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Global warming or global hoax?


Active Member
Yes you did, you fear global warming, if it's true and the planet warms by 2 degrees we're all up a much deeper S*** creek, and only the pope, UN panel of climate change, money, global taxation, global regulation, global government is going to change it. Oh but seeing your a Catholic you'd have no problem with the Pope at the helm of civilization, blind to anything but the official story perpetrated by those same organization and supported by a mountain of BS commonly known as scientific facts, paid for by said organizations using money printed by the same organizations to create larger organizations for said organizations to create more regulations and evidence on the mountain of BS, to support more global regulation at the expense of people without printing presses to print more money to burn to combat global warming...
Listen dude get it right! Neither did I say I FEAR global warming! I can tell you and I just aren't going to get along. IF you call yourself a Christian then act like one!

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
It took a very long time to get people away from the idea of a flat earth. Even today there are people who believe the earth is flat. I have no problem believing civilization causes the earth to warm. Over the last 20 years, all of the data acquired from satellites, the ISS, the shuttle, and weather balloons, etc. have all concluded we are impacting the planet. The world's top scientist who have studied all of this data also agree.
Wrong, the climate scientist actually responsible for the reputable UAH global temperature satellite data set. Dr. John R. Christy, does not believe the global warming witnessed over the last century is extraordinary, not does he believe human activity is the primary cause of it. In fact if you did your homework, you will find many distinguished scientists who have concluded the IPCC projections of global warming are exaggerated due to overestimating the CO2 effect.

"“I detest words like ‘contrarian’ and ‘denier,’ ” he said. “I’m a data-driven climate scientist. Every time I hear that phrase, ‘The science is settled,’ I say I can easily demonstrate that that is false, because this is the climate — right here. The science is not settled." Dr. John Christyhttp://nsstc.uah.edu/users/john.christy/about.html



Active Member
It's really sad. There are people from all religious walks of life here and the first person I'm putting on ignore isn't an Atheist, agnostic, Buddhist, Hindu, or anything else. It's a so called CHRISTIAN! I should have put God'sVoice on ignore too.
Wrong, the climate scientist actually responsible for the reputable UAH global temperature satellite data set. Dr. John R. Christy, does not believe the global warming witnessed over the last century is extraordinary, not does he believe human activity is the primary cause of it. In fact if you did your homework, you will find many distinguished scientists who have concluded the IPCC projections of global warming are exaggerated due to overestimating the CO2 effect.

"“I detest words like ‘contrarian’ and ‘denier,’ ” he said. “I’m a data-driven climate scientist. Every time I hear that phrase, ‘The science is settled,’ I say I can easily demonstrate that that is false, because this is the climate — right here. The science is not settled." Dr. John Christy

It's not difficult to figure out, but people too often put their politics above common sense.


Active Member
Sorry to have to inform you Eliab, but anecdotal yarns published in lefty newspapers and internet blogs don't count as scientific evidence. There are no islands being flooded anywhere due to rising water levels....the actual rate of rise is only about 2mm per year......do the sums and work out how long it would take to flood them...... :)
Islands that disappear have nothing to do with blogs or politics. There's a chunk of ice the size of the state of Delaware about ready to break off.


Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
Islands that disappear have nothing to do with blogs or politics. There's a chunk of ice the size of the state of Delaware about ready to break off.

But there have been no islands that have disappeared due to sea level rise, if you think otherwise....please provide evidence?

Huge chunks of ice have been breaking off ice shelves in Antarctica for the last 11,000 years, we are in a interglacial period.


Active Member
But there have been no islands that have disappeared due to sea level rise, if you think otherwise....please provide evidence?

Huge chunks of ice have been breaking off ice shelves in Antarctica for the last 11,000 years, we are in a interglacial period.
Ice always falls off the shelf. But NOT at the accelerated rate it has been. I know you would blame it all on the liberal media if I posted links of Islands disappearing. Ocean levels are rising. But the more important thing is climate change and how are we impacting it. I believe we are. Why? Because not much more than 100 years ago there weren't a million smokestacks, billions of cars, black asphalt roads and parking lots covering billions of miles, or billions of black roofs etc. It's not only the heat civilization has caused, but also the gasses and junk we emit into the atmosphere causing the heat to stay trapped in.

You can duplicate the greenhouse effect in an aquarium. It's a no-brainer.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
Ice always falls off the shelf. But NOT at the accelerated rate it has been. I know you would blame it all on the liberal media if I posted links of Islands disappearing. Ocean levels are rising. But the more important thing is climate change and how are we impacting it. I believe we are. Why? Because not much more than 100 years ago there weren't a million smokestacks, billions of cars, black asphalt roads and parking lots covering billions of miles, or billions of black roofs etc. It's not only the heat civilization has caused, but also the gasses and junk we emit into the atmosphere causing the heat to stay trapped in.

