NO you don´t as even Isaac Newton called himself a Natural Philosopher.
Tthe Natural Philosophy of the Renaissance to the late 19th century isn’t the problem, it is the 20th and 21st centuries philosophies, especially Metaphysics.
Metaphysics have been diluted into over-complicated sophistry; it is more talk than action.
Isaac Newton’s physics and mathematics in classical mechanics were excellent FOR HIS TIME...his mechanics were so much wrong as they were incomplete.
Albert Einstein took the classical mechanics to the next level. In the future, someone else will extend Einstein’s work even further.
I have no problems with Natural Philosophy, I do have problems with modern Metaphysics.
Natural Philosophy is only good, IF it can be verified by observations, evidence or experiments, then and only then, does the specific study/research is considered science. And it is good if there are applications.
I know that you hate everything to do with gravity, but Newton’s theory still have applications today, in engineering, in studies of the Solar System and space flight.
I don´t care about your Hubble and Darvin references as long as you ignore my posts.
And you don’t seem to be able to grasp no philosophies or any alternative concepts are not science, until they are TESTED, and have been VERIFIED by OBSERVATIONS and EVIDENCE.
Without evidence, any out-of-box ideas are not science, they are merely speculative opinions.
At least, with Hubble and Darwin, their discoveries and concepts are supported by the evidence, the same can not be said with the OP’s video by Gareth Samuel, which is all talk, and no substances.
If Samuel want to offer something new, then needs to present evidence and data that are testable and can be verified by the peers, not some flashy special effects and phony computer simulations in his videos.
Only people who are naïve think that some fabricated computer simulations are scientific evidence for his claims.
So I don’t care about Samuel’s unsubstantiated video.
PS, I had started this reply after lunch. Left it unfinished until now.