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Favourite Atheist arguments

Mock Turtle

Oh my, did I say that!
Premium Member
Also here #5 was also featured on
It is short and simple but is another video that the navy said is real. Also read the article underneath it.

The 5 Most Credible Modern UFO Sightings

As in with the previous video where the pilot locks on to something (planes cant lock on to a bug on the windshield also i doubt a bug could stay on a jets windshield ) flying unusually at a high rate of speed that flies without wings.
It's possible it is within the visual system - no idea of the technical nature but it obviously involves a camera/sensor and display system and it could be in either - and I had a tiny insect in my SLR camera once, and no idea how it got there. The g-forces would pin it to whatever surface it was on and hence the rotational bit being the only possible movement perhaps. That's just my opinion. And it might look rather foolish of them if they admitted to such. :oops:
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Veteran Member
I suppose I would be the same as u guys I don't feel there is very much acceptable evidence for athiesm and I find the arguments for a creator (and specifically a Christian creator) compelling
Atheism isn't a claim. It's the rejection of a claim. There is no evidence. Same reason there is no evidence for a lack of belief in unicorns.
The evidence needs to be on the side of the person making the assertion/claim.


Veteran Member
Yeah I remember whenever negative athiests pulled that old chestnut. Inherently it makes no sense but I will ignore that to progress the conversation.

Let's assume it's a monotheistic perfect being god along the lines of a Protestant Christian theology
Makes no sense?

What makes no sense is believing in a thing for which you don't have good, convincing evidence.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
You haven't even looked at the evidence. You refuse to do so. I apologize but its pretty thick headed to gloat in a context that hasnt even looked at the material.

Not true. I am not new to this nonsense. I watched the hilarious video in your news article. I asked if you had another example You provided none. It appears that you do not understand what evidence is in the first place.

The burden of proof is not on me. I told you where it was. Its on you to look at it or not. Everything after that is just nonsense . Until you actually check out the proof season 1 and 2 of the show. Your speaking from an ignorant stance. Thats basic facts not insults. The fact that you are so ready to pre gloat without ever looking is nonsense. Step outside yourself and re read this whole conversation. Realize, Im not the one that doesnt make any sense. You still have not watched it yet pre gloat from a unknowledgable stance. Thats all thats happening right now.

Of course it is. The starting position, especially in extreme claims, is one of disbelief. The Wright Brothers did not simply declare that they could fly. They proved that they could to themselves and then did the same for others. The same applies to any scientific discovery. The person making the discovery never gets to claim "Prove me wrong!"

And a TV show is not "proof". It is not even evidence. You really should check out the work of James Randi. He was a debunker of such nonsense. He was originally a magician so he was quite familiar with many tricks that were used and had the correct mind set to see fraud when it was presented to him. He would give various claimants reasonable tests and they always failed.

I said the poltergeist video isnt the whole video, its just what i managed to find as once a video is aired on the show becomes harder to find, I assume due to copyrights.

I told you they do theIr best to debunk these videos. They explain why it couldnt be strings or anything your dismissive assumptions would mention. thatvis not the only video there are many. Many which you still have not seen because you refuse to even look at the evidence yet you keep going

No, they claim to have done the best that they could to debunk that rather obvious fakery. It does not mean that they really tried to do that. By the way, I never insulted you with the one exception of my bridge for sale offer. You recognized that as a false claim. Why can't you use the same reasoning to see that you have fallen for various frauds?

And yes, until you provide reliable objective evidence the burden of proof is upon you.


Could be fake but his fear seems very real after the point of no return

This is one of the first videos on the show it is a school at night. The show actually got the people from the school to speak on it. They are animate that they checked and no one setup anythinf before or after this.

Again this is not the full video l. it later opens a locker and throws papers, it also throws a book bag along with moving more chairs. In this portion when it seems like there is nothing to te see there is actually a chair that levitates in the backround about a foot and half off the floor. The full video is about a minute longer. I'll see if I can find it

Sorry about the top video its the 2nd part. I'll look for the part where he actually opens the dybukk box. In short he ordered a dybbukk box and used devices to try and see if there is actually a spirit. All signs pointed to yes and he opened the box anyway as soon as he broke the seal activity started to happen in his house

found part one, again this could be faked but his reactions are very convincing. He does a great job of showing that he is alone and showing the area (under the table) while he is testing the box and after activity happens.

These are only small samples of what is actually shown on the show. The show goes way more in depth and has hundreds more videos

found part one, again this could be faked but his reactions are very convincing. He does a great job of showing that he is alone and showing the area (under the table) while he is testing the box and after activity happens.

