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Finding A Religion


Well-Known Member
WOW (interesting read), thank you, I honestly have so much to learn about religions I have never heard of before.

So basically what I have gathered is that it is very much a satanic religion then, correct? If so I really struggle to understand why people would choose to follow these paths, surely nothing good can come from these ways?

Trey of Diamonds

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the link, Trey. I shall check that out!

Cool, I hope there is one close to you. It's the only church I know where you will be welcome to explore the Left Hand Path as well as learning other religions. There will be no pressure to change your beliefs, only to join committees. :D


Doctorstrange, you said that you've felt there has been something missing from your life and you think it's any kind of belief in anything.
I think that your definition of the word "religion" will affect the in your search for a religion. And if we accept this definition given here,:
Religion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I think that you would better search for the religion that has the best life system ,meaning what you believe it's teachings to be the best to live following.
And the best way find that ,is surely the authentic sources of a religion,and not practices of people contradicting these Authentic sources of that religion in the name that religion,this will mislead you.
study the Authentic sources with care and i believe God will guide to the truth, if you truly seek it.
These I think help
Welcome: The key to understanding Islam
Biography of the final messenger - MUHAMMED - peace & blessings be upon him
Quran and Science
This is truth
Women In Islam : WomenInIslam.ws
Quran Miracles - Miracles of the Qur'an
And view Muslims Threads and Posts in RF
http://www.religiousforums.com/forum/islam/79308-hello.html .etc
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Master of the Mystic Arts
So basically what I have gathered is that it is very much a satanic religion then, correct? If so I really struggle to understand why people would choose to follow these paths, surely nothing good can come from these ways?

Satanic religions are religions that follow the Left Hand Path, but being Left Hand Path does not automatically make you a Satanist. The main thrust of LHP is self-betterment/self-growth, not believing in a god or gods and feeling that an individual can become "god-like". However, these views/ beliefs can vary widely from one LHPer to another. For example I don't believe in a god but I do believe that through self-betterment/ enlightenment we can become great, or god-like (althoug, again, each person's idea of what "god-like" is can very. See this thread for discussion on that.)

So in short, Satanism is only one path that some LHPers follow, but there are many others.

Cool, I hope there is one close to you.

Actually, there isn't. :p The closest to my is Sydney which is three hours away. Still, next time I'm in Sydney I'll try and get there.

Doctorstrange, you said that you've felt there has been something missing from your life and you think it's any kind of belief in anything.

I was being a bit rather there. I DO believe in things, it's just that my belifes don't seem to fit with any other religion/system out there however parts of them do. Some Temple of Set stuff I agree with, some I don't, same with other religions. Also, there are a few things I'm unsure about, like I can't decide if there are no gods or many. I'd kind of like there to be many because I really like the idea of that, but at the same time I also feel that we, as people, are in control of own lives and that we must not rely on, or even need to prey, to these gods to have a godo life. So I'm a little confused and tryign to work out exactly what it if I feel.

I think that you would better search for the religion that has the best life system ,meaning what you believe it's teachings to be the best to live following.

That is kind of what I'm doing, but I'm not going to change what I belife just to "fit in" so the search goes on...:D
Try Hinduism? While everyone else is saying, do what you are comfortable with, i will not. You do not change for Hinduism, you change it for you. You see it's philosophical beliefs and religious, and see what does and does not work with you. Ultimately, for me, we concern ourself too much with religion and process, and not enough with God him/herself.

Trey of Diamonds

Well-Known Member
Actually, there isn't. :p The closest to my is Sydney which is three hours away. Still, next time I'm in Sydney I'll try and get there.

Rats, that's a shame. When you're there, ask about possible groups that aren't on the Internet. Sometimes there will be small startup groups in an area that don't have an internet presence. You could call and ask too I suppose.

No matter what, best of luck to you.


