I've done some reading online and it's saying that children raised by homosexual couples don't show any adverse affects. And I recognize that the statistics about fatherless homes are, for the most part, referring to single-parent homes. So, in an effort to be fair here, I can see that having two adults in the home who love and spend time with their kids is vital. It's extremely difficult for one adult to raise a child alone and here is where many of the children suffer.
Having said that, I still hold to the importance of men and women in a child's life. Both genders have more than physical differences and the blend of the two is the ideal parenting situation. We raised 3 sons. There were times when they needed their dad, a man, not me. There are issues related to men that women don't have. Now you can involve other men in your children's lives, but they will not substitute for a dad with whom the child has spent much time, day and night, throughout the child's life. Grandpas and uncles are wonderful, but unless they are living in the home as the father figure, it just isn’t the same. And there are always exceptions; I’m talking about the majority.
My daughter modeled her choice of husband after her father. Because of her relationship with her dad, she had the self-esteem to wait for the right man to marry. Her selectiveness paid off and today she’s married to a good man and wonderful father to her children.
Many children are resilient little creatures. You can have two children come from the same environment and both turn out differently. One will absorb the pain; another will somehow shake it off. I’ve seen it in my own extended family. So there are exceptions and I’m talking about the majority.