New or old earth doctrines do not affect religion at all, and you are trying to prove non existence of God though science, and presenting the Bibles accounts as a scientific treatise that is not
emiliano, I will repeat what I wrote before, since you must have missed part of it:
Falvlun said:
Nobody is claiming that science can prove or disprove the existence of God.
You are attacking a position no one is actually holding. Science doesn't actually prove or disprove anything. It only gives the most likely explanation based upon the data available, obtained through a rather rigorous process. As more data is accumulated, positions are reevaluated. Because the process of data acquistion is never done, science really can not say anything is 100% without-a-doubt true.
Furthermore, science doesn't deal with the existence or non-existence of God. It can't, as there is no quantifiable, objective evidence.
It can, however, research the physical world and its properties.
Now, I agree with you: In itself, an old Earth paradigm does not destroy Christianity. Evolution does not destroy Christianity.
However, since Christians have incoorporated certain beliefs into their theology, such as a young Earth or fully created humans, the recent discoveries of science may begin to undermine the faith of believers. (ie, If my pastor was wrong about claim A, perhaps he is also wrong about claim B).
it simple says that we are created, that the human genome is human and it has always been human, and it will always be human just as God willed, humans have never been any other thing, and God has a plan for humanity, a plan that he is been executed, the how it is been executed is a mystery that interest science and it makes them stand in awe of it design.
You have just said that the Bible is not a scientific treatise, and yet you are making a scientific claim based upon it.
emiliano said:
How? In a sovereignly/powerful way, he gives it to who he wants, to those that he have mercy on.
So, God gives faith to those he chooses. You did not answer my other questions. How are those of us without faith ever supposed to come to God, since faith seems to be a necessary trait of believers?
emiliano said:
And it has, it called Theology and the RCC has the greatest of all time exponents of it, Augustine and Aquinas. what do they used in their inquires?
Augustine and Aquinas were philosophers, certainly. However, they were not working from a blank slate: To them, God existed. There was no question.