This forum houses a lot of members of different faiths and different philosophies. I know I've engaged in discussion with some of you but I've unfortunately never went into detail in getting to know you and how your faith affects you.
In this thread if you would be so kind in explaining the following:
1) What is your faith (e.g. Religion)/If not religious what secular principles do you live by?
2) What aspects of your faith/philosophies enrich your life?
3) (Edit) What particular aspect of your faith/philosophy do you think others outside your faith ought to live by, and would greatly benefit from?
1. I worship in the Norse/Germanic pantheon. I tend to work from the Urglaawe tradition which is an emerging PA Dutch pagan path focused on Germanic views and the goddess Holle/Holda. I am also an animist and engage in folk magic/witchcraft.
2. My faith requires care for the environment, low impact on my surroundings, keeping one's word, honoring the dead and military, and being part of my community (religious and secular). While I would do this anyway by doing for my gods I find a spiritual fulfillment I didn't have before.
3. I wish more people in the West were less wasteful. I think we in general are very planet friendly.