I don't know, I've just never been struck by the bug to run out and read any of them, nor to watch the movies. Not that I have anything against them I don't think, just...eh.
I understand. I was in that camp until I gave in to peer pressure. I just figured, why not? "Just try it."
Kind of like when Avatar came out. I resisted because - well - SO many people saw it and raved about it. I thought about not becoming one of those "sheep" in my mind, refusing to follow the herd. And when I finally saw it on DVD, I quietly reprimanded myself for not going to see it in 3D at the theatre. So hearing all the oohs and aahs from many of my friends at the mere mention of "Christian Grey", I was skeptical with it much like my skepticism with Avatar and with Twilight.
The Hunger Games trilogy was a little of the same, though, I have to say that taking up that bet proved to be great for me and for my daughter. We both love the series.
BTW, I'm the only one in my family who read it. My mother and my grandmother refuse. They think it would be stupid and atrocious given what they've heard too, so you're not alone.
And judging by the responses in this thread, you still aren't alone. If that makes you feel any better.