Here's the reasoning.
KJV All scripture is given by God
KJV The words of the Lord are pure words
as silver tried in a furnace of earth,
purified seven times.
KJV oh that they were printed in a book
While all scripture are records,
the outstanding record of scripture
and the scripture of final authority
is the published text and form of the
AV 1611 KJV Holy Bible
first edition.
The AV 1611 KJV Holy Bible
is the most published, distributed,
translated, preached and believed
Book of all time.
This is not the Original Only position
and this is not the KJV Only position.
There are two types of Bibles,
Holy Bibles and Corrupt Bibles.
It is dishonest to refer to a book
as scripture while believing that
only the originals were infallible.
The theory is that the Lord himself
canonized and purified his words.
KJV Thou shalt keep them, O Lord,
thou shall preserve them
This is the truest Sola Scriptura