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Gay adoption is good for children


Intentionally Blank
I don't agree with homosexual anything, I don't think they are all there, based on the ones I've talked to and the ones I've had discussions with, not sure it's lack of logic or common sense, but something just is not right, at least compared to all the heterosexual people I know. They are all on some kind of mission, and are out for blood to prove something, I guess that they are equal, not sure what it is, but it's real annoying.
I know. I think it's just awful when people try to prove that they're entitled to equal rights. They should just shut up and let us keep discriminating against them. Prejudice is good; equality is bad. I hate equality. Who the heck do they think they are, expecting to be treated like human beings? I hate that. And another thing, if God wanted the races to intermarry, He woudln't have put them on separate continents. Those darned negroes have the same problem as gay people, demanding to be treated as equal or something. It's so annoying. What is their problem?
Problem is that a majority of the population believe in some form of christianity, and we all know religions like itself condone such behavior. We've come to accept it though.
Oh no, as long as there are die-hard defenders of irrationality like you, bigotry will never die. Fight on for prejudice and against equality, kdrier!

I accept adoption by gays. I think a traditional family is better, I think having a mother and father is important to any child for what I feel are obvious reasons, that is with the assumption that the paraments are equal. All I'm saying is a father figure is important, I'm not saying it's impossible to raise a child without one, but it will definitely will help.
Yes, k, we know what you're saying. And what we're saying is, you're wrong. And the facts show it.

Compared to children with only one parent. See why using this research to criticize gay parents is dishonest?


Intentionally Blank
So children who have two active father figures should be even better off, right?

Sorry, but no. They are equally important. that is why a man and a women are suppose to have a child together, it's a law of nature, not of god, not of the government, but nature. Mother and father figure will optimize the success in the development of a child.

I'm not saying you homosexuals can't raise a kid okay, don't get the wrong impression. I'm saying a traditional family is better suited given the parameters are equal, no more, no less.

Do you know any children in lesbian families? Want to hear about mine? My friends? Or is it easier to hold on to your prejudice if you don't have to encounter reality?


Please no sarcasm
I've done some reading online and it's saying that children raised by homosexual couples don't show any adverse affects. And I recognize that the statistics about fatherless homes are, for the most part, referring to single-parent homes. So, in an effort to be fair here, I can see that having two adults in the home who love and spend time with their kids is vital. It's extremely difficult for one adult to raise a child alone and here is where many of the children suffer.
Having said that, I still hold to the importance of men and women in a child's life. Both genders have more than physical differences and the blend of the two is the ideal parenting situation. We raised 3 sons. There were times when they needed their dad, a man, not me. There are issues related to men that women don't have. Now you can involve other men in your children's lives, but they will not substitute for a dad with whom the child has spent much time, day and night, throughout the child's life. Grandpas and uncles are wonderful, but unless they are living in the home as the father figure, it just isn’t the same. And there are always exceptions; I’m talking about the majority.
My daughter modeled her choice of husband after her father. Because of her relationship with her dad, she had the self-esteem to wait for the right man to marry. Her selectiveness paid off and today she’s married to a good man and wonderful father to her children.
Many children are resilient little creatures. You can have two children come from the same environment and both turn out differently. One will absorb the pain; another will somehow shake it off. I’ve seen it in my own extended family. So there are exceptions and I’m talking about the majority.


Intentionally Blank
lol, prejudice?

Children who have an active father figure have fewer psychological and behavioral problems

Can't argue with physcologists.

Your children might be all-stars, better than the best, happiest in the town. At the end of the day, they probably would have done just as good if not better with a father figure. And it is proven that more often than not it is better for a child to have a father figure.

Read this carefully: That research shows that children with a father and mother do better than children who only have a mother. Do you or do you not understand why that has nothing to do with gay families?


How about you quit lying to yourself auto.

What the research you are citing shows is that two parents are better than one.

All it says is a father figure is important.

I don't care if you have 6 lesbians to one child, a father figure is important.

"Children who lived with both a mother and father figure also had less behavioural problems than those who just lived with their mother. "

note the word "also".


