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Gentiles in Christianity


Well-Known Member

Hi Trek

Are you speaking of the Samaritan woman whom Jesus had a conversation with at the well that Jacob dug, near the city of Sychar, where he stopped to rest?
Jews and Samaritans usually had no dealings with each other because of deep seated prejudices. So the woman was astonished when Jesus asked her for a drink, while she was drawing water. Which is why she asked him the question, as to why , he being a Jew, asked her, a Samaritan woman, for a drink, if you recall the Bible account. To which Jesus replied that if she had known about the free gift of God, and who it was that was asking her for a drink , she would have asked him and he would have given her life saving water. The woman, then replies to Jesus to the effect that he had not even a bucket to draw water, and the well was deep, from what source, then, did he have this life giving water?
She goes on to tell him that He is not greater than her forefather Jacob, who gave them that well, and who , along with his sons and his cattle drank out of it--asking him, 'are you?'
Jesus then explains to her that everyone drinking from that well will get thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water he gives them will become in himself a spring bubbling forth to impart everlasting life. We can see from this conversation that Jesus was willing to and did share life giving words of truth with the Samaritan (not Jewish) woman at the well.
After conversing further, the woman says to Jesus, "Sir, I perceive that you are a Prophet". Jesus goes on the say to her things that are not prejudicial, but that apply to all who will listen to His Words---"the hour is coming and it is now, when the true worshippers will worship the FAther with spirit and truth, for indeed the Father is looking for such ones like these to worship Him".
Jesus then went on to reveal to the Samaritan woman that He is the Christ.
So Jesus was not bound by the prejudices of their present society, any more than his followers are today. Anyone who fears disobeying the True God, and Keeps His commandments , regardless of national origin, race, language group, gender, etc., is acceptable to Him.

Good topic for discussion. Thanks for bringing it up.

peace to you

Hi Daisies

Thanks for taking the time to reply. This isn't the story I was asking about, but it definitely relates to my question more generally and if valuable. :)
