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Finding A Religion


Master of the Mystic Arts
For a while now I've been looking for a religion or belief system. I've felt there has been something missing from my life and I think it's any kind of belief in anything. However, I've not found any religion that really speaks to me, although I have looked at many. Left Hand Path is what I feel myself relating to most so I class myself as that but it isn't really a religion as such, more it's a view point.

I'm trying to learn more to inform myself but I really don't know where I should be looking. I feel like I need to channel my beliefs into something but I don't want to make my beliefs "fit" to match any pre-existing system. Yeah, I know, I'm complicated. :slap:

So, if anyone has any suggestions on where I should look or whatever please let me know.



For me, religion is not so much about "informing" myself as it is about personal growth. I know that, without religion, I am stagnant and tend to be lazy and hypocritical. I don't have to have an organized religion to stay "informed", because you can find pretty much anything on the internet these days. However, without religion I have no means to attach that information to action, to purpose. That's not to say that religion tells me what to do, but it enables me to understand myself (and my beliefs) better.

And I would also say that religion is not about "channeling" your beliefs as much as it is about "challenging" them. Religion provides you with opportunities for your faith to act and to grow. This is work. If you choose religion, you are choosing to invest your time and your energy into something as a servant.

This, I think, is the difference between serving your beliefs worth serving and choosing beliefs that serve you. It doesn't take much effort to join a religion if its primary purpose is to simply tell you what you want to hear. I thought that's what television was for?


Agnostic Pantheist
Maybe your condition is a blessing. perhaps at this point of your life you have the passion to read and indulge yourself in different sacred and spiritual texts of various religions and belief systems, without excessive emotional attachment. instead you can take the time and appreciate what you read without jumping head first into the deep waters of a specific doctrine.

You have said that you relate to the LHP, whatever the reasons maybe, perhaps its a good idea to examine what it is that you are looking for in a belief system, for example, there are individuals who look for human development, while some look for theological truths.

perhaps you can examine a certain kind of aspect or school within a broader philosophy or religion without committing yourself to the Dharma or dogma of that faith.
for example, taking advantage of the benefits of meditation.


Master of the Mystic Arts
This, I think, is the difference between serving your beliefs worth serving and choosing beliefs that serve you. It doesn't take much effort to join a religion if its primary purpose is to simply tell you what you want to hear. I thought that's what television was for?

Well, by that same token I'm not about to join a religion who's views I don't agree with as that would be just as silly. However I admit I don't really know what I'm looking for, I guess something that speaks to be clearly and loudly, as some religions do for others.

Maybe your condition is a blessing. perhaps at this point of your life you have the passion to read and indulge yourself in different sacred and spiritual texts of various religions and belief systems, without excessive emotional attachment. instead you can take the time and appreciate what you read without jumping head first into the deep waters of a specific doctrine.

You have said that you relate to the LHP, whatever the reasons maybe, perhaps its a good idea to examine what it is that you are looking for in a belief system, for example, there are individuals who look for human development, while some look for theological truths.

perhaps you can examine a certain kind of aspect or school within a broader philosophy or religion without committing yourself to the Dharma or dogma of that faith.
for example, taking advantage of the benefits of meditation.

Yes, of all the religions I've looked at LHP by far speaks to me the most, but the SPECIFIC religions inside that path don't necessarily do that, such as Temple of Set etc. However, the folks in the LHP section of these forums have encouraged me to find my own path, so perhaps an extension of that is to not follow any one spercific religion but simply try and discover what it is I personally belibe in and follow that withput worrying about other religions?

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
For a while now I've been looking for a religion or belief system. I've felt there has been something missing from my life and I think it's any kind of belief in anything. However, I've not found any religion that really speaks to me, although I have looked at many. Left Hand Path is what I feel myself relating to most so I class myself as that but it isn't really a religion as such, more it's a view point.

I'm trying to learn more to inform myself but I really don't know where I should be looking. I feel like I need to channel my beliefs into something but I don't want to make my beliefs "fit" to match any pre-existing system. Yeah, I know, I'm complicated. :slap:

So, if anyone has any suggestions on where I should look or whatever please let me know.


Nothing has to "fit". Just live daily and apply what works for you. -NM-


Strange one,

Wondering if you considered the divine outreach as it might apply to the generations of mankind. The timing and overlap of monotheist religions are great points of arrival. Imagine the divine creator... offering to each creation... a message? Would there be consistent measures to watch for? Would there be extensions of insight offered from one religion to the other, in a manner that supports this consistency, but without being repetitive? Like a labyrinth, does it require one to connect or add to the next for inspiration?

Here's a clue! As you envision a guru or master in any of this, you would rightfully expect to find an esoteric kind of intuitive sort of character. All that one needs to ask is, "How did he become so?" The journey as i see it, and one to consider... is without disappointment!

Save travels!



Master of the Mystic Arts
Nothing has to "fit". Just live daily and apply what works for you. -NM-

I've actually started to form my own path which I'm calling Path Agamotto (see avatar). I was inspired to do this after learning about House Kheparu and as I had already been writing down my belifes and thoughts in a journal it wasn't that much fo a leap. Since then I've seen others have done the same so it seems like a normal enough thing.

I place Path Agamotto under the banner of LHP although it does not register with all of the belifes of pre-existibng LHP religions. Even though I'm "creating" Agamotto and it comes from me I sill kind of feel this need to be part of something. I must admit however I don't know how much of this is a need for religion and to discuss my belifes and how much is just me wanting to feel like I fit in and am part of something (which is strange as I'm also all about individualism - go figure). Havign said that though I feel the greatest connection to LHP and Agamotto is kind of my "take" on LHP.

