teachings? And what happened to the teachings that the new teachings replaced-- did they become false as well as outdated? Also, if all is revelation from God, why would it need to change? Why couldn't the correct religion have been given in the first place?


Well-Known Member
Greetings! :)

How do you reconcile the fact that some of the teachings in each religion are diametrically opposed to other teachings found in other religions?

Very simply, as a matter of fact!

I quote from the Baha'i scriptures:

"There can be no doubt whatever that the peoples of the world, of whatever race or religion, derive their inspiration from one heavenly Source, and are the subjects of one God. The difference between the ordinances under which they abide should be attributed to the varying requirements and exigencies of the age in which they were revealed. All of them, except a few which are the outcome of human perversity, were ordained of God, and are a reflection of His Will and Purpose. Arise and, armed with the power of faith, shatter to pieces the gods of your vain imaginings, the sowers of dissension amongst you. Cleave unto that which draweth you together and uniteth you."

—(The Proclamation of Baha'u'llah, p. 114;
also Gleanings, CXI, pp. 217-8)

Best! :)



Well-Known Member
How do you reconcile the fact that some of the teachings in each religion are diametrically opposed to other teachings found in other religions? Is it only certain interpretations of these religions that are true-- interpretations that conveniently align all the beliefs?

The teachings of any religion per se, are not the man made inventions, they are the paths of enlightenment which were left to be followed. These all align in every religion and every base culture before which the religions themselves sprang from.


Well-Known Member
I notice, Stranger, that you totally failed to address my statement about how we reconcile supposed discrepancies between various religions!




1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
I notice, Stranger, that you totally failed to address my statement about how we reconcile supposed discrepancies between various religions!
Did you actually reconcile them? AFAICT, your statement basically boils down to "yes, there are discrepancies, but God did it."

I also notice that you totally failed to address Falvlun's second set of questions:
Well, ok. If one of them has the latest teachings, doesn't it make that religion "more true" than the religions that don't have the latest teachings? And what happened to the teachings that the new teachings replaced-- did they become false as well as outdated? Also, if all is revelation from God, why would it need to change? Why couldn't the correct religion have been given in the first place?

Edit: to me, the statement "the difference between the ordinances under which they abide should be attributed to the varying requirements and exigencies of the age in which they were revealed" implies that old religions, while perhaps once valid and applicable, should be eventually abandoned as the "varying requirements and exigencies of the age" change, which implies that people who don't follow the newest set of revelations are "wrong" (or perhaps inappropriate) to some degree.
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The Lost One
I think that people should chose which ever religion or faith, or none at all, if they are happy, and as long as no one is harm by it.

This nonsense about their only be ONE religion or faith, is just bunch of arrogant people making empty claims and promises - PURE CRAP.

Lately, I've been depressed and angry what I've hearing or reading, because I am hearing a lot of nonsenses, here and elsewhere, by religious people, especially in the science and creationism/evolution forums, and just getting plain fed up the amount ignorant claims on the creationists' side. :facepalm: And this latest news about Pope, letter and cover-up, just make me want to get up a smack them in the heads. :slap:


Well-Known Member
Did you actually reconcile them? AFAICT, your statement basically boils down to "yes, there are discrepancies, but God did it."

I suppose you could phrase it that way, yes--with the emphasis being that He did so for our benefit and according to our needs at the time!

[T]o me, the statement "the difference between the ordinances under which they abide should be attributed to the varying requirements and exigencies of the age in which they were revealed" implies that old religions, while perhaps once valid and applicable, should be eventually abandoned as the "varying requirements and exigencies of the age" change, which implies that people who don't follow the newest set of revelations are "wrong" (or perhaps inappropriate) to some degree.

You could say that, I suppose.

IMHO there is a certain virtue in following God's latest Revelation for that very reason! (Not to mention that it can get pretty tough to follow any teachings that are indeed truly outdated.) This still isn't a justification for issuing put-downs of earlier religions, though, given that religion evolves; and later ones clearly build on the Revelations of earlier ones!

"Ever upward" and all that! :)

(And despite Gnostic's complaint, IOV it is indeed true that there's a single ever-evolving faith, the Faith of God! Again, no put-down is expressed or implied.)


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Jesus in me
When I used to post at various Christian forums, I used to get criticized for my belief that more than one religion may have The Truth. They usually would use Jesus' words that He is the way. I believe those words to be true, but were they aimed at all peoples or at just to the people He was speaking to? Since I have no way of knowing that, I will just accept the various faiths.

There are a lot of differences in different faiths and religions, but at the same time there are a lot of similarities, too. One thing that solidified this belief was reading an amazing book called Living Buddha, Living Christ, a book written by Thich Nhat Hanh. I read it about 18 months ago and I loved it. I would recommend to Christians as a good example.

Does anyone think the same way? Do you think faith and religions can all have the truth or can there only be one faith and one religion?

Only Christianity has the Truth and that is Jesus. Jesus commanded that the gospel be preached to everyone at all times, so there is no cultural relativity. I agree that the Way does not refer to a path, however all roads lead to Jesus for salvation for there isn't any other way to be saved and He said that He would draw all men to Him.

There are varieties of acceptance. I can accept that some other religions have an origen in God and that they serve a function. I do not have to accept falsehoods in any religion and Christianity has plenty of those as well. As the Baha'u'llah said falsehoods derive from men's perversity. Unfortunately the Bah'ais have ther own perversities.

There is a diversity that is not from perversity but from predilection. Some churches have divided over the color of the carpet in the church. It is foolish to divide over such things but there is no perversity in choosing a red carpet over a blue one. God does not care a bit what color carpet your church has, so each color is acceptable to Him.

I believe that everyone needs to come into harmony with the living Jesus.


Well-Known Member
When I used to post at various Christian forums, I used to get criticized for my belief that more than one religion may have The Truth. They usually would use Jesus' words that He is the way. I believe those words to be true, but were they aimed at all peoples or at just to the people He was speaking to? Since I have no way of knowing that, I will just accept the various faiths.

There are a lot of differences in different faiths and religions, but at the same time there are a lot of similarities, too. One thing that solidified this belief was reading an amazing book called Living Buddha, Living Christ, a book written by Thich Nhat Hanh. I read it about 18 months ago and I loved it. I would recommend to Christians as a good example.

Does anyone think the same way? Do you think faith and religions can all have the truth or can there only be one faith and one religion?

How about no faith and no religion?


Premium Member
Each individual doesn't have the "way", only God has the way. I hear people say that Jesus is the only way- but since most Christians believe that Jesus is God then wouldn't that be the same as saying only God is the way? There is always more than interpretation to any statement, including verses in the Bible. So, I do believe what Jesus said, but you can take the statement in more than one way. And I am not for sure of this, I don't have all the answers and neither does anyone else.

(This is only my own opinion)In order to reject God, you have to believe that God exists. If you don't believe that God exists you can only reject the idea of God. That is why I say that it is impossible for someone who does not believe in God can blaspheme against God.