דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
As to the bigger picture, personally I see it grows from what it is to be a member of a family. For a family unit to work one must be a useful part of the family, doing the tasks needed to be done and not become a servant to only ones own self.
Thus I see we are the family of man, each nation a part of that family, each community in those nations giving diversity to the family unit.
I see we can no longer become selfish and not work for the whole family unit. That does require a certain level of sacrifice of ones own desires.
Family Unit:
Respectfully, I think a cooperative system modeled after a Family is a very very bad idea.
- Nepotism
- Minority opinion is under valued
- Seniority is over valued
- No balance of powers
- No term limits
Sacrifice of ones own desires:
Respectfully, I think there is potentially a double standard applied regarding sacrifice of ones own desires. The double standard is introduced when one person or group feels that their desires reflect the desire of their chosen God(s), religious beliefs, material gain, lust for power.
As an example: I believe that Gay and Trans people should have all the same civic freedoms and opportunities as people who are not Gay or Trans. Would you sacrifice your own desire to implement God's universal law in order to enter into a cooperative Family unit with me?