Master of the Mystic Arts
I'm wondering, is it OK to take parts of various religions and mould them into one coheasive whole that works for you? I ask this because in reading on various religions I've found I agree with some of what they say, but not with other parts of their belifes. And example is Wicca. I found a diagram showing that apart from Spirit, Fire, Earth, Air and Water their pentagram can also stand for Intelligence, Wisdome, Repose, etc, all things I belive one needs to try and have workign together to become great. Bascially, I'm looking at that pentagram from an LHP perspective and it really speaks to me.

However, Wicca has the God/Goddess whorship and I still do not fully feel able to belive that there are gods or goddesses. I belive that there is more to this existance than we can percive, and I belive the universe to be infinate with unlimited possibilites, but all-powerful beings like God? I'm just not sure, part of me kind of does, but part of me dosent. So, at the moment, that goes against the belifes of Wicca.

Also, I do really belive that if we strive we can become great. The LHP is all about self-batterment and I strongly feel that is we perserveer at the things we are passionate about we will become great. (I've discussed my views of this elsewhere so I won't go over it again.)

I can see sense and reason in many religions I've read about but at the same time there are things that I don't agree with. Thus, my original question in this post. Can you take parts of religion that work for you can just use those, or is that goign against the whole point?

Try Hinduism?

I'll check it out.

No matter what, best of luck to you.

Thansk very much, Trey.


Well-Known Member

Personally, I see man-made attempts at religion as inferior to the revealed religions that already exist!

Thus, why settle for a lower-quality result?

Peace, :)



Master of the Mystic Arts
Ha, thanks Trey. However, after my last post I think I may have found what I'm looking for. I say "may" because I've not fully decided yet but it feels right.

After posting my previous entry I bought a book after work the same day called Wicca for Beginners by Thea Sabin.

Let me preface this by saying that in my reading and research Wicca was the religion that spoke to me most next to LHP. There are parts of LHP I don't agree with. I looked into myself and I honestly don't believe we can become Gods. I believe we can become great, but that is a very different thing. Also, while I do think that night and darkness can be a source of beauty and inspiration, I don't view it in the evil/ threatening/ Satanic way that seems so prevalent in LHP. Basically, I think LHP leans a bit too close the "dark side" of dark, which makes me feel uncomfortable. Disillusioned, I picked up this book to learn about what spoke to me most after LHP.

And I've not been able to put it down.

Most of what I'd read on Wicca previously had been on-line or in books discussing various religions. This is the first Wicca-specific book I've come across (the joys of living in a small town) and it goes into great detail about the religion.

While I've never really considered myself "connected" to the Earth I've always had an appreciation for it and I find the beauty of the world, especially on overcast, stormy or foggy/cloudy days to be absolutely inspiring and many of my artworks and writings have been influenced by that. Also, I've always believed that everything in existence was connected. All of this, according to this book, is essential to Wicca.

Another great aspect of Wicca is that although they have gods and goddesses they don't view them as Christians do their God - an all powerful being dictating essential dogma and rules of living. Rather, in Wicca the God and Goddess are two sides of the same coin, interconnected, both separate and whole at the same time, an idea I really respond to. Also, Wicca lets you express yourself, your individuality and find your own spiritual path, something else I respond to.

While reading the book I found myself really agreeing with what was said and thinking "yes, this really makes sense. This I can believe." Honestly, it's the first time I've read about a religion and not at any point thought "whoa, hang on, that's not right..." as I've done so many times in the past.

Apparently, Wicca is the fastest growing religion in the US. I didn't know this until I read it in the book's introduction. That is not why I'm thinking of turning to Wicca. I live in NSW, Australia in a small coal-mining town. Christianity is pretty much the only religion here. I've honestly never knowingly met a Wiccan. So I'm not doing this because it's the "cool thing" to do. I don't do things unless I really believe in them, which is why I kept looking even after I found LHP. And I'll probably keep looking even if I decide Wicca is for me.

At this moment Wicca makes the most sense so I will see where it leads me. I've found you can't really rush these things, but if you feel a connection you should go for it. I have and I am.

