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FBI Says Covid-19 Most Likely A Leak From Lab


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
Pretty sure that before the shots, I had at least a 90 percent chance of a full recovery from COVID.


Veteran Member
At this point, I don't think it matters all that much if it escaped from a lab or not.
Fact is that it is a naturally occurring virus. It's not some genetically manipulated thing turned bio-weapon.

Personally, I think the entire pandemic thing was "good practice" for what will likely follow in the next decades. Hopefully authorities have learned valueable lessons on how to deal with pandemics, because climate change and the resulting melting of permafrost has the potential of releasing much worse then a flu-ish strain with a less then 1% mortality rate. Or birdflu, which is really only a couple mutations away of jumping to humans and which will be more comparable to the black plague then a common flu.

The whole covid thing was childsplay compared to what potential blows nature can deal us in the not-so-distant future.


Veteran Member
I know I had COVID (after being "vaccinated and boosted" - but I don't consider myself any sort of outlier since so many other people I know also got COVID after being "vaccinated and boosted")) and I believe I got the shingles from my dad, who had them and I was his caregiver. I already had chickenpox as a kid. No other reasons I should have gotten shingles other than my dad's blisters but thankfully it was a very mild case since I was able to start the meds immediately, being very familiar with the symptoms (since my dad had just had shingles too). Plus my doctor verified this. I don't know where you're coming from but that's a pretty expert opinion where I come from.
The "other reason" you would have had shingles was because, as you pointed out, you had chicken pox as a kid. This is pretty well known.

"Shingles is caused by varicella zoster virus (VZV), the same virus that causes chickenpox. After a person recovers from chickenpox, the virus stays dormant (inactive) in their body. The virus can reactivate later, causing shingles.

Most people who develop shingles have only one episode during their lifetime. However, you can have shingles more than once."


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
The "other reason" you would have had shingles was because, as you pointed out, you had chicken pox as a kid. This is pretty well known.

"Shingles is caused by varicella zoster virus (VZV), the same virus that causes chickenpox. After a person recovers from chickenpox, the virus stays dormant (inactive) in their body. The virus can reactivate later, causing shingles.

Most people who develop shingles have only one episode during their lifetime. However, you can have shingles more than once."
Right and I got shingles immediately after my dad got them (I was his caregiver). I was in my early 50s, not immunocompromised, not under any particular stress, no other reason at all. I already know this, by the way, but thanks anyway.


Premium Member
New research indicates the possibility of a wild animal source for Covid-19 in the Wuhan Market. This' of course does not demonstrate that the lab release is not the source of Covid-19

Source: Science | AAAS

Unearthed genetic sequences from China market may point to animal origin of COVID-19

French scientist finds previously undisclosed data from Chinese research team

  • Market in Wuhan, China, on 1 January 2020 after doctors noticed cluster of unusual pneumonia cases linked to it.DAKE KANG/ASSOCIATED PRESSSHARE:A scientific sleuth in France has identified previously undisclosed genetic data from a food market in Wuhan, China, that she and colleagues say support the theory that coronavirus-infected animals there triggered the COVID-19 pandemic. Several of the researchers presented their findings on Tuesday to the Scientific Advisory Group for the Origins of Novel Pathogens (SAGO), an expert group convened last year by the World Health Organization (WHO).

“The data does point even further to a market origin,” says Kristian Andersen, an evolutionary biologist at Scripps Research who attended the meeting and is one of the scientists analyzing the new data. If so, the findings weaken the view of a vocal minority that a virology lab in Wuhan was the likely origin of SARS-CoV-2, perhaps when the coronavirus infected a lab worker who spread it further.

Florence Débarre, a theoretician who specializes in evolutionary biology and works at CNRS, the French national research agency, unearthed the data, which consist of genetic sequences posted in GISAID, a virology database, by Chinese researchers. The Chinese team had collected environmental samples from the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market, which was connected to a cluster of early COVID-19 cases and despite its name also sold a variety of mammals for food. Since Débarre spotted the sequences, GISAID has removed them, noting that this was at the request of the submitter.

Given that the mystery of SARS-CoV-2’s origin has been a matter of intense global interest and divisive debate, the data’s discovery and subsequent disappearance will certainly raise questions about why the Chinese team—which includes the former head of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (China CDC), George Gao—did not make the sequences public earlier. Contacted by Science, Gao said the sequences are “[n]othing new. It had been known there was illegal animal dealing and this is why the market was immediately shut down.”

But Andersen and his colleagues hope Gao’s team will now make the sequences widely available. “We have urged China CDC and our colleagues there to release this data as soon as possible,” he says.

Gao’s team used swabs to collect environmental samples from many of the stalls of the Huanan market between 1 January 2020, the day it was shut down, and 2 March 2020. The group reported last year that some of the samples that tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 also had human genetic material, but no DNA from other animals. The team concluded in a preprint posted on Research Square on 25 February 2022 that this “highly suggests” humans brought the virus to the market; Gao and his co-authors said this meant the marketplace was not the origin of the pandemic but simply amplified early spread of SARS-CoV-2.

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Unearthed genetic sequences from China market may point to animal origin of COVID-19

Maybe its both:


Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Stress can cause shingles. Talk with the experts. I am not denying that you had shingles, but according to what I have read you father could not have given them to you. Did you not read the link that I provided?
Blisters are how shingles get transmitted. It's not stress, and I have talked to county health board experts about it (when I was a case manager and had a client who had that and supervised visitations with her kids).
A person with shingles can spread the virus when the rash is in the blister-phase. The blister fluid is filled with virus particles. It usually appears on the trunk or face. The virus is spread through direct contact with the rash or through breathing in virus particles that get mixed in the air.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Blisters are how shingles get transmitted. It's not stress, and I have talked to county health board experts about it (when I was a case manager and had a client who had that and supervised visitations with her kids).
I know that. But I also said as much. But you cannot directly transmit shingles according to the CDC. A person that never had chickenpox can get chickenpox from shingles, but shingles itself is a secondary infection. When one gets chickenpox not all of the viruses die. I am unaware where the are in the body, but they still exist. Waiting. When one gets older on can get another outbreak of the same disease but the second time it is in the form of shingles. Kathryn already had had chickenpox. Her outbreak could have been stress, but you cannot catch a secondary disease.

Even your source says the same thing:

" A person cannot get shingles from a person that has shingles. "

It is sort of like HIV and AIDS. You can get HIV from a person with AIDS, but AIDS itself is the secondary disease. You do not share a needle or have unprotected intercourse with someone whose disease as advanced to the state of AIDS and immediately develop AIDS yourself (sorry, generic "you"). It takes a while for the secondary disease to develop. She claimed to get shingles and not chickenpox, the primary disease.