These are only small samples of what is actually shown on the show. The show goes way more in depth and has hundreds more videos. These videos arent made by producers and like I said some videos cant be debunk especially when they are caught by multiple people who saw the same thing from different perspectives which gives a lot of videos more crexdibility. Each video has its own source and the show explains who they are or actually brings them in to explain they then go over the video and offer possible debunks or non debunks.

Strings are a common way to try to fake ghost activity. However strings cannot throw heavy objects from plain sight. The web of strings that would have been needed to make the poltergeist video would have been visible since the soirit ulttimately re arranges the entire room and throws things across the room, some of which have been in plain sight the whole time.

In another similar poltergeist video from the show (which I cant find myself) the spirit is throwing things too heavy to be pulled with a string. In another video the spirit actually moves ojects that a human could not move such as stone columns... weighing posisbly tons.
Theres too many videos to go over which is why I say again.
Watch the 1st two seasons of show. Every episode is packed with a variety of videos much like these. They check sources and try to come to a conclusion. Some of the spirits especially in mexico are alresdy legendarily known such as
It's possible it is within the visual system - no idea of the technical nature but it obviously involves a camera/sensor and display system and it could be in either - and I had a tiny insect in my SLR camera once, and no idea how it got there. The g-forces would pin it to whatever surface it was on and hence the rotational bit being the only possible movement perhaps. That's just my opinion. And it might look rather foolish of them if they admitted to such. :oops:
Not true. I am not new to this nonsense. I watched the hilarious video in your news article. I asked if you had another example You provided none. It appears that you do not understand what evidence is in the first place.

Of course it is. The starting position, especially in extreme claims, is one of disbelief. The Wright Brothers did not simply declare that they could fly. They proved that they could to themselves and then did the same for others. The same applies to any scientific discovery. The person making the discovery never gets to claim "Prove me wrong!"

And a TV show is not "proof". It is not even evidence. You really should check out the work of James Randi. He was a debunker of such nonsense. He was originally a magician so he was quite familiar with many tricks that were used and had the correct mind set to see fraud when it was presented to him. He would give various claimants reasonable tests and they always failed.

No, they claim to have done the best that they could to debunk that rather obvious fakery. It does not mean that they really tried to do that. By the way, I never insulted you with the one exception of my bridge for sale offer. You recognized that as a false claim. Why can't you use the same reasoning to see that you have fallen for various frauds?

And yes, until you provide reliable objective evidence the burden of proof is upon you.

Im not the one that wants proof. People say god exists some people say god doesnt exist. Perception of wether he exists or not is exactly that. For example life itself could be considered proof of god.

I have no burden a proof. I simply offered a venue for you to find proof. Seasons 1 &2. Since I have offered the burden of proof is no longer on me. You would have to actually watch the proof offered then make a decision.

I also apologize if I insulted you. I can see that and you are correct, my bad.

Is not my job to inform you of proof of these things or alert you to their sources. i gave you were to see it and they have the sources and go in depth. I didnt make the videos I didnt find the videos but I have seen them and judged for myself.

I cannot continue with my argument because I need opposition to actually see the collection of things captured by people which are unexplicable/paranormal instead of bickering over individual videos. The massive collection cannot all be found by searching the web. I'm not trying to prove to you any specific u.f.o.s are real. Im trying to show you that you need to put arrogance aside and just actually see the collection then make an informed decision on wether or not any of them are real. Instead of pre judging and making assumptions and being nit picky (couldnt think of a better word).

Si far everyone has generalized all the collection without even seeing the collection. If any proof was there skepticism has you actively ignoring it.

Which fits because its far easier not to check it out and stay comfortable in your beliefs. Ice also told you multiple times that the entire collection cannot be found by searching. So to axtually go against my proof you have to actually watch the show. Until you do that the burden of disproof falls on you, because you have to actually see the proof I've already directed you to.

Your missng about 15 videos per episode, season is at least 10 episodes so your missing about 300 more videos many of which are of the same things captured in different Parts of the world.
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It's possible it is within the visual system - no idea of the technical nature but it obviously involves a camera/sensor and display system and it could be in either - and I had a tiny insect in my SLR camera once, and no idea how it got there. The g-forces would pin it to whatever surface it was on and hence the rotational bit being the only possible movement perhaps. That's just my opinion. And it might look rather foolish of them if they admitted to such. :oops:

A bug would be very noticible. What your seeing is a gyroscope (again on the show they enhance/zoom audio and video,it clearly has rings). Not only this but the object is clearly flying. Im not sure if its in that same version of the video but the pilot is also commenting on what he's seeing. Also this isnt the only time a U.F.O. of this type has been seen.

