In the coming years, automation and AI will likely make more and more people redundant, so the idea of creating "make work" just because of the idea that "everyone has to work" may not really be relevant.
And no one is saying that the population should be totally idle, but shorter hours, shorter work weeks, earlier retirement? I really don't see why that should be a problem for anyone, unless we, as a society, really are regressing and going backward to an earlier form. I understand your point about math, and maybe there is no other course of action we can take, except to go backwards, if going forward is not practical or no longer a viable option.
If nothing else, I just think it would be better if the politicians simply admitted that they've grossly mismanaged and now we're in a quagmire we won't ever be able to get out of. At least, they should be honest, although I know that's unrealistic to expect from a politician.