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The Wizard

Active Member
My body and brain/mind seems to throw me an extra survival edge emphasis when I fast sometimes (no more than 36hrs). Not sure what the entire connection is, but I like when fasting seems to make my brain give me more or better information about things or change my thinking to something that seems more relevant in life instead of more distractions and junk.

As a meditator, I am familiar with terms describing information downloads (i.e. info that seems to come to a person by another unknown, usually spiritual means). I have always thrown fasting in same catagory or part of the purpose for some reason. I figured that would mostly be one of the reasons to fasting- a genetic biological respone- to get more intouch with intuition, extra knowledge and spiritual aspects. When I don't eat for a while it's like lights start turning on sometimes. Anyway, I thought I would share that insight... IMO.


renouncing this world
My body and brain/mind seems to throw me an extra survival edge emphasis when I fast sometimes (no more than 36hrs). Not sure what the entire connection is, but I like when fasting seems to make my brain give me more or better information about things or change my thinking to something that seems more relevant in life instead of more distractions and junk.

As a meditator, I am familiar with terms describing information downloads (i.e. info that seems to come to a person by another unknown, usually spiritual means). I have always thrown fasting in same catagory or part of the purpose for some reason. I figured that would mostly be one of the reasons to fasting- a genetic biological respone- to get more intouch with intuition, extra knowledge and spiritual aspects. When I don't eat for a while it's like lights start turning on sometimes. Anyway, I thought I would share that insight... IMO.

I haven't had this "information" experience, but I'm glad that you did.

In my experience, it seems that when I fast, and the longer I fast, I feel a deeper personal connection with God. At first it's a focus on the hunger and the pain, and the desire, but then I channel it towards a meditation on God, and sometimes on Jesus, or on other people who have gone through hunger and pain. Strangely enough, by the third day I'm usually not hungry or thirsty at all, it's like after two days the body becomes accustomed to its new state, but that's when I end my fasts. But my feeling of closeness, and even happiness, does tend to grow stronger when I'm in those states.

On another note: I think that back in the day people fasted a lot more, and fasting was much more a part of the spiritual life then it is today. Perhaps I'm wrong. But I wonder why it was more prevelent back then than now, I'm sure that people are just as spiritual as before.


Agnostic Pantheist
Hi everyone

so . . . the topic of fasting (this seems like an appropriate forum)

how many of you fast?
what are your fasts like?
i typically fast each friday through monday

i'm interested in hearing what others do, if they include hot waters or teas, or certain mixtures . . . if they pray or meditate during the fast . . . how they deal socially with fasting, such as on outings w/ friends, or at social functions -- how do you explain the awkward -- "um, yeah i'm fasting"?
My last fast lasted 12 days. it was a water fast/no food. no spiritual reasons. proper material and physical interest for weight control and toxin release.
I did not leave the house a lot. and kept myself busy with internet reading and other normal and 'casual' mental practices.


renouncing this world
My last fast lasted 12 days. it was a water fast/no food. no spiritual reasons. proper material and physical interest for weight control and toxin release.
I did not leave the house a lot. and kept myself busy with internet reading and other normal and 'casual' mental practices.

12 days is a lot, but i guess if you're drinking water throughout the day it's not that bad, and i'm sure you felt healthier!

I know some people who do the Master Cleanse,its where you only drink water mixed w/ lemon and cayenne pepper for 11 days, and it seems to do wonders -- but i 've never done it.

i'm slowly practicing for a longer fast - would really like to get to the stage where i can do a 40-day water fast.


Agnostic Pantheist
12 days is a lot, but i guess if you're drinking water throughout the day it's not that bad, and i'm sure you felt healthier!
Oh no. IT IS hard. normally they would tell you that within 3 days your hunger should wane off. that's not really so. you need to be determined from the beginning to go through with it.

I know some people who do the Master Cleanse,its where you only drink water mixed w/ lemon and cayenne pepper for 11 days, and it seems to do wonders -- but i 've never done it.

i'm slowly practicing for a longer fast - would really like to get to the stage where i can do a 40-day water fast.
It is a good idea to built a more lasting fasting programs, building it up. I would not go for long fasts, before you do short few days fast and build yourself up for it.
I do not know if this would be considered fasting, but the word," break-fast" implies that any period without eating is considered fasting.

