So let me take this a different direction.
Is it possible for a Christian that believes the bible is the word of God to not think homosexual activity is a sin?
I am not sure it is possible, I mean some might claim so, but if pressed I am not sure how they can conclude it is not a sin.
Evidence: murder, adultery, stealing, and lying.
All sins in the bible right? Now why is it a sin? Besides the bible "says so", we might ask are those universally wrong? For the most part they are. Of course the exceptions are if a person is starving and must steal to survive, or if you have to lie to save you life, or kill to protect yourself, etc...
So what actually makes it wrong? The idea is that society can not function or thrive if these things are freely done without restraint. So we teach our kids to accept these are wrong.
So, now we know they are wrong does the impulse to do those acts go away? Of course not, many people lie, steal, cheat, murder, even when they know it is wrong. But why? Can we conclude anything other than it is part of our nature or how we were born?
So what seems a proper cause to teach these acts are wrong and our society depends on adhering to these beliefs, we learn also people have to show restraint to avoid doing them in some cases. Example there are people that are inclined to be violent, so they have to sometimes get help to hold it back. But they get the help. Why? Cause being violent is innately wrong to the world, but some people feel they absolutely have to be violent. After all, it is how we are born, some have more desire to do such things than other though.
But we must go further. If a person steals and no one finds out, why is it wrong? If a person cheats on his wife and no one knows, why is it wrong? If a person murders, and no one knows, why is it wrong? Is there some innate part of us that believes these are just wrong because we can feel no other way?
So in two cases we see these actions (murder, adultery, stealing, and lying) are wrong because we are taught (or maybe reinforced) they are wrong, and because there is something innate inside us that knows they are wrong. Ultimately having to accept we are all born with these sins, and for some the urge to sin is much greater than in others. In fact this is where we can start talking about Gay Pride etc...
I believe the logic behind the bible's reason for not looking favorably on gay sex, is it is not proper in a natural sense. If there were two women on Earth and 2 men, but they were all homosexual they would have some complications in procreating. They could make it happen, but certainly would be a different world if that is how all babies were born through artificial ways etc... So in a sense the only negative aspect to gay sex is a theoretical stifling of procreation. Obviously that is not a big deal in our world today of 7 billion people, but the logic remains.
So back to a Christian perspective, if the bible says Gay sex is a sin, and given all the information above, how can a christian say gay sex is not a sin? Sure, you may tolerate it, but inside it must be sin to you...
I have carefully shown how other sins are perfectly natural and are part of who we are, but everyday we fight these urges, some more than others. So the whole Gay Pride agenda is to openly tell people they don't want to fight the urges of being gay, it is who they are, and they don't think it affects anyone one bit for them to be openly gay.
For the most part society is starting to agree with them. The farther society moves away from religion the more accepted Gay life will be.
This seems to be the explanation of why so many people in the ministry get caught either fornicating or having gay sex etc... These urges are part of the human specie, and while not everyone is gay, or straight, or cheater, or thief, it is mere semantics for the reason we could have easily been born as such. The christian way just claims to have the correct way to live as told in the bible, even though they too often fail at adhering to it. Part of which is trying not to steal, or cheat, or even be gay.
Anyway so, for anyone who actually read this, I was just thinking out loud... Any comments, feel free...