Heretic and part-time (skinny) Santa impersonator
If we all turned gay tomorrow, the propagation of the species would be lessened perhaps but by no means stopped. The overpopulation problem would be reversed. If all non-humans animals turned gay tomorrow, it would be the end of the species (without human intervention.) This is NOT TRUE of humans. Obviously WE KNOW how reproduction occurs and we would perpetuate other generations because we want to. How? Artificial insemination would occur for the squimish. Others would take one for the team through heterosexual (yuck) intercourse. Gay people can still do that and make it work but it is a chore. Gay people would have heterosex to get pregnant and homosex because it's hot and fun and enhances bonds with their same sexed loved one.
If we all turned gay tomorrow, the problem of abortion and unwanted or less wanted children would eventually be resolved almost completely!
If the motivation for getting pregnant were unhooked from the motivation to feel sexual pleasure we would have emaculate birth control.
If a gay pill comes out, clearly, we should all take it!
Albeit unlikely.
If "pleasure" were the only motivation involved in procreation, then unpleasant sex would render what sort of outcomes?
Your final offered premise is also absurd, as I am straight, and can not produce any progeny with my wife.
You were saying...?
Straight marriage has only one purpose then? If straight people can not make babies, then...what? After 25 years, what are we to do? Just have fun having sex as often as possible?
Or maybe, you are just really dumb?