bobhikes said:
Yep that's the problem I used explosion. You were using a balloon. The entire universe is the center of the big bang. As far as I know its called the Big Bang theory but they don't use Big Bang to explain any part of it.
It is called Big Bang because someone, possibly Fred Hoyle, supposedly called theory Big Bang, in 1949 radio broadcast. Hoyle was the one who proposed a competing of the universe followed the Steady State cosmological model.
Nothing in the BB theory say that the BB was an explosion. Only ones who do, don't really understand BB cosmological model, or visit biased creationist sites, that relied on propaganda or misinformation.
Do you truly know what they mean by expansion of the universe?
It is the expansion of SPACE itself.
The only thing truly faster than the speed of light, is SPACE. That's what was expanding.
The expanding allow the universe to cool, cool enough for energies to form subatomic particles, and later, atomic elements, particularly hydrogen - the first matters. Masses of hydrogen atoms later still formed the earliest stars, and stars formed heavier elements.
The point is that it is not dust that form everything, but the simple hydrogen; it is those hydrogen that began it all.