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Genesis,where did the other Guys come from


A few assumptions are being made as to what are the literal translation and meaning of the actual words (Nephilim = Sons of god??) used in the earliest manuscripts collated as the Bible. In Job they are with Yahweh, and the adversary (Satan) as with them to tempt Job and prove to God that any sheikh who loses his money will curse him. The Bible is collection or saving of our ancestral traditions and 'myths'. The fact is that the current version ends with a curse on anyone who adds to it although Revelations is probably the latest manuscript in it. So this book has stopped growing. You can find here the dynasties and their founding fathers or Patriarchs. Jews will claim ancestry from Jacob's son Judah. Isaac's sons split into two separate cultures. Jacob and his dozen sons, or tribes, and Esau his twin who like Adam is described as red, and like Abel eats meat (like Abel he is defeated by his vegetarian brother's sleight of hand, a genetic trait suggesting the serpent may have fathered his ancestor). Isaac's brother Hagar heads off to found the now Muslim part of the family. Jews and Muslims descend from their Sumerian father who was born Abram, a similar name to Adam, and who travels up to Mount Hermon country, angel and giant land. He entertains 3 angels who destroy Sodom etc. Angels are spirits. Perhaps they once lived or are waiting to or are alien but they are spiritual not material. The two 'interbreed'. The two are the two parts of the brain. The unconscious *(astral travelling flying one) and conscious. There are a few ways for them to meet in the subconscious, actively pursued by yogis, lamas, drug takers, dream workers, priests and magicians. Diet favours the vegetarian I believe. Meat is the food of the conscious hunter man. Adam is the ancestor of the Middle East, not of the Africans who were in Egypt for thousands of years working the land and portrayed as black, when he is described as red (like the Egyptian pictures). Noah is described as red and white as is Isaac, and his mother Sarah was the blonde fancied by a Pharaoh, when Abraham was prtetending to be her brother. Where do these other guys come from>. Well all around probably. The far east, south, north and west. But perhaps Eden is in dreamtime, completely spiritual. As is the talking serpent. Hypnotists can show how this might be achieved, but cannot replicate it, just meet the rather innocent laughing things inside. Usually. Some spirits have been around and are very testing. Jacob passes this test as does Enoch. These spirits have passed (illegally) to us the prophecy or word which describes what will happen in the latter days of this world. It describes the falling down of kings, and their shame and loss of face at the time when our eyes are all opened. Then we will know what has been going on under our noses. Obviously kings do not particularly like this. King James had it taken out (his son lost his head) of the bible he had 'translated' by teams of scholars and bishops. Herod did his best to stop it happening in his lifetime. As they are inside us there is little we can do about their spontaneous rising up at some signal against our oppression and abuse of our talents. They take over, possibly spirits who lived before (in life forms for aeons). We are hypnotised (the rapture) or if very lucky will witness all of this. Sounds like the kings are getting worried again in some places. But they have tried to make this prophecy happen with violence for millennia. If it is the wrong time it will be another bloody episode in our evolution, not its coming of age. It comes from within and is a bloodless revolution welcomed by all, even the kings.. maybe it is a time we develop a global conscience. Anyone melt a cloud lately?


Active Member
i didnt start it

its not fun watching religious tripping all over themselves in a desperate state trying to interpret genesis over and over again to maek the words magically become relevant

I have met many religious people who have strong opinions that have very little fact in them.
I have met people with a science background (Nuclear Physicists, professors) who are set in their minds. This mind set is that everything that there is to be known is already. There is nothing left to know.
They attack personality and immediately treat others as inferior and rubbish concepts that do not fit in with their own. But in the end with a little patience they become apologetic because they know the implications.

This world is becoming a desperate place.

Their own colleagues, using just basic science and mathematics, can show an end to this resource hungry manner in which we live.
Pressure on resources will bring war, there is no doubt.

There is something in man, in the mind, when it is expressed, is a little off. And as is related in scriptures we miss the mark and do not measure up. This leads to disputes and conflict.


Active Member
A few assumptions are being made as to what are the literal translation and meaning of the actual words

That is a reasonable commentary. I do not see many Christians in a dream time, they are no different to the rest of the world. They are very real and in their mind sets and culture.