Intentionally Blank
I've done some reading online and it's saying that children raised by homosexual couples don't show any adverse affects. And I recognize that the statistics about fatherless homes are, for the most part, referring to single-parent homes. So, in an effort to be fair here, I can see that having two adults in the home who love and spend time with their kids is vital. It's extremely difficult for one adult to raise a child alone and here is where many of the children suffer.
Having said that, I still hold to the importance of men and women in a child's life. Both genders have more than physical differences and the blend of the two is the ideal parenting situation. We raised 3 sons. There were times when they needed their dad, a man, not me. There are issues related to men that women don't have. Now you can involve other men in your children's lives, but they will not substitute for a dad with whom the child has spent much time, day and night, throughout the child's life. Grandpas and uncles are wonderful, but unless they are living in the home as the father figure, it just isn’t the same. And there are always exceptions; I’m talking about the majority.
My daughter modeled her choice of husband after her father. Because of her relationship with her dad, she had the self-esteem to wait for the right man to marry. Her selectiveness paid off and today she’s married to a good man and wonderful father to her children.
Many children are resilient little creatures. You can have two children come from the same environment and both turn out differently. One will absorb the pain; another will somehow shake it off. I’ve seen it in my own extended family. So there are exceptions and I’m talking about the majority.

So if this is true, Starfish, then, shouldn't the majority of children raised in lesbian families have more problems than those raised in heterosexual families? Higher divorce rate? More alcoholism? More depression? Something?

Also, gay families tend to have an important advantage as well, which is that they don't get pregnant by accident. Every child in a gay family is wanted, planned for, and so cared for. And that is huge. There are millions of heterosexuals, and we all know some, who had children that they did not plan for and were not ready for.

In my own case, my youngest daughter was not cared for by her careless heterosexual parents, so she was taken away from them and placed with me. I know lots of lesbians taking care of kids that their heterosexual parents were not able or willing to take care of. They would have been better off had they been born to a family that was prepared to undertake the commitment of caring for them in the first place.


I'm your huckleberry.
I don't know, are you racist as well as anti-gay?

Well according to you I can't be one without the other. That sucks too, I had some good black friends. Guess i need to tell them I'm racist now though since I don't believe in gay adoption.


Admiral Obvious
Your children might be all-stars, better than the best, happiest in the town. At the end of the day, they probably would have done just as good if not better with a father figure. And it is proven that more often than not it is better for a child to have a father figure.
The really sad part is that you do not see how the highlighted part kills your argument.


Intentionally Blank
How about you quit lying to yourself auto.

What the research you are citing shows is that two parents are better than one.

All it says is a father figure is important.

I don't care if you have 6 lesbians to one child, a father figure is important.

So you do not agree that research that shows that children with a father and mother do better than children with only a mother is not relevant to the question of whether children with a father and mother do better than children with two mothers?


Intentionally Blank
How about you quit lying to yourself auto.

What the research you are citing shows is that two parents are better than one.

All it says is a father figure is important.

I don't care if you have 6 lesbians to one child, a father figure is important.

"Children who lived with both a mother and father figure also had less behavioural problems than those who just lived with their mother. "

note the word "also".
The "also" is modifying behavioural problems. The research did not include any two-mom families, so tells us nothing about them. Are you interested in research that compares male/female parents to female/female parents, or would that just be more reality that would mess up your preconceived ideas?


"Children who lived with both a mother and father figure also had less behavioural problems than those who just lived with their mother. "

note the word "also".

So not only do children with a father figure have it better off, but they are also better off with they have BOTH a mother and figure figure.

The really sad part is that you do not see how the highlighted part kills your argument.

yea, if not better. I don't want to say her children would DEFINITELY have done better, because that is impossible to judge at this point, or maybe her family is an exception.


The research did not include any two-mom families, so tells us nothing about them

It didn't include two-mom families because there is not a father figure in two-mom families.


Intentionally Blank
So not only do children with a father figure have it better off, but they are also better off with they have BOTH a mother and figure figure.

yea, if not better. I don't want to say her children would DEFINITELY have done better, because that is impossible to judge at this point, or maybe her family is an exception.

Or maybe they're typical of lesbian families. How do you think we could find out? How about if we compared lesbian families to heterosexual families, do you think that might do it?


Intentionally Blank

It didn't include two-mom families because there is not a father figure in two-mom families.

But I thought that was what you were trying to compare: families with fathers vs. families without them. If you wanted to find out whether the gender of the parent was important, isn't that exactly what you'd compare?


Admiral Obvious
So not only do children with a father figure have it better off, but they are also better off with they have BOTH a mother and figure figure.
The article in question has nothing to do with same sex couples raising children.
It is dealing soly with mother only compared to mother and father FIGURE.

You are merely assuming that the father figure has to be male.
Which is something else that is not addressed in the article in question.

yea, if not better. I don't want to say her children would DEFINITELY have done better, because that is impossible to judge at this point, or maybe her family is an exception.
And you completely miss the point.
Not that I am surprised.