I have discussed this issue with my friends and family. I have gained new insights but still remain with lack of action. I thought I'd ask it here to see other opinions.
I am having issues with my step-son (18). He was busted for marijuana awhile ago. His mother had to drive him to drug classes twice a week. His reply was, "I won't do it again". After his mother and I got serious, we had our own places. I noticed some missing things in her apartment that I had brought over. She searched his room and wondered why the aluminum foil and lighter for the candles was under his bed. I found pot seeds on the balcony and told her. His reply, "I won't do it again".
After all these talks by the mother, our marriage, and his living with us and rules stated to him along with consequences:
I found his pipe, empty pot bag, and lighter by the balcony. I let my wife handle it.... NOTHING HAPPENED BUT, "I won't do it again".
He is 18, his mother refuses to punish him, and I am at the end of the line. I let her handle it, which I know will lead to more disrespect of my wife and OUR home. I talked to her and told her that next time = consequences. Yet, I know she will refuse to punish him. Where do I go from here?
(more to the story - but I'm sure you see the situation) NOT IN OUR HOME!