Ben Masada
Well-Known Member
In what way does logic justify the existence of a deity?
In the esoteric way. In the Primal Mover/Cause of the universe reported by Philosophers. How do you see such conclusions coming from so powerful a mind as they are possessed by? In the universe which is spoken of as the handiwork of God
in the words of King David. (Psalm 19:1) These men could not be that stupid.
In what way are those specific Scriptures justified over all the other known holy texts, mythologies, and possibilities?
In the way of who wrote them. Once Mark Twain was asked for evidences about the existence of God, he answered and said two words: "The Jews." This People are responsible for almost 75 percent of all Nobel Prizes ever granted to Mankind. Only 14 million peoples in a sea of six billion throughout the world. This is the People by means of whom God reveals His glory in the sight of the nations, to quote Ezekiel 20:41. Do you think such a class of people would promote the stupidity of a fantasy if God did not exist? That's what I mean by Logic.
But as I've told you, I don't believe in any of those hypotheticals because I'm withholding judgement until I have the data to make a decision. You seem to have made a decision, which is why I'm requesting your justification so I can examine it.
I think you have enough from above.
Who says I'm confused? It's far better to say to someone "I don't know" or "I suspect X, but am not positive about it" than to falsely tell them something that's unjustified with confidence.
I know that you don't know. None of you does. You are a little different, but the majority of you seem to be so sure as to proclaiming that God does not exist, as if we, the Jews, of all people, are a bunch of morons for believing in God.
If my water isn't running in the winter it isn't better for me to (without justification) declare very confidently, "It's because demons have stolen my water" rather than investigating into whether or not the pipes have frozen first.
I can see what you mean, but this is a question for Christians. We don't believe in demons. But the rationalization is no different from the one a Jew would take.
What is paraphysics? By ESP do you mean extra-sensory perception? There is as of yet no credible evidence for the existence of such a phenomenon.
I think I have explained to you already about the mistake I made with the word paraphysics. I meant Metaphysics, and yes but Parapsychology. ESP here, I means as an esoteric way to relate spiritually with God Who is an Eternal Incorporeal Spirit. It comes with a lot of meditative practices. I would not expect you to understand. Not because you are a woman but because of your pre-conceived atheistic notions.
regretfully submit that I do in fact understand what attributes are and suggest that maybe you're misunderstanding me. So far you've already declared several attributes of God but seem to be unaware of it. I'm just interested in knowing what God's attributes are and how you know them, but you insist on going into this red herring distinction between "is" and "has." I've already understood your distinction, but the fact of the matter is that there are still attributes of God in order for God to exist at all. So what are they, and how do you know what they are? (If you say scriptures, how do you know that those scriptures are true when they say so?)
Attributes. Let us see what I can say that I haven't told you already. They are related to a cause or source. God is the source of all attributes as parts of what He is, I mean, of His essence. And He causes Himself to operate, as I mean in His work of creation, which is one of His attributes. To have a better idea of what I am talking about, and of how God ascribe some of His attributes to man, read about The Personification of God's Attributes.
Personification of Attributes - Genesis 1:26
"Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. Let them have dominion over... the whole earth."
The above passage of Genesis has been for years the trump card in the hands of Trinitarians to drop at the right time in the assumed thought that it will guarantee them to clean up the table, so to speak. Well, let them think again, because I have news. It's no longer that easy.
Elohim is incorporeal, and incorporeality reflects no image. But then again, how to harmonize the use of the pronouns in the plural form? The attributes of God, which are part of His essence, were impersonately involved in the formation of man.
Bear in mind that only in the creation of man was the statement issued: To make man at God's image. Since God has no visible image, and man does, it's only obvious that man's image would be according to God's attributes. Therefore, His attributes in a relative portion, were the active agent in the formation of man.
Now, it's imperative to focus on the pronouns used by the sacred writer, since the pronouns are anyways what Trinitarians use to think they have made their day. "Let US make MAN in OUR image and likeness. And let THEM have dominion over everything on earth."
Now, focus on the word MAN. It is in the singular form. Nevertheless, the purpose is for THEM to dominate the earth. If THEM were a reference to man, a clarification would be in order to explain the discrepancy in the Grammar. I mean, that it would be a reference to all men. This lack of clarification was not a lapse of the author, but intentional will to direct our minds to the attributes of God, which took part in the formation of man.
It's interesting and just convenient for Trinitarians to rapidly refer "us" and "our" to God Himself and hide any word of explanation on the plural pronoun "them," which could not be a reference to man. I hope they do not do this on purpose because it would be spiritual cruelty to hide the truth.
I hope we have settled this issue. Since "them" is not a reference to man but to the attributes of God, it's only obvious that "us" and "our" are not references to God Himself but to His attributes. Therefore, the Creator of the Universe is He Who has dominion over the whole of the Universe through man by way of His attributes.
It's more than obvious that Israel could not uphold the banner of absolute Monotheism in God, and start the Scriptures with statements of plurality in God. The whole issue therefore, was personification of attributes.
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