The other video is done in color and is in another part of the world, the object is shiny metal colored. You would know that though if ya followed the 1st step and watch the show
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Veteran Member
And "Hinduism", I understand, is a misnomer:

Aryan Homeland, Airyana Vaeja, in the Avesta. Aryan lands and Zoroastrianism.
15. Hapta Hendu**
** The seven Indus Rivers, Hapta Hindu (nation #15 above), are: 1. the Indus (Veda-Sindhu), the 2. Kabul and 3. Kurram rivers joining on the west and north banks of the Indus, and the 4. Jhelum (Veda-Vitasta), 5. Chenab (Veda-Asikni), 6. Ravi (Veda-Airovati), and 7. Sutlej/Beas (Veda-Vipasa) rivers joining the Indus' east and south banks. (There is some discussion that the Saraswati River mentioned in Hindu Vedic texts was also an Indus tributary - though this is not clear.) The Hindu texts are mainly concerned with the eastern & southern tributaries while the Zoroastrian texts are concerned with the upper reaches of the Indus and all its tributaries whose valleys would have provided access to the plains - areas north and west of the Punjab (Panj-ab meaning five waters in Persian) - i.e. present-day North-West Frontier Province in Northern Pakistan, Northern Punjab and Kashmir in India and Pakistan.
Aryan Homeland, Airyana Vaeja, in the Avesta. Aryan lands and Zoroastrianism.


Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
There are plenty of good videos of UFO's. I also mentioned some videos leaked from the navy and the navy admitted they are real. There are plenty of UFO shots and if you did research you would know thats twice very large ufo's have hovered over cities/bridges and were filmed by everyone. Again dont assume just because ya dont know. There are plenty of videos of the same ufo captured by mutliple people from different locations. One triangle shaped one hovred over the pentagon and was filmed by many people driving on the highway.

Here is what I could find but the show has hundreds of videos and goes more in depth.

These are on the show as well as well as lots of other paranormal things. The top one is one of the videos the navy leaked and the 2nd one is just a very good shot possibly fake but very well done if it is. It also has not been debunked at all.

There are thousands more videos some caught by multiple people from different perspectives.

When hearing of paranormal videos people tend to think they already know but you have not seen these videos on this show. If you did you would most likely change your tune as they pour in from all over the world even remote locations.

Rakes (google them), sea serpents, big foot/yeti, spirits are all caugh on camera semi regularly around the world.

Also videos of spirits also share traits regardless of world location. Videos with poltegeists are just that. Other videos where a spirit manifests usually have either a drain of power (lights flicker camera batter drain etc) or a small orb of light that passes near where the activity occurs or both. The orb of light or multiple orbs of light, is a shared trait of videos of shadow figures, residual enegeries etc and this is somewhat uniform around the world.

Again these videos are hard to find now even if you know whatvyour looking for all I can sabis watch the show then judge

The only reason I even posted any clips is because dude said it was lens flare which is clearly pre arrogant judgement and clearly not the case in any video I displayed. Dont make his mistake of assuming you know until you see. TBH skepticism is expected which is why I say just watch the show.

I also found this it is far away but when he zooms in you can see it walking on two legs. On the show they didgitally enhance video snd audio to zoom in even further and other videos like the one I posted earlier of the possible sea serpent you can actually hear the animal its eating squeal in the enhanced audio.

After they actually watch two seasons a lot of people will realize their in denial. Humans have explored less than 20% of the earths forest areas and even less of the ocean. To assume theat nothing paranormal exists is just that an assumption. Just watch it.

I'll be back in a week or two to discuss spirits and then ultimately god and reality...But first I have to break everyones reality and shoe them that there is is plenty of unexplicable but highly passed on history of things which actually do exist even though you currently think they dont. 15 years ago man thought giant squids were myth. Now, they are factually studied and logged as real. Where did this breakthrouh occur, on the show river monsters. They later did another show where they caught one and studied it.

The point is peoples bubble makes them think they know everything without ever looking into it. Im trying to bust bubbles (remove blinders) so people can see beyond assumption. Then we can talk wether god is real or not. P.s. he definitely is

As to the UFO's at the start of yourvideo they have been debunked. Well, they were "Unidentified Flying Objects". That only means that they were objects that were unidentified but then shown to be mere normal every day flying objects. As I said when almost all paranormal objects are properly investigated there is found to be nothing to them. And even if unexplained that is not evidence for the paranormal. I don't know does not mean that magic or aliens is the correct answer.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Im not the one that wants proof. People say god exists some people say god doesnt exist. Perception of wether he exists or not is exactly that. For example life itself could be considered proof of god.