I have eaten only once a day for about the last 16 years, I eat in the evening each day usually between about 7pm and 11pm.

I do this because I noticed that every time I ate I had trouble keeping up enough oxygen, I have had a bit of a heart condition since birth, it seemed apparent to me that digesting food uses a lot of oxygen and I am already rather border line on having enough as it is already. By eating only at night, which is the period I am relaxing, I am able to keep my oxygen level up too par the entire day...


godless wonder

That's interesting. So if you don't fast for spiritual reasons, may I ask why you fast then? Have you ever fasted for more than 24 hours?

Can you tell me why you think it is more difficult to get to God by fasting? Because, personally, when I fast I feel closer to God.
Well low carbs can do that to some.;)


Not your average Mormon
Hi everyone

so . . . the topic of fasting (this seems like an appropriate forum)

how many of you fast?
what are your fasts like?
i typically fast each friday through monday

i'm interested in hearing what others do, if they include hot waters or teas, or certain mixtures . . . if they pray or meditate during the fast . . . how they deal socially with fasting, such as on outings w/ friends, or at social functions -- how do you explain the awkward -- "um, yeah i'm fasting"?
Members of my Church are asked to fast once a month for two meals and to donate the money saved on those meals to the Church for use in feeding the hungry. We're always supposed to pray in conjunction with the fast. I always make a financial contribution, but if I fast for more than one meal, I get so faint that I have to go to bed. It's ridiculous to be such a weakling, but I am. On the occasions when I do fast, I continue to drink water to remain hydrated. It's never really been a problem on social occasions for me, because most of my social interaction is with people of my own faith. If I did find myself in the situation you describe, I'd probably just say, "um, yeah, I'm fasting" (probably kind of like how you described).
Fasting is good and make body smart.
it reduce the cholesterol, and fat level,
Fast increase the metabolism,
i do fast from Monday to Thursday...


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
Hi everyone

so . . . the topic of fasting (this seems like an appropriate forum)

how many of you fast?
what are your fasts like?

When I fast I usually go from 36 hours to 8 days (3 weeks with one or two small interruptions being the longest).

I almost always juice fast, but occasionally I do a short water fast, or quit the juice and just drink water for a day or two in the middle of the juice fast (I also usually cheat here and there and eat a piece of citrus fruit once or twice somewhere in the middle of the fast).

I love fasting. It's one of my favorite things to do. Usually after the first cpl days (and sometimes sooner) I get this incredible feeling of health, energy, optimism, and mood stability.

I sleep better and at the same time I can get by on less sleep.

I'm a big fan. :yes:

i typically fast each friday through monday

Man, I wish I had that kind of discipline. :p

i'm interested in hearing what others do, if they include hot waters or teas, or certain mixtures . . .

Ooops, yeah, I forgot about the tea. Not too often but a few times ovber the course of a longer fast.

if they pray or meditate during the fast . . .

Corny as it sounds, there are periods during the fast where every moment feels like prayer and meditation.

When I purposely meditate, it's easier and it's enhanced by the fast.

how they deal socially with fasting, such as on outings w/ friends, or at social functions -- how do you explain the awkward -- "um, yeah i'm fasting"?

My family and friends are used to it by now. :D

As far as strangers go, if I'm in a situation where it comes up I'll tell them I'm fasting and the usual response is "why?", which I'm always happy to explain because, like I say, I'm a big fan and I like passing it on to other people.

Don't usually preach about it unless I'm asked though, just like theology. :D

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Fasting is good and make body smart.
it reduce the cholesterol, and fat level,
Fast increase the metabolism,
i do fast from Monday to Thursday...
Actually your brain needs some intake of sugar to function properly, reducing cholesterol and fat is best done by proper diet and exercise, and your metabolism decreases if you don't eat. It's why when you are trying to loose weight it is important that you do not skip meals and that you eat healthy snacks to keep your metabolism up.

