I don't know about past 2020 but I do know that in 2020 a higher percentage of people died who were NOT seatbelted than seatbelted and that's the information I linked to. And you keep on saying, and I've already been clear about this, that a higher percentage of people die who are wearing seatbelts than those who aren't.
Here, I'll give you the link again - doubt that you read it the first time:
Seatbelts significantly increases your chance of survival during a crash. Seatbelts are the safest choice drivers & passengers can make while driving.
Yes, seatbelts are more effective at preventing death than the vaccines are. But not by all that much. Also my claim was true in 2019 according to your link. But you did not understand the argument. If a high enough percentage of people in cars wore seatbelts the percentage of people that died wearing seatbelts in accidents would be higher than the number of people that were unrestrained. Do you understand this?
You probably do not. Let's give some numbers and do the math. They are going to be made up, but the logic still works.
To start with lets say that one out of ten accidents ends in a death if a person is unrestrained in a serious traffic accident.. And let's say that seat belts double your chances of living. So in an accident one out of twenty people die when restrained.
Oh, and I almost forgot, we are going to have a ridiculously high one out of ten chances of being in a serious traffic accident a year.
And we will use populations of one million.
We start with a 50/50 mixture of seatbelt and not seat belt people. Out of the one million people 100,000 get into an accident. Since the percentage is the same for both that means 50,000 were wearing seatbelts and 2,500 died. 50,000 were not and of them 5,000 died. Seatbelts save lives! Fewer restrained people died.
Okay, what if 90% of the population wore seatbelts?
Out of our 1,000,000 population there would still be 100,000 accidents.. But of those 900,000 were wearing seatbelts so 90,000 accidents. Only 100,000 were not wearing seatbelts , so 10,000 accidents for them. Among the belted there would have been 4,500 dead, that is one twentieth of the 900,000 figure. Among the unbelted there would be 1,000 deaths. Wait! I thought that seatbelts saved lives? More people died wearing seatbelts. Of course that is because ten times as many people were wearing seatbles as those that do not..
In reality a shade over 90% of the people already wear seatbelts. That was according to the article that you gave me. And the numbers of the unbelted dying are almost equal. That means that seatbelts are not even as effective as the doubling your chances of survival that I gave. The vaccine works even better than that. It more than doubles your chance of not dying.
Statistics can be confusing if you do not use them correctly , The numbers that you cited in an argument against the vaccines actually supported the vaccines.