Wish me luck...:D
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Just like to say, DS, if you have any questions about Hinduism, then come over to the Hinduism part of the forum.

If i were you, i would try each religion suggested. It is the best way to see if you can live the religion, adhere to it etc. Try em. I am sure it will help.


Master of the Mystic Arts
Just like to say, DS, if you have any questions about Hinduism, then come over to the Hinduism part of the forum.

If i were you, i would try each religion suggested. It is the best way to see if you can live the religion, adhere to it etc. Try em. I am sure it will help.

Sent you a PM, Don.

EDIT: I've been reading about a few other religions all day but I just keep coming back to Wicca. It speaks to me most.
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Its only a Label
Friend Doctor Strange,

Finding A Religion
For a while now I've been looking for a religion or belief system. I've felt there has been something missing from my life and I think it's any kind of belief in anything. However, I've not found any religion that really speaks to me, although I have looked at many. Left Hand Path is what I feel myself relating to most so I class myself as that but it isn't really a religion as such, more it's a view point.

I'm trying to learn more to inform myself but I really don't know where I should be looking. I feel like I need to channel my beliefs into something but I don't want to make my beliefs "fit" to match any pre-existing system. Yeah, I know, I'm complicated.

So, if anyone has any suggestions on where I should look or whatever please let me know.


All religions are just PATHS or WAYS to STILL the mind.
When the mind is still and free from thoughts then only the individual is free and in that freedom is one with existence. The individual is in nature.
Each individual needs a way to still his mind and there are as many ways /paths as many individuals. Each one has to first come to this understanding and with that understanding a method / way /path /religion develops on its own accord.

All anyone needs to do is to find a way to still his mind.
That is the what all religions have given which most follow blindly and remain blind. Those who are not blind, find their own path.
Best Wishes.
Love & rgds

Trey of Diamonds

Well-Known Member
Ha, thanks Trey. However, after my last post I think I may have found what I'm looking for. I say "may" because I've not fully decided yet but it feels right.

After posting my previous entry I bought a book after work the same day called Wicca for Beginners by Thea Sabin.

At this moment Wicca makes the most sense so I will see where it leads me. I've found you can't really rush these things, but if you feel a connection you should go for it. I have and I am.

Wish me luck...:D

Cool, Wicca is a great path. And, not to sound like a broken record but, UU churches have a huge number of Wiccan members. :D The pagan's in my church are second only to the semi-Christians. We have more of them than Buddhists. In the States there is a specific group for pagans in the UU church called CUUPS.


I'm not sure about Australian counterparts.

Best of Luck!


Hostis humani generis
Ha, thanks Trey. However, after my last post I think I may have found what I'm looking for. I say "may" because I've not fully decided yet but it feels right.
Hey, congratulations. :)

I hope I can hurry up and find one! Keep me in your thoughts. :)


Its only a Label
Friend stephenw,

I'm not sure we can be divided into blind and not blind. I think everyone has to find their own path. If it occurs to a person - then they're seeking?

Sorry brother the word *not blind* is in lieu of *awake* those who have understood and no more just going to church on sundays because it is a sunday and their is a mass.
The significance is understood and he realises that whereevr you are it is the church and whatever you do you do prayerfully.
For such individuals are awake and no more blind followers.
Love & rgds


For a while now I've been looking for a religion or belief system. I've felt there has been something missing from my life and I think it's any kind of belief in anything. However, I've not found any religion that really speaks to me, although I have looked at many. Left Hand Path is what I feel myself relating to most so I class myself as that but it isn't really a religion as such, more it's a view point.

I'm trying to learn more to inform myself but I really don't know where I should be looking. I feel like I need to channel my beliefs into something but I don't want to make my beliefs "fit" to match any pre-existing system. Yeah, I know, I'm complicated. :slap:

So, if anyone has any suggestions on where I should look or whatever please let me know.


m y religion help me t o believe in myself and humankind.perhaps thiis is what you look for.