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George Zimmerman Verdict: NOT GUILTY


Veteran Member
Take the beating maybe? I mean, and I'm not saying Martin is an innocent little lambkin here, Zimmerman followed him and caused the problem. If he backs off, nothing happens. Therefore, maybe a nice black eye would have served as an instructional device to many more pudgy, out of shape shcmucks who become evryone's equal the instant they can afford a Beretta. I'll bet if you asked him now, he'd take the beating. And in my humble opinion, he earned it.

Violence never solves anything, and if anyone disagrees with me, I'll break their legs! I mean, look, a birdie!
Sean Hannity asked him if he could live it over again, would he still do the same thing. He answered that he would do it the same way again, and that it was "god's will." So, I'm not sure how remorseful he really is about it. I mean, if you could go back and change things in such a way that you didn't end up killing an unarmed teenager, wouldn't you? I think most people probably would, no?


Depends Upon My Mood..
He doesn't identify as white; if you ask George Zimmerman himself he'll say he's Hispanic (based on his mother's comments on TV). I don't know if it's different in Canada, but in the US "white" means Caucasian, not light-skinned. White people sure as hell don't consider Zimmerman white.

I live in Texas.Plenty of Hispanics are racist against black people .So yeah he may not be "white' but that doesn't mean he didn't racially profile Trayvon.As in "whats a black guy doing walking around this neighborhood at night in the rain..he "must be up no good and on drugs or something".


Depends Upon My Mood..
killing an unarmed teenager, wouldn't you?

Not just unarmed.But he was committing NO CRIME.At the least I would think in retrospect he might think yeah he should have FOLLOWED the instructions of the POLICE if he felt the needed to call them.

But no ...he wasn't going to let another one of "these a*s*s holes " get away.


It could be racism, but there is also this extremely provocative act by the defendant....

(I don't think she reads the articles she doesn't link.)

The original article:

"They testified last week they saw Dooley flip up his T-shirt, revealing a gun in his waistband, as he cursed James. They said Dooley then turned and headed home, but James spun him around and tried to grab the gun."

Jury finds Trevor Dooley guilty in manslaughter case | Tampa Bay Times

Furthermore, for eeriness...

"The skateboarder, Spencer Arthur, also watched, stunned. He didn't see Dooley flash a gun but said he saw him pull out the weapon as he spun around.

Danielle could hardly remember anything. She clutched a toy bunny named Monica as she testified. She has been in counseling for two years. She said she only remembered Dooley trying to go home.

"The only consistency in their testimony," defense attorney Ronald Tulin said to the jury, "was that Mr. Dooley walked away. How can you convict him of manslaughter if he's trying to walk away?"

Dooley, who is 5-feet-7 and weighs 160 pounds, told jurors he had to struggle with a man 28 years younger who was 6-1 and 240 pounds. He said he pulled out the gun only after James grabbed him by the throat and began yanking him to the ground. "I had no other choice,'' he said."

"It just didn't hold water with what the other witnesses said," said Joss, 57, of Tampa.

Though the witnesses offered differing testimonies, those accounts were more consistent with one another than Dooley's, he said. And those witnesses had no motivations other than to tell the truth, he said.

"They really had nothing to gain," Joss said. "They just seemed honest to me. It didn't match exactly 100 percent but, again, that's understandable. Three different people can see something three different ways."

Jurors didn't need a lot of time to reach a verdict, he said, because they were of one mind that the witnesses provided the most accurate testimony. He said there was no dissent."

Oh well. He's actually at home, strangely enough, since the Judge decided because of his age and lack of violent criminal record that he was safe in his own neighbor after a manslaughter conviction until the end of his appeal. :shrug:
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"Arthur told the operator, "It was my fault. The person that shot him was mad because I was skateboarding and asked what the rules were."

The teen admitted he was just playing with his skateboard that day. He told jurors that 71-year-old Trevor Dooley yelled at him to stop.

Dooley admits to carrying a gun in his right pocket. And, when David James defended the skateboarder, the two men fell to the ground fighting with the veteran's daughter watching the whole thing.

The teen told jurors that he did not see James get violent, only that the veteran was on top of Dooley at one point, holding his hands down."

Trevor Dooley Trial: Teen skateboarder says in 911 call that shooting was 'my fault!' | wtsp.com

As of Jun 20th:

Florida doesn't have an open-carry law to show your piece off in public, but it's now OK to "briefly and openly" flash your firearm to the populace.

Since Gov. Rick Scott signed SB 234 into law Friday, it's been legal to show off your hardware -- but just for a little bit.

