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Genesis,where did the other Guys come from


What I find far more interesting about the genesis story
than some discussion of "what it 'really' means",
(if there even is such a thing. which I doubt.)
are all of the many varried interpretations
I have read,
by individuals each reading through their own eyes.

it would be great if most people understood what you do.

problem lies with the literal interpretation the christians use that jacked the whole story up


I'm less concerned with what an "original" author meant,
and more concerned with what it says to me personally.
That's the transcendent value of the arts.
The more metaphorically transcendent ...
ie, interpretively 'open', or 'wide'...
a work is
the more I tend to like it.

well you should love genesis because its wide open :p

the first 5 books were not created by just one author

There are 5 different authors or 5 different groups of all unknown authors ranging over hundreds of years.

the first two books [j] [e] were written about 1000bc ish with a 40 ish year seperation between the two storys. They were eidted into one book around 722BC

687BC more was added [p]

in between 600-650BC more was added to the book [D]

now the important part in 457BC ezra edited them all together to form the first 5 books of the bible. [with a little adition himself [r] ] they would not be canonized as "LAW" until 400BC

when i say this is a patchwork its a understatement, its a compilation of ancient hebrew writings when as a group they were only 250 years old and had no real storys of their own. Every story they had was someone elses from another culture whether it was from sumerian or egyptian culture. What you have is semetic speaking people who came from everywhere else to form the ancient hebrew culture. It was a melting pot each with their own storys to add to the mix.

This is my favorite part of the bible and I love genisis because there is so much real history to unravel


Well-Known Member
adan and eve are a myth at this point and there is no evidence those two people ever existed at all.

You might say the same to all kind of history. Moreover, have you examined the "evidence" by yourself or do you trust the historians by faith?

as a matter of fact there is a good chance the ancient hebrews took the sumerian creation story and made it there own.

As a matter of fact, that your belief out of your own faith without proof. Noone can ever dwell into ancient people's mind to tell that "they took the sumerian story". It is rather a bold assertion.

their first man was adamu who was made from dirt just like adam was supposed to made from with a little help from a gods breath :facepalm:

So? Do you mean that everyone should adapt your interpretation?

You don't seem to be able to distinguish between faith and fact!


You might say the same to all kind of history. Moreover, have you examined the "evidence" by yourself or do you trust the historians by faith?

As a matter of fact, that your belief out of your own faith without proof. Noone can ever dwell into ancient people's mind to tell that "they took the sumerian story". It is rather a bold assertion.

So? Do you mean that everyone should adapt your interpretation?

You don't seem to be able to distinguish between faith and fact!
Ok, you are really grasping here! The writings of ancient Sumeria are older than the writings of the Bible! This has been proven! These writings are a fact, and their age is a fact, and this has been proven! Your argument is a bit silly!:yes: By your reasoning, we would all have to do our own individual archaelogical and anthropological studies to verify every detail of history, otherwise it is unproven! By that reasoning, school is useless. Might as well throw out all books that aren't fiction, as they all make baseless claims!
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You might say the same to all kind of history.

no, we dont cherry pick which history to believe in

and yes I have seen the eividence, for adam and even there is none. I have not held the original cuneiform tablets but I have read the words written.

As a matter of fact, that your belief out of your own faith without proof

a certain amount yes. [and only because im honest and you got lucky :) ]

it is very obvious though. You do fail to understand history I see. I explained already hebrews have no history of their own. Only fables carried with them from other cultures.

Noone can ever dwell into ancient people's mind to tell that "they took the sumerian story". It is rather a bold assertion.

well you wrong here. what I stated is the truth. Hebrews were not hebrews before 1250BC

the oldest hebrew writing as i stated only goes back to 1000BC. Ancient hebrews were all semetic speaking people from somewhere else. the fables were told for 300-500 years before they were written down.

even the bible tells you hebrews migrated from egypt some came from sumerian cultures and many other geographic locations in the levant.

Do you mean that everyone should adapt your interpretation?

I state history not interpretation of scripture.

scripture is not historically accutrate in any sense. It never has been.

You don't seem to be able to distinguish between faith and fact!

please look in a mirror when you state that, I have done the work you know nothing about.


Well-Known Member
Outhouse comes up with good stuff on this topic.

But we all know the problem with outhouse... godlessness! :D

I find that one can still hold to the Bible being essentially the word of god yet still make sense of these seeming deficiencies, by using the prophet perspective. In that the first five books, the Pentateuch, derived from visions of god given to an eighty-three year old man, the main purpose of which was the establishment of the law for the Jewish people. Therefore it is no surprise that these accounts, which are largely just back-story, gloss over details and only focus upon areas from which the Jewish person is able to derive moral perspective from parable.

It's far more surprising that the old guy's head didn't explode. :D


godless wonder
I just watched 2012 (again) and think about how the "arks" got thrashed about. Now wouldn't it be improbable that while the Earth stormed, that rough waters weren't apparent and that the ark that noah and family built would be subjected to rough waters putting all kinds of physical stresses on structure and probably causing a full collapse of the so called ark.
Even people who sail know how rough the waters of storms can be with a boat totally designed to help with stand it, whereas noah didn't build it to those specs. So the noah story is just that............a story.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
I just watched 2012 (again) and think about how the "arks" got thrashed about. Now wouldn't it be improbable that while the Earth stormed, that rough waters weren't apparent and that the ark that noah and family built would be subjected to rough waters putting all kinds of physical stresses on structure and probably causing a full collapse of the so called ark.
Even people who sail know how rough the waters of storms can be with a boat totally designed to help with stand it, whereas noah didn't build it to those specs. So the noah story is just that............a story.

Absolutely,the size of the Ark would be it greatest weakness,look what happened to Titanic,plus the Ark would be Top heavy because of the height of the deck so they could get the Giraffes in :rolleyes: