All observed evolution is sudden and this probably applies to macroevolution as well.
Macro-evolutionary change occurs over extensive periods of time. Large changes that would lead to the evolution of higher taxa are not observed to occur at or even near human-scale time frames.
This is a simple fact we saw dogs change from wolves and we have seen other species arise.
Dogs evolved from wolves in Asia somewhere between 15,000 to 40,000 years ago and no record of direct observation of that evolution exists. We know about dogs after the fact of their divergence through the evidence found in fossils, genes, other biological parameters and, to some extent, cultural artifacts.
The simple observed fact that species arise suddenly explains the absence of intervening species.
I am not certain what this means. Whether fast or slow in occurrence, if observe species at two different points on a timeline, there could easily be species in the intervening time span between the two points. Speciation generally takes a long time to occur. Often on the order of many 10's or 100's of thousands of years. The fastest known occurrence is in the speciation of the cichlid superflock of Lake Victoria in Africa, where nearly 700 endemic species are known to have evolved in approximately 15,000 years. You may be confusing evolution with one of the theories describing differences observed in the mode of evolution for some groups. The thoery of punctuated equilibrium states that speciation occurs rapidly over a short period of time, followed by extended periods of stasis, where speciation occurs incredibly slowly or little at all. Examination of the evidence does show that this appears to occur. Some taxa of dinosaurs for instance or coelacanth fish. It is important to realize that the time scale is geological time and what is short on that scale is still an incredibly long time on the human scale, and in reported instances, is in the millions of years. Punctuated equilibrium is not established to occur in all species and is part of the argument of the mode of evolution and not a theory refuting the existing theory of evolution.
When individuals are selected for a trait (behavior) they breed a new species. FACT.
Behavior is a suite of traits that varies with the organisms in question. Traits include many physical and biological parameters. Size, shape, color, vestiture, disease susceptibility, temperature range, tactile response, chemosensitivity, reproductive output, longevity, and an almost endless list that varies in context to the organisms in question. Variation in a population is selected by the environment and those individuals in the population with traits favored by selection have a higher degree of reproductive success. The environment acts as a screen allowing those individuals with the greatest fitness to reproduce successfully at a rate disproportionate to the average of the population. Over time, those selected traits become fixed in the population. This process repeated over time can lead to speciation. Continued divergence from the ancestral taxa over increasing spans of time can lead to the formation of higher taxa.
It is probable that the same thing occurs in nature.
This is what is observed to occur in nature and what is mimicked by plant and animal breeders to select traits desirable to people.
A behavior selected out of a species will create a new species whose individuals rarely have that behavior if the population becomes small enough and the behavior selected out is typical for the species.
I have no idea what this means. It is not a description of speciation as it is understood in science.
Wolves are wild, smart, and aggressive. If you select out a few individuals without these traits you have imposed an artificial population bottleneck and created the dog.
Dogs evolved from wolf stock from initial naturally occurring genetic variation within wolves. Originally, humans would have been part of the environmental selection that brought humans and dogs together. From there, we have instituted artificial selection in developing the myriad breeds we have today.
A population bottleneck is a sudden reduction in variation arising from an near extinction-level event. It does not apply to the appearance of novel variation in a population.
There is no wolf/ dog nor dog/ wolf.
This is correct. Wolves did not suddenly start giving birth to dogs. As with the evolution of any new population, there was a gradual occurrence over time of variation, selection and fixation of traits as dogs diverged from the wolf stock. There would be a continuum of variation and selection over 15,000 to 40,000 years going from wolf to wolf-like to dog-like to dog.
There were individuals who mated with one another to creates wolves and then there were tame wolves which mated and created dogs.
Not exactly. It would be much closer to my simplified description above.
Darwin was amazingly correct in many things with his original formulation of the theory of evolution. He was an excellent observer and accumulated a massive volume of evidence that was best explained by the theory. He did what no one else had done before. He came up with a mechanism that drives evolution. Since he formulated this theory prior to the development of genetics, molecular biology and population biology, it is amazing how much he was still able to get right.
Experiment and observation prove it.
Experiment and observation continue to support Darwin's theory to this day. Proof is not a standard of science.
Darwin engaged in Look and See Science and led us all astray.
I have no idea what this means. It sounds made up and says nothing that I can discern.
There is no "survival of the fittest". All individuals of a species are "fit" or they become diseased or prey.
Survival of the fittest was coined by Herbert Spencer to describe his understanding of evolution. Darwin did include it in later printings of "On the Origin of Species" but it is a poor description of fitness and modern biologists have moved away from the use of it. Today, we refer to the fitness of individuals in the context of reproductive success. Being less fit does not mean lethal or that no reproduction can occur. If, on average, individuals with certain traits that are under favorable selection by the environment, reproduce more offspring, there are more of their genes available for continued successful reproduction.
His conclusions became the very foundation of modern society because he started with false assumptions and bad definitions.
His theories have become the foundation of modern biology. What society chooses to do with those theories and the evidence they explain is out of the hands of Darwin and outside the scope of the theory. The theory is hardly the foundation of modern society.
Look and See Science is wrong by definition.
There is no way of knowing what is wrong by definition in a contrived phrase that has no meaning outside of what you, as an individual, may conceive it to be. Neither knowing your definition of that phrase nor what you mean by it, one cannot agree with you here.