If you make a positive claim you take on a burden of proof. That is the way that it works in the world. And perception is not evidence. Life itself is considered "proof of god" only by the very ignorant. What you really should try to do is to first learn what is and what is not evidence and also it would be a good idea to learn what various terms, such as "proof" mean.

I have no burden a proof. I simply offered a venue for you to find proof. Seasons 1 &2. Since I have offered the burden of proof is no longer on me. You would have to actually watch the proof offered then make a decision.

Sorry, but you do. And no, you did not "offer a venue". Let's work on the basics and then you can try to offer evidence. If you don't know what evidence is it can be very hard to offer any.

I also apologize if I insulted you. I can see that and you are correct, my bad.

Is not my job to inform you of proof of these things or alert you to their sources. i gave you were to see it and they have the sources and go in depth. I didnt make the videos I didnt find the videos but I have seen them and judged for myself.

I cannot continue with my argument because I need opposition to actually see the collection of things captured by people which are unexplicable/paranormal instead of bickering over individual videos. The massive collection cannot all be found by searching the web. I'm not trying to prove to you any specific u.f.o.s are real. Im trying to show you that you need to put arrogance aside and just actually see the collection then make an informed decision on wether or not any of them are real. Instead of pre judging and making assumptions and being nit picky (couldnt think of a better word).

Si far everyone has generalized all the collection without even seeing the collection. If any proof was there skepticism has you actively ignoring it.

Which fits because its far easier not to check it out and stay comfortable in your beliefs. Ice also told you multiple times that the entire collection cannot be found by searching. So to axtually go against my proof you have to actually watch the show. Until you do that the burden of disproof falls on you, because you have to actually see the proof I've already directed you to.

Your missng about 15 videos per episode, season is at least 10 episodes so your missing about 300 more videos many of which are of the same things captured in different Parts of the world.

Once again those sorts of videos are not evidence. They are merely entertainment. They do not support your claims. Learning why can be liberating.


unknown member
Favourite Atheist arguments

Theist; There's an invisible god out there.

Atheist; By any chance, does it just happen to have exactly the same morals as you?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Point: That's just it. Nothing more. Not, "I/you have no evidence of Bigfoot." Not, "What's a Bigfoot?" Not, "I'm undecided about the existence of Bigfoot."

Just this.
But it's a perfectly reasonable question. You make a claim, and the atheist asks for evidence.
Stating "you have no evidence" would be premature. "I'm undecided" would be irrelevant.


Just me
Premium Member
But it's a perfectly reasonable question. You make a claim, and the atheist asks for evidence.
Stating "you have no evidence" would be premature. "I'm undecided" would be irrelevant.
It's a reasonable question.

It's just not atheism.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
It's a reasonable question.

It's just not atheism.
Not following. You put the question in the mouth of an atheist, and it's a perfectly reasonable question anyone might ask in response to "There's a Bigfoot out there."
I don't get your point.

Mock Turtle

Oh my, did I say that!
Premium Member
A bug would be very noticible. What your seeing is a gyroscope (again on the show they enhance/zoom audio and video,it clearly has rings). Not only this but the object is clearly flying. Im not sure if its in that same version of the video but the pilot is also commenting on what he's seeing. Also this isnt the only time a U.F.O. of this type has been seen.

The other video is done in color and is in another part of the world, the object is shiny metal colored. You would know that though if ya followed the 1st step and watch the show
You are welcome to your beliefs about such but for me I need better evidence. And this applies to so many other things, where one can be led down all sorts of rabbit holes when one accepts something that might not be the case. Notice the prevalence of religious beliefs - and so many of them?

Mock Turtle

Oh my, did I say that!
Premium Member
Im not the one that wants proof. People say god exists some people say god doesnt exist. Perception of wether he exists or not is exactly that. For example life itself could be considered proof of god.

I have no burden a proof. I simply offered a venue for you to find proof. Seasons 1 &2. Since I have offered the burden of proof is no longer on me. You would have to actually watch the proof offered then make a decision.

I also apologize if I insulted you. I can see that and you are correct, my bad.

Is not my job to inform you of proof of these things or alert you to their sources. i gave you were to see it and they have the sources and go in depth. I didnt make the videos I didnt find the videos but I have seen them and judged for myself.

I cannot continue with my argument because I need opposition to actually see the collection of things captured by people which are unexplicable/paranormal instead of bickering over individual videos. The massive collection cannot all be found by searching the web. I'm not trying to prove to you any specific u.f.o.s are real. Im trying to show you that you need to put arrogance aside and just actually see the collection then make an informed decision on wether or not any of them are real. Instead of pre judging and making assumptions and being nit picky (couldnt think of a better word).