You can duplicate the greenhouse effect in an aquarium. It's a no-brainer.
Dr. Christy did not say CO2 was not a GHG, he is saying climate change science that attributes the warming as primarily caused by human CO2 emissions is not settled. Your hand waving does not change the facts, it is the actual data that counts. Yes, the sea levels are rising at about 2 mm per year, work out what that means in 100 years and you will see that no islands will disappear.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
But scientists who write in such "popular crap", as you call it, have undoubtedly done much the same.
Yes, but they don't speak to the public in the same way or with the same confidence (or express their doubts, problems with our models, etc.) in the popular crap. You can even see this among AGW proponents yourself in recorded seminars intended to be viewed and attended by specialists in the field or related fields (or students). For example:
After Climategate and Cancun; What Next for Climate Science?
And here's the total programme:
Uncertainty in Climate Prediction: Models, Methods and Decision Support
Likewise, we can find alternatives to mainstream AGW theory/models presented by scientists to other scientists in standard forums in which scientists meet/interact to share their work/findings as in e.g.,:


Active Member
Dr. Christy did not say CO2 was not a GHG, he is saying climate change science that attributes the warming as primarily caused by human CO2 emissions is not settled. Your hand waving does not change the facts, it is the actual data that counts. Yes, the sea levels are rising at about 2 mm per year, work out what that means in 100 years and you will see that no islands will disappear.
Islands have already disappeared. You're just in denial like all the other idiots on the right. I want outa here any way too many idiots, and you're one of them IDIOT!


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Yes, but they don't speak to the public in the same way or with the same confidence (or express their doubts, problems with our models, etc.) in the popular crap. You can even see this among AGW proponents yourself in recorded seminars intended to be viewed and attended by specialists in the field or related fields (or students). For example:
After Climategate and Cancun; What Next for Climate Science?
And here's the total programme:
Uncertainty in Climate Prediction: Models, Methods and Decision Support
Likewise, we can find alternatives to mainstream AGW theory/models presented by scientists to other scientists in standard forums in which scientists meet/interact to share their work/findings as in e.g.,:
The issue of "Climategate" was investigated by the British government, and their conclusion was that there was no attempt to censor the deniers-- only a wish by a couple of guys involved that never came to fruition. Also, that was six years ago, and there's been continuous studying of the global-warming issue since.

The reality is that there simply are no indications at this point and time to conclude or even hint that the data and interpretation of said data is wrong. If anything, it has been more and more confirmed. To not take actions in accordance with this is pretty much like throwing a bag of garbage out a 50th floor apartment because one thinks it might not hit anyone below.

Since you cite the issue of "speaking to the public" as if that somehow negates the point, let me just remind you that agencies such as NOAA, the NAS, MASA, the U.S. Department of Defense, etc.are in agreement that we indeed are in a period of global warming that's largely caused by human endeavor.

BTW, the issue of cosmic rays causing this change is largely bogus according to the articles I've read simply because the frequency and size of sunspots, plus our proximity to the sun, are not different enough from the norm in order to justify such a conclusion.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Ice always falls off the shelf. But NOT at the accelerated rate it has been....
A good friend of mine works in Antarctica 6-9 months per year and has done so for quite a few years now. Based on what he's just personally seen, plus talking with the research scientists involved studying there, let me just say that I cannot post his words as to what he thinks about the deniers or I'd be kicked off RF for the rest of my life, plus some.

Guy Threepwood

Mighty Pirate
And the World Bank, Pope and the UN all agree too, mankind is causing global warming and they must take the helm of civilization to lead us to salvation.

Don't forget Al Gore, and Leonardo di Caprio, they also back up what the IPCC 'expert reviewers' like 'women for climate justice' have concluded.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Don't forget Al Gore, and Leonardo di Caprio, they also back up what the IPCC 'expert reviewers' like 'women for climate justice' have concluded.
The vast majority of what Gore had been informed of by scientists and reported on was and is very accurate. What some disingenuously did on the right was to take his infamous hockey-stick graph, which indeed was misleading, and use that as a way of denying the rest of what he covered. It would be like if I cherry-picked every post of yours, found one error, and they used that as a model to try and show how wrong you are on everything.

Guy Threepwood

Mighty Pirate
Dr. Christy did not say CO2 was not a GHG, he is saying climate change science that attributes the warming as primarily caused by human CO2 emissions is not settled. Your hand waving does not change the facts, it is the actual data that counts. Yes, the sea levels are rising at about 2 mm per year, work out what that means in 100 years and you will see that no islands will disappear.

