I was unfortunate enough to have been brought up in a fundamentalist Christian home (pentecostal). The pressure to get 'saved' was great even from a young age.
- I can understand why the "pressure" would be great since if the claims are true then it literally would make all the diffrence for a person in how they ultimately decided on the matter wouldn't it? However I do object to the time and way your relatives went about it...more on that below.
I was told at six years old that if Jesus came I would be left behind, which of course is abusive. I had a sadistic grandmother who took pleasure in telling me from the age of two about the tortures of hell for naughty little girls like me!
-Your grandmother was wrong...though I am sure she had very good intentions in what she told you. There is clearly an age of accountability presented in the Bible and a 2 year old is not at that age, not even close (see the account of what happened to David's baby when it died for example). No 2 year old or anyone else under the age of accountablity will be in Hell. That age is diffrent for each individual as well. For some that age may never come...i.e. the mentally handicapp who are unable to truely understand and make a clear decision one way or another.
I held out until I was eleven before giving into the pressure and 'giving my heart to Jesus'! I was even devout for a while and embarrassingly trotted out the cliches so beloved of fundamentalist Christians.
- But it must be asked...why did you "give your heart to Jesus?"
However, before long the doubts assailed themselves overwhelmingly, and thankfully by the time I married at 19 my faith slipped away, which was a relief. I am firmly of the opinion that the fundamentalist Christian dogma 'only the saved go to heaven the rest to hell', is a silly nonsense and can be very abusive too.