The dream time can help a race survive.
The scripture " without a vision the people perish" or
Gen 37:5 And Joseph dreamed a dream, and he told it his brethren: and they hated him yet the more. This would say that dreams were not understood and still are not.

God speaks to individuals in dreams, his chosen and then the people reject that person it is all very simple.

Tribes often nearly always had a Shaman who would direct them. He carried the knowledge that would be the difference between survival or destruction.


This mind set is that everything that there is to be known is already.

that is a false statement, everyone knows there is plenty to learn and that we dont know everything

I dont buy it, I think this is just your personal opinion based on the situation.

They attack personality and immediately treat others as inferior and rubbish concepts that do not fit in with their own.

No they do that when you try and drag myth into reality. [as they should]

if you go in with a opinion and your wrong, you should be set straight.

This world is becoming a desperate place.

only in your opinion

Pressure on resources will bring war, there is no doubt.

has nothingh to do with this thread, again you take things way way out there in a desperate attempt to rationalize the myth

And as is related in scriptures we miss the mark and do not measure up.

scriptures are old ancient myths, modern man cannot nor should he want to measure up to such old imaginative thoughts


Tribes often nearly always had a Shaman who would direct them. He carried the knowledge that would be the difference between survival or destruction.

most shaman are pagan whats your point?????


Active Member
I would be surprised if early Human women could be described as fair,anyway what this implies is Adam as son of God mated with early Human women,thats a lot of mating though so Adam must have been busy,this of course would be impossible for Adam of the Qur'an because he was 90 feet tall.

This may interest you BBC News - Ancient humans, dubbed 'Denisovans', interbred with us

From memory the African migration north into the middle east was more recent. But this seems to say it was about the same time.

Science sees this as sensational that there is interbreeding but this leaves a few questions still. Why did the separate species die out. Modern man has something a bit more than any other animal, in mental abilities. This is expressed and utilized into practical abilities but also mental power directed towards each other.
I like to think the bible is a true work but the time scale is not really known. One day of creation could be a billion years.
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This may interest you BBC News - Ancient humans, dubbed 'Denisovans', interbred with us

From memory the African migration north into the middle east was more recent. But this seems to say it was about the same time.

Science sees this as sensational that there is interbreeding but this leaves a few questions still. Why did the separate species die out. Modern man has something a bit more than any other animal, in mental abilities. This is expressed and utilized into practical abilities but also mental power directed towards each other.
I like to think the bible is a true work but the time scale is not really known. One day of creation could be a billion years.

A study in Nature journal shows that Denisovans co-existed with Neanderthals and interbred with our species - perhaps around 50,000 years ago.

50,000 years ago has nothing to do with genesis AT ALL

One day of creation could be a billion years.

creation is a myth

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
This may interest you BBC News - Ancient humans, dubbed 'Denisovans', interbred with us

From memory the African migration north into the middle east was more recent. But this seems to say it was about the same time.

Science sees this as sensational that there is interbreeding but this leaves a few questions still. Why did the separate species die out. Modern man has something a bit more than any other animal, in mental abilities. This is expressed and utilized into practical abilities but also mental power directed towards each other.
I like to think the bible is a true work but the time scale is not really known. One day of creation could be a billion years.

I think some species died out because they failed to adapt or overcome new challenges like climate and competition.

The Guys who lived in Caves left an insight into their world with Cave paintings,most of the pictures are of Animals and Hunting scenes,there is no reference to anything else,they didn't Farm the land like in Genesis,their tools were rudementary like Hand Axes so all of this points to Genesis being a myth.


I think some species died out because they failed to adapt or overcome new challenges like climate and competition.

The Guys who lived in Caves left an insight into their world with Cave paintings,most of the pictures are of Animals and Hunting scenes,there is no reference to anything else,they didn't Farm the land like in Genesis,their tools were rudementary like Hand Axes so all of this points to Genesis being a myth.

true and small populations were easily wiped out or interbreed in to the homo sapien population.

that would be funny if interbreeding was the real cause of the different races we have today instead of just geologic location

Probably wouldnt be a bad thing to show allenV how large the homo species tree really is

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
true and small populations were easily wiped out or interbreed in to the homo sapien population.