Si far everyone has generalized all the collection without even seeing the collection. If any proof was there skepticism has you actively ignoring it.

Which fits because its far easier not to check it out and stay comfortable in your beliefs. Ice also told you multiple times that the entire collection cannot be found by searching. So to axtually go against my proof you have to actually watch the show. Until you do that the burden of disproof falls on you, because you have to actually see the proof I've already directed you to.

Your missng about 15 videos per episode, season is at least 10 episodes so your missing about 300 more videos many of which are of the same things captured in different Parts of the world.
Better things to do, matey. :oops:


Well-Known Member
There are plenty of good videos of UFO's. I also mentioned some videos leaked from the navy and the navy admitted they are real. There are plenty of UFO shots and if you did research you would know thats twice very large ufo's have hovered over cities/bridges and were filmed by everyone. Again dont assume just because ya dont know. There are plenty of videos of the same ufo captured by mutliple people from different locations. One triangle shaped one hovred over the pentagon and was filmed by many people driving on the highway.

Here is what I could find but the show has hundreds of videos and goes more in depth.

These are on the show as well as well as lots of other paranormal things. The top one is one of the videos the navy leaked and the 2nd one is just a very good shot possibly fake but very well done if it is. It also has not been debunked at all.

There are thousands more videos some caught by multiple people from different perspectives.

When hearing of paranormal videos people tend to think they already know but you have not seen these videos on this show. If you did you would most likely change your tune as they pour in from all over the world even remote locations.

Rakes (google them), sea serpents, big foot/yeti, spirits are all caugh on camera semi regularly around the world.

Also videos of spirits also share traits regardless of world location. Videos with poltegeists are just that. Other videos where a spirit manifests usually have either a drain of power (lights flicker camera batter drain etc) or a small orb of light that passes near where the activity occurs or both. The orb of light or multiple orbs of light, is a shared trait of videos of shadow figures, residual enegeries etc and this is somewhat uniform around the world.

Again these videos are hard to find now even if you know whatvyour looking for all I can sabis watch the show then judge

The only reason I even posted any clips is because dude said it was lens flare which is clearly pre arrogant judgement and clearly not the case in any video I displayed. Dont make his mistake of assuming you know until you see. TBH skepticism is expected which is why I say just watch the show.

I also found this it is far away but when he zooms in you can see it walking on two legs. On the show they didgitally enhance video snd audio to zoom in even further and other videos like the one I posted earlier of the possible sea serpent you can actually hear the animal its eating squeal in the enhanced audio.

After they actually watch two seasons a lot of people will realize their in denial. Humans have explored less than 20% of the earths forest areas and even less of the ocean. To assume theat nothing paranormal exists is just that an assumption. Just watch it.

I'll be back in a week or two to discuss spirits and then ultimately god and reality...But first I have to break everyones reality and shoe them that there is is plenty of unexplicable but highly passed on history of things which actually do exist even though you currently think they dont. 15 years ago man thought giant squids were myth. Now, they are factually studied and logged as real. Where did this breakthrouh occur, on the show river monsters. They later did another show where they caught one and studied it.

The point is peoples bubble makes them think they know everything without ever looking into it. Im trying to bust bubbles (remove blinders) so people can see beyond assumption. Then we can talk wether god is real or not. P.s. he definitely is
I thought that there was an explanation for Navy UFO videos. Wasn't the reason for the "aura" surrounding the UFO was because of the IR camera? The explanation for the supposed acceleration in speed was due to the camera zooming out. And as far as the Navy admitting it as being real, they simply admitted that it was an official Navy recording of an UFO, saying that they don't know what it was. I recall the pilot who recorded the video to have said that he saw an Unidentified Flying Object, not acknowledging it to be an alien craft and/or any sort of advanced technological craft.

As for the second UFO video, it's fake. The all three aircrafts were digitally added in. This can be seen if one looks carefully at the second time they are shown. They suddenly just appear out of nowhere and continued flying. What should've happened is the aircrafts should come out from behind the treeline. Instead, they appeared out of thin air, a short distance in front of the trees. This happens really fast, so anyone can miss it if watching it at normal speed.

And for the bigfoot video, there's not enough information to confirm whether or not it was bigfoot. It was too blurry. Even if you were to zoom in close, all you can see is a distorted black speck moving, nothing to help with identifying it. With that being said, we must not rule out the possibility that it was a human or a four legged animal. There's actually some clues to indicate it as being a four legged animal.