I also have conflictign thoughts on gods/ deities. I feel all of creation stems from the uiverse and that within that there could be something like gods. I don't agree with the idea of One God as in Chrisitinaity as that seems like too much of a dictatorship to me, but I do feel there could be multipul gods out there like in Greek mythology. On the other hands, I also agree with the LHP idea that "normal" people can become god-like. Not all powerful, universe creating gods, but more insperational people, or great becasue they strive to be the best they can be.

So yes, I'm a little mixed up. :help: :D


Democratic Socialist
dont listen to anyone. you can find what you want to believe inside yourself. reading dosent hurt

Deist David

A serious Deist!
Listen to your heart - only it, (and less your conscious mind) can guide you to see what you already know you believe. This is why I am no longer a Christian (as I was for 25 years) and no longer a Buddhist (as I was for 10 years)........ if one searches into ones heart deeply and honestly enough, one will have to expose what they truly feel is not the truth. Initially, for me, this meant dogmatic, hierachical, revealed religion, which I wholly reject. But even my venerable Buddhism had to be cast out as I cannot believe in the specific system of the wheel of Karma, without the knowledge of evidence that it exists. What is left? .......... well it's a lonely place at first but it's possible to find bliss in what we know DOES exist. I am now in awe of the Universe, the stars, the sun, the moon, clouds ..... - somehow in my old life, I never managed to notice the beauty in things. Now I see the Universe and mother nature as we see her on Earth as the most intensely beautiful things. I believe the Universe was 'instigated' by a higher consciousness or some sort, but there is nothing in this Universe that leads me to believe in a judgemental, interfering God of the Abrahamic sort. Our pain is our own - Man's pain. It is childish and immature to both blame God for the pain we suffer, but also to state that "it is all in God's will and plan". Tell that to the Mother who has just lost her Child from starvation in Africa, while in North America and Western Europe we gauge ourselves until we're sick.

Man's time on Earth is insignificant. And that is actually quite beautiful. Stare at the stars, take refuge in them. Is there something after this life? If there is, it has to be what we would regard in this age as being metaphysical. We have no proof. But it is possible that our spirits join an alternative energy force, after our bodies die. I find life is better when not counting on this! .... enjoy your humanity, we are weak and childish but we are only human. Our inability to love and accept ourselves is the heart of our problems and our hate and greed.

Above all, there is always hope. It's out there in those stars!

Take care, and enjoy your serach for truth!
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Well-Known Member
Greetings! :)

I would encourage you to examine as many religions as possible: Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Baha'i, Hindu, and any others you can find!

Don't take anyone else's opinion about any of these: please make up your own mind.

Then you can make an informed decision as to which path is best for you.

And I wish you good hunting! :)



Master of the Mystic Arts
Listen to your heart - only it, (and less your conscious mind) can guide you to see what you already know you believe. This is why I am no longer a Christian (as I was for 25 years) and no longer a Buddhist (as I was for 10 years)........ if one searches into ones heart deeply and honestly enough, one will have to expose what they truly feel is not the truth. Initially, for me, this meant dogmatic, hierachical, revealed religion, which I wholly reject. But even my venerable Buddhism had to be cast out as I cannot believe in the specific system of the wheel of Karma, without the knowledge of evidence that it exists. What is left? .......... well it's a lonely place at first but it's possible to find bliss in what we know DOES exist. I am now in awe of the Universe, the stars, the sun, the moon, clouds ..... - somehow in my old life, I never managed to notice the beauty in things. Now I see the Universe and mother nature as we see her on Earth as the most intensely beautiful things. I believe the Universe was 'instigated' by a higher consciousness or some sort, but there is nothing in this Universe that leads me to believe in a judgemental, interfering God of the Abrahamic sort. Our pain is our own - Man's pain. It is childish and immature to both blame God for the pain we suffer, but also to state that "it is all in God's will and plan". Tell that to the Mother who has just lost her Child from starvation in Africa, while in North America and Western Europe we gauge ourselves until we're sick.

Man's time on Earth is insignificant. And that is actually quite beautiful. Stare at the stars, take refuge in them. Is there something after this life? If there is, it has to be what we would regard in this age as being metaphysical. We have no proof. But it is possible that our spirits join an alternative energy force, after our bodies die. I find life is better when not counting on this! .... enjoy your humanity, we are weak and childish but we are only human. Our inability to love and accept ourselves is the heart of our problems and our hate and greed.

Above all, there is always hope. It's out there in those stars!

Take care, and enjoy your serach for truth!

That makes a lot of sense!

Thanks to everyone who responded. I've been looking at stuff and seeing where I feel I fit. I'm actually thinking my views may be similar to Pagans. Is it possible to be a Left-Hand Path Pagan? :D

Anyway, I shall keep searching.

Thanks for the link, Trey. I shall check that out!


Well-Known Member
OK, I'm not really versed up on all religions and not really sure what LHP actually is so.... Quick search on Wiki found this:
List of belief systems that describe themselves as left-handed

  • * Satanism
    o LaVeyan Satanism
    o Church of Satan
    o First Satanic Church
    o Theistic Satanism
    * Demonolatry
    * Dragon Rouge
    * Luciferianism
    * Setianism
    o Temple of Set
Is this true? If not, then can anyone let me know what LHP really is? I am a christian and its not that I'm thinking of changing religion, I am just interested in hearing of all religions that I can and what their beliefs are etc.