Thats it,we are not talking large numbers of people in each Tribe or group so extinction could happen easily enough

that would be funny if interbreeding was the real cause of the different races we have today instead of just geologic location

Wouldn't it just

Probably wouldnt be a bad thing to show allenV how large the homo species tree really is

When you see it on paper its surprising just how large it is


When you see it on paper its surprising just how large it is

that and a 7 million year spread.

its amazing how human they looked going back 3-4 million years despite the smaller braincase.

its funny you would not think the use of fire predates homo sapiens but it goes way back to 1.5million years ago by homo erectus. could go back further, its just all we know now.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
that and a 7 million year spread.

its amazing how human they looked going back 3-4 million years despite the smaller braincase.

its funny you would not think the use of fire predates homo sapiens but it goes way back to 1.5million years ago by homo erectus. could go back further, its just all we know now.

Its facinating stuff and i think theres more to come,as you say,the amount of years involved is amazing,some people don't want to think of those hairy critters as our ancesters though


Wonderful Wizard
Premium Member
Its facinating stuff and i think theres more to come,as you say,the amount of years involved is amazing,some people don't want to think of those hairy critters as our ancesters though
Oh, I have no problem with that. Even a million years before Adam, the genetic %'s were probably as close to the humans of that time as two moderns who live on opposite sides of the globe today. However, if one could make a time machine and pluck a human one generation before Adam and one a generation after, we would sense something different, something lacking, something not totally human with the being snatched just two generations before the later. No genetic test would tell us why.

Cannibal Chicken

i taste so good
i cannot believe two generations is enough time for any noticeable difference to manifest. we are almost genetically identical to our ancestors from a thousand generations ago.

unless of course adam was a x men.


Wonderful Wizard
Premium Member
One generation before, no soul (except what's called the 'animal' soul)
One generation after, a soul as we have. You'd notice the difference.

Not a matter of genetics was my point in the previous post.


One generation before, no soul (except what's called the 'animal' soul)
One generation after, a soul as we have. You'd notice the difference.

Not a matter of genetics was my point in the previous post.

Man are you reaching LOL :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:

homo sapiens have been on the planet for 200,000 years but magically only ancient hebrews devoloped a soul :facepalm::facepalm: :facepalm:

im sure you have nothing but scripture to back these oddball thoughts???????????

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
Oh, I have no problem with that. Even a million years before Adam, the genetic %'s were probably as close to the humans of that time as two moderns who live on opposite sides of the globe today. However, if one could make a time machine and pluck a human one generation before Adam and one a generation after, we would sense something different, something lacking, something not totally human with the being snatched just two generations before the later. No genetic test would tell us why.

Hello my Freind,so its not the phyical but the addition of the Soul post Adam if i'm reading this right


Active Member
I think some species died out because they failed to adapt or overcome new challenges like climate and competition.

The Guys who lived in Caves left an insight into their world with Cave paintings,most of the pictures are of Animals and Hunting scenes,there is no reference to anything else,they didn't Farm the land like in Genesis,their tools were rudementary like Hand Axes so all of this points to Genesis being a myth.

It came to mind that bodies have a certain way of breaking up when in the water. The hands and feet part company and the limbs and possibly the head from the torso. Water currents do the work. Most of the smaller bones would disappear. The skull is a bit harder and could be covered by sediment and survive.

If there was something of a culture they may have buried their dead or if there was wood burned them. This would keep remains intact in some cases. Wood is sometimes hard to get if a lot of people live in the same place and the conditions are dry.

I had a dog and she loved to catch possums. Nothing would remain except the lower jaw and teeth, the claws, the end of the tail and a short section of intestine. She ate everything bones and all.

Any bodies in the past, that weren't covered would have been completely eaten.

Therefore any bodies would only survive if there were no predators, accidentally buried, or purposely buried, caught in an ice fall that didn't melt. Quite large glaciers give any bodies up after about 50 years.

Any skulls found could be from drowning.