This one's actually extremely easy to answer.
Actually if is very far from easy.
All of the abuses you mention are of course,
quite true, and getting worse. People have been
very unkind to the fish.
However-they do provide a very valuable source of protein.
A rational approach is not whether, but which species,
and how.
Starting with farmed fish (NOT salmon) such as
various catfish, tilapia etc. These are great for moving
low grade food / vegetation up the scale to being high grade
suitable for human consumption, at a low energy
cost. (chickens have a metabolism like a Ferrari)
Various shellfish are very successfully farmed.
Wild populations can be managed for what the fisheries
people call MSY, maximum sustained yield.
A much lower level of pressure is needed and harmful
practices need to be eliminated, but to just say "no
fish" is, imo, unnecessary and a poor idea.