Me Myself

Back to my username
Actually your brain needs some intake of sugar to function properly, reducing cholesterol and fat is best done by proper diet and exercise, and your metabolism decreases if you don't eat. It's why when you are trying to loose weight it is important that you do not skip meals and that you eat healthy snacks to keep your metabolism up.

Actually, diferent kinds of diets exist. I´ve heard of "eat-not eat" diet where somke 24 hours fasts are encouraged. I am no nutrition experto so I just cant say how or why it works.

About it being healthy, I am sure it is. I mean, we eat FAR more than what the humans did in the past. I am not saying we ate enough when we were hunters gatherers :D but I am sure the organism enjoys the rest once in a while.

I think fasting can be really spiritual. I´ve fasted recently on Maha Shivaratri :D . It had "religious" reasons naturaly, as it was a festivity, but I did it also with great enthusiasm for the spiritual ones. The nice thing about fasting is that it is a kind of remembering oneself that we are more than meat and bone. I do also have experienced being more awake and in a more meditative state when fasting, and also I slept much MUCH better the day after the fast in maha shivaratri. Actually, it was like this: I fasted all day and stayed awake all night, then on morning I broke the fast (it was the time to do so) althuogh "unreligiously" I did it with a lot of food :D I ate soy with honey and corn and rice and lettuce and nuts, and it was delicious :drool: . I slept short after, and I haven´t slept so well since then. (I generaly (and specialy lately) have problems with sleep )

I don´t think it is a requirement at all to be spiritual, but I do think that done in the right frame of mind it can be really awesome and peaceful. At least that was my experience.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
About it being healthy, I am sure it is. I mean, we eat FAR more than what the humans did in the past.
I'm sure it depends on culture on who eats the most, but the average Medieval European diet consisted of about 20,000 calories a day. But many of them were also working themselves to the bone from sun-up to sun-down, and probably wouldn't have had the energy to keep up such a demanding lifestyle without such a massive calorie intake. And I think our own calorie intake would look much smaller if we take into account the amount of empty calories and various sweeteners that quickly build up the calorie count without offering anything useful to bodily functions beyond the first few bites or sips.

Actually, diferent kinds of diets exist. I´ve heard of "eat-not eat" diet where somke 24 hours fasts are encouraged. I am no nutrition experto so I just cant say how or why it works.
I've heard of that, and other than it being a failure like any other fad diet I would estimate it to be unhealthy since you aren't getting any sort of nutrition every other day, and proper nutrition is required for proper bodily functioning. Really the only diet that will ever work is to start making small adjustments to your daily eating/drinking habits gradually until you are eating healthy portions and healthy foods and have kicked the unhealthy drinks. Any market diet will always fail because it establishes a time line in which it must be followed leaving the dieter to believe normal habits can be resumed after the dieting period has expired( and indeed often not leaving them with good or sustainable habits after the diet-period). This is also why people often complain they loose weight on a diet but then put it all back on is because they went back to old habits. And the American fantasy of loosing weight without any actual exercise has reached very absurd heights, to the point there is a market for vibrating abdomen belts that warm up and are marketed as a device that will make you loose weight and trim your stomach just by wearing it.
I don't fast, but I'm sure most people would be more than fine with a short period of fasting, as long as an adequate water supply is maintained.

Myself I really have no desire to fast, but I also use to go through bouts where I would get stressed to the point of totally loosing my apatite. So to me the thought of voluntarily doing it doesn't sound very appealing. But I understand why people do it, for spiritual or personal reasons.


Well-Known Member
When I was young I could fast without even thinking about it, as I get older even missing one meal for a couple of hours makes me feel really woozy. I think the western diet of trans fats and HFCS is not conducive to fasting. It can have spiritual benefits, but you need to prepare yourself before going into it.

Student of X

Paradigm Shifter
I have fasted for 24 hours before, and I have found it to be extremely valuable. I am now trying to go up to a 48 hour fast. Any tips for going from 24 to 48?

Student of X

Paradigm Shifter
OK I am fasting and everyone and their brother seems to be bumping every food thread. WTF? Are you trying to tempt me to break my fast? Sheesh. :p