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Faith in Christ is Completely Logical


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
If it can't be done, tell us how you came to the conclusion that spirit actually exists without relying on blind faith, which is entirely unimpressive. If that's all you've got, then we cannot have a rational, intellectual discussion with you on the subject.
No one relies on blind faith. Their conviction comes from knowledge and that is within. That is what you don't have.. it is God given. If you received it, you would know. You have not. That is what ignorance is.


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
Because that's the basic question here. Everything else in religion relies on that basic assumption. Without demonstrating the existence of gods, there's no reason to go further and discuss the religions that rely on it.

And no, I don't recall, please remind me.
Your argument is fallacious though. God is not physical so you will not see him. You are speaking of something metaphysical. There are many things in this universe that cannot be seen, such as an atom. There is evidence for an atom, there is evidence for God. It is just harder to accept God as we see no link in our lives until he puts it there. That is your problem. It does not mean the argument is wrong, just your failure to understand it.


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
Well, it is pretty sad that you believe something for which you have no good, credible reason to think it's true and seem pretty proud of yourself for doing it. It's something you ought to be embarrassed by, at least in my opinion.
The only good part of that was the ending.


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
Except for the ones that actually matter.

If you don't fear death, there's no reason whatsoever to believe in an afterlife. If you accept that death is a natural part of the life cycle, that everything and everyone that is alive will eventually die and you're fine with that, what's the point of believing that life will go on forever?
I for one do not believe in God because I fear death. It is natural as it is part of the higher-consciousness of God and this is how it is depicted here.


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
You're right, if that happens. When has that happened? It hasn't. Most people's "miracles" are finding their car keys and attributing that to supernatural intervention. You just don't see these grand, unquestionable displays. If it happened, I'd have a hard time disagreeing with you that the physical laws as we know them had been violated. Let me know when something like that actually happens.
You don't need things like that to happen. A miracle is usually termed as a one off event... what of the big bang. Can you do one? And no, that does not mean he did that and nothing else. It is the consciousness of God reflected in physical terms. You only read part of the book in understanding it all, the physical part. That part ends in death.


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
There was a time when most people believed the Earth was flat. They were all wrong. There was a time when most people believed the whole universe revolved around the Earth. They were all wrong. Argumentum ad populum is nothing to be proud of.
That is speaking of two main things which can be interpreted different ways.
The land is flat, relatively. They were not then aware of the world as such.
And relative to us, the sun, for example, does go around us. All things are relative. I do not see that they were wrong in what they said. The sun, relative to us, does cross the sky, even if in reality something else is going on. So what? You still can't say that I will not believe in a large group of people just because of that.
If you were in an audience and most of them said it was too hot, what would you do? Ask for an expert, or take their word for it? You cannot just dismiss peoples opinions or actions as nothing, just because you have a different faith.... that being luck


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
Well, if you haven't noticed, I to am not a Congregationalist in any denomination either. Religious denominations have strayed so far from the Plan of Redemption I cannot go along with doctrines that seem to me to be false and, even worse, without a purpose, without any reason for our being, without any reason for having to endure this earthly probation. What kind of religion is it that has no reason for us being here. I have had so many conversations with pastors and priests who have no idea why we are striving to emulate Jesus Christ or even what his mission was. Most think that he came to perform miracles and teach the word of God, which is true, in part he did, but without realizing that his purpose was set before the world was and that without him agreeing to suffer and die, as he did, there would be no reasoning behind our existence and for this journey in mortality. Sadly, prophecy is being fulfilled and religion is crumbling under false teachings and belief in illogical fairy tales style deity that effectively stupefy the word of God causing Congregationalists to disassociate themselves from such hocus pocus.

Let me conclude for you by giving you an example of false teachings. The only people who will inherit torture in outer darkness is the third of the host of heaven that followed Satan, Satan himself and the sons of prediction. Even our most hideous cereal murders will be dammed to a non-progressive kingdom with like minded people. It is all in scripture. You have been received.
I like... though I would like a further explanation on the ending please


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
You say "Most people believed the Earth was flat.....most people believed the whole universe revolved around the Earth"

Is that the truth?

Isn't the truth people who wondered about the nature of the Earth were TOLD that it was flat and was the center of the universe? But you say "most believed" it. You do not know what people believed.
Believe means "accept as true, feel sure of the truth of". So? You say you know what people then believed and felt and we say we know God. Doesn't that make you like us?

You better take a shower. How deep is that hole going to be?
Hello :)
I recall a sailor on TV saying that sailors in the past did not think they would sail off the end of the earth as they knew it was not flat. How? Listen, and I shall tell you all.... draw your chair nearer.... here is the answer: When a ship came towards them in the distance, they would only see the top of the masts and not the whole ship! Hence the water itself must have been curved, showing the curvature of the earth. Good eh. Quite what they thought of that I don't know, and probably neither did they. But they would see, I think, that it was not quite what it seemed.


Lambaster of the Angry Anti-Theists
I was a Christian for over thirty years. The Bible was and is the nexus for the entire faith. Conversions are based on Biblical writings themselves. Unless Christianity is trying something new.

No, you were never a Christian, you are a failed Christian. If you were ever a Christian then that is what you would be now. Once truly converted by the Holy Ghost you can never deny it. There is no going back once you have received the testimony of the Holy Ghost. You may have attended church but a Christian you never were.

Conversions are based on personal revelation from the Holy Ghost testifying to the soul that God lives. Conversion has absolutely nothing to do with the bible. The bible is a book of commandments that if adhered to by the reader will bring life eternal. It is a tool given to us by a loving Heavenly Father.


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
Had no trouble reading it the first time, thanks. The text says God said his creation was good, not perfect. And he later indicates that man is mortal and wants to keep him that way.
Aahhh..... but what do you mean by perfect?


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
No you have no evidence. Also 2/3 of the world is no longer true.

God and everything people attest to only comes from a persons mind and mouth and absoulty nowhere else. There is nothing you can ever do about it. The universe remains silent and indifferent.
Yes we have proof we have evidence. atheist don't. The approx amount of people who believe is two thirds of the planet on my last look. If it is different, give the link.

If all things come from the mind, which they do, then so do your thoughts, which no more likely to be right then than anyone elses.


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
No. I don't think your lying. In fact I Im familiar with the personal sincerity. You are correct by saying "we" because it directly points to the undeniable fact that human beings are the only source of the entirety of the religion and contents.

It's true we are infact the universe yet there is the distinction of embellishments and fabrications to what is direct and obvious.
And you are part of the universe because of the fractal nautre of God.


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
No. Not hard done. ;0)

I went through it all. I just later regarded it as being embellishment of direct reality through our senses and mind. It's just a interpretation of human experience.
Presumably then you are now an atheist. You sound like one. So your beliefs must also come about the same way then. What has changed... haha


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
Here is one for you to arbitrarily dismiss:
God creates 613 rules and regulations that with his being all knowing, he knows that man will fail to obey.
He then sends himself to the mortal realm to die for mankinds inability (which being all knowing he already knew) to follow the 613 rules and regulations.

God set man up to fail from the get go.

Let the apologetics begin!
The Jews set up 613 rules, not God