Ice always falls off the shelf. But NOT at the accelerated rate it has been. I know you would blame it all on the liberal media if I posted links of Islands disappearing. Ocean levels are rising. But the more important thing is climate change and how are we impacting it. I believe we are. Why? Because not much more than 100 years ago there weren't a million smokestacks, billions of cars, black asphalt roads and parking lots covering billions of miles, or billions of black roofs etc. It's not only the heat civilization has caused, but also the gasses and junk we emit into the atmosphere causing the heat to stay trapped in.

You can duplicate the greenhouse effect in an aquarium. It's a no-brainer.

the tiny amount of CO2 we have added to the atmos cannot possibly trap enough heat to have any significant, far less deleterious, effect on the climate. To say otherwise is simply scientifically illiterate.

That bad weather is caused by 'bad people' is one of the oldest superstitions known to mankind. There is simply no scientific basis for it. Can you think of a political motivation for it? of course, there always has been and always will. That's beyond dispute.


Revelation all the time
the point is that scientists frequently adhere to theories in spite of hundreds or thousands of contradictory experimental findings, the lack of any experimental evidence, or even the failure to show how these theories could be experimentally tested.

Climate science, and in particular anthropogenic global warming theory, has constantly failed to produce models with predictive power, and relies fundamentally on the failure for our models based upon our (currently limited) understanding of climate systems to “predict” past temperatures without inserting a positive feedback parameter or “forcing” that is supposed to be due to the effect that GHG emissions have on the dynamics of climate systems. Unfortunately, our models have failed so completely that simulations of past temperatures based on proxy data were and are published despite the fact that these have failed to predict the warming of the 20th century, none of our models predicted the current “hiatus” and there is no consensus as to what caused it or even to what extent it is a lack of warming for nearly 20 years.

Scientists don’t believe in any such method, at least none who have reflected about the actual processes, procedures, and methods they used in comparison to the myth of The Scientific Method taught in schools.

When we see 98% of the climate scientists agreeing that most of the global warming has been caused by human action, one can pretty much take that to the bank.

Over the last several decades, other possible causation has gradually been dismissed, as any long-term subscriber to Scientific American, for example, could rather clearly see. The opposition to accepting this is mainly political, and they simply cannot provide one shred of evidence to indicate that these scientists are wrong. However, that won't stop the deniers as they then typically resort to portraying these scientists as being ignorant, crooked, or both, much like so many of the ToE deniers do.

Common sense says we should accept this reality even if we have some doubts, because if we guess wrong and do nothing, there could be hell to pay.

Amazing these posts were back to back, while seemingly diametrically opposed.


Revelation all the time
What we need is another international climate change symposium, so all the top scientists can gather from around the world, burning boatloads of fossil fuels to attend, and then discuss what can humanity do differently to reverse the made-up observed trends noted at the symposium.


Active Member
Premium Member
I see that you are interested in our world. I would just like to tell you a little of what I have learned about Climate Change.
For a pretty long time some people have been talking about Global Warming.
There is a reasercher named John Casey, who was so respected that the government relyed on him for investigations.
They called him in to investigate, exactly how dangerous the Global warming is and how much the earth has warmed in recent years.
So John Casey went to studying information from the weather stations, looking at past records for many years. He could not believe what he found from his research; there had been less that one
Degree of increased temperature in the past seventeen years, ending in 2013. When he
Reported his findings to the Obama administration, they fired him, because he had not
Found what they wanted to hear. Now remember, this is the man that they regarded as the
Best researcher they knew of.
Of course he found that climate change was happening every day, all over the world.
Since John Casey finished his investigation, there has been another one or possibly two
Degrees increase in temperature, and it looks like we are going to have more increases in
the future.
Something interesting to me I found in the Bible, at Jeremiah 5:22, which seem to say
the oceans waters will not rise over the sands of the beaches.
Scientists look at the rise in the seas and it looks like that all cities on the oceans edges
Will be inundated, but it has not happen as soon as it seem it should. Then they learned a
Surprising thing, instead of the water going over the sands of the sea, the water table inland
Is rising, which has absorbed much of the increased water, that the scientist thought would
Have flooded the near ocean property.
How much the water encroaches on land is yet to be seen!

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
Islands have already disappeared. You're just in denial like all the other idiots on the right. I want outa here any way too many idiots, and you're one of them IDIOT!
Well in that case you should have no problem providing the evidence of any islands that have disappeared. I suspect you are running away because you have been caught out. That is why you do a disservice to science, you follow blindly the prophets of doom without checking the evidence, and when you are asked to provide the evidence, you do what you are doing So please, if you are an honest person, engage in a mature manner and learn..