Here's the addition to Florida Statutes that bans openly carrying your weaponry:
It is not a violation of this section for a person licensed to carry a concealed firearm as provided in s. 790.06(1), and who is lawfully carrying a firearm in a concealed manner, to briefly and openly display the firearm to the ordinary sight of another person, unless the firearm is intentionally displayed in an angry or threatening manner, not in necessary self-defense.
Rick Scott Approves Bill to "Briefly" Flash Your Gun at People - Fort Lauderdale and Palm Beach - News - The Daily Pulp


I live in Texas.Plenty of Hispanics are racist against black people .So yeah he may not be "white' but that doesn't mean he didn't racially profile Trayvon.As in "whats a black guy doing walking around this neighborhood at night in the rain..he "must be up no good and on drugs or something".
I never said he didn't racially profile Martin. My only argument was that Zimmerman's not white like the media keeps saying he is to throw fuel on the fire.


And if a black person kills another black person it is no big thing, move along here nothing to see as far as the likes of Al Sharpton and those that follow his publicity speeches are concerned. It would seem that those that see a racist around every corner are totally unconcerned about the epidemic minority on minority killings.

What makes you think black people don't care when black people kill black people?


Oh my goodness.. hold on:

"That ought to be an alarm bell to all of us that we need strong laws that protect the public safety, especially when it comes to guns," the Chicago Democrat told reporters after speaking at a church on the city's West Side. "It's time to end the violence."

One of the shootings on Saturday night proved especially violent, killing a man in his late 40s and wounding six others. A 25-year-old man was shot and killed earlier Saturday outside his home.

Among the wounded are a 7-year-old boy who was shot Thursday night and Jaden Donald, 5, who authorities and relatives said has undergone multiple surgeries since being shot in the abdomen early Friday morning in a park. Police said two men – ages 34 and 28 – also were wounded in that Friday shooting.

Prosecutors in Donald's case have charged Darrell Chambers with three counts each of attempted first-degree murder and aggravated battery.

During a hearing Sunday, Chambers was denied bond by Cook County Associate Judge Adam Bourgeios, who told the man "there are no conditions I can set to keep the community safe," the Chicago Sun-Times reported.

Authorities also said a 17-year-old man was shot and killed by Chicago police Thursday after he allegedly pointed a gun at officers.

Despite the number of shootings over the holiday weekend, there have been a fewer number of homicides in Chicago in the first six months of 2013 compared to the same period last year. Overall, there were 500 shootings in 2012.

The number of homicides typically goes up in the summer and anti-violence advocates pay more attention to it. The Rev. Al Sharpton has said he plans to live in Chicago for a few months to work with neighborhood leaders on the problem."


Mother Heathen
The media declared Zimmerman guilty until proven innocent. They declared him a racist and a murderer before the trial began.

I didn't view Zimmerman guilty until proven innocent, nor did I perceive his actions racist. I perceived his decision to disobey police orders to be stupid, however.

No, he wasn't a saint. But I don't believe Zimmerman ever wanted to harm Martin (obviously until that final moment where he had to defend himself).

I respect your opinion, which is what this is, based upon what you've seen, read or heard in regards to this trial.

Wrong. Very wrong. I am interpreting that which has been provided to me by THE TRIAL. The testimony. The evidence. The recordings of interviews.

And not just clips and soundbites... but hours and hours of witness testimony and lawyer's arguments.).

Okay. I will admit to you, that I have not invested hours and hours of watching or listening to testimony and lawyer's arguments. I have merely presented my opinion, based upon that which I've been exposed to.

And like you, I agree with the verdict. I simply question WHY this man didn't heed the advisement of law enforcement. May not have had to defend himself if he had not been pursuing the young man.

If all you know from this case is what you're fed by the media, then your opinion regarding Zimmerman is uninformed.

I have not claimed to be a subject matter expert on the Zimmerman trial. I have formed my opinions based upon what I've seen from the trial on the television, primarily, which is a media source. Prosecution offered little in evidence to convict Zimmerman, in my opinion. As such, I was not surprised by, nor was I necessarily dissapointed by the verdict.
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I have not claimed to be a subject matter expert on the Zimmerman trial. I have formed my opinions based upon what I've seen from the trial on the television, primarily, which is a media source.

I wonder where everyone else is getting their information other then the "media."


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I wonder where everyone else is getting their information other then the "media."
There are different kinds of "info" from the media when you watch/hear/read:
- Actual unmodified/unredacted testimony & recordings
- Facts which no one disputes (eg, GZ shot TM)
- Facts which no one disputes, but significant things are left out (partisan reasons?)
- Dubious info = modified testimony & recordings
- Really dubious info = Opinions about info


There are different kinds of "info" from the media when you watch/hear/read:
- Actual unmodified/unredacted testimony & recordings
- Facts which no one disputes (eg, GZ shot TM)
- Facts which no one disputes, but significant things are left out (partisan reasons?)
- Dubious info = modified testimony & recordings
- Really dubious info = Opinions about info

Hey, no disagreement there from me; but that doesn't change the fact that every single one of us are only familiar with anything regarding this topic through the media.


Really? You were actually there at the trial. Or was the watching of the trial mediated through some sort of medium?

Don't be a chooch... Obviously I was watching it on TV. But the actual trial can't have a biased spin. When people talk about media manipulation, they mean when you see twisted bits and pieces of the actual trial on the news, which are designed to influence your decision about the case one way or another.