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I can't tell you how many times I hear people diss the Bible as a book written by "Goat Herders". I know King David and various other figures were at times in their lives, shepherds (or goat herders). But I seriously wonder what percent of Scripture authors were "Goat Herders" ?
Also, people say "Goat Herders" like it's a bad thing.
I live in the inner city, so will never see a goat, but can imagine that a goat can teach a person more about God than the Bible.
Hopefully the goat-herder doesn't abuse his goats.... and I'm assuming milking goats, drinking their milk, caring for baby goats, feeding goats, watching them grow, protecting them from predators, etc. has all the potential to teach a person more about God than school, a Doctorate, or books.
Today, a lady shook my hand, let me borrow her AA book, and
gave me a smile that spoke more to me about God than the Bible. On my way home, I saw some flowers. Those flowers spoke to me more about God than the Bible. The sunset and the clouds, the green grass, the trees, it all spoke to me more about God than the Bible. I ate some black berries recently. They spoke about God. It was clear that those berries were designed to delight taste-buds.
@RothschildSaxeCoburgGotha and countless others are always getting on my case (or other people's) and saying things that indicate that the Bible is the main place to learn about God.
The Bible doesn't say that about itself!
I've given up on the Bible and it has nothing to do with goat-herders, goat whippers, goat-eaters, goat fondlers, or goat-milkers.
It's because I read something like Noah's Ark and wonder, how does someone get a boat big enough for all those animals, feed them all, and keep the dangerous ones etc?
Then Jonah lives three days in the belly of some sea creature? What?
Then there is ridiculous stuff like this:
2 Kings 2
23 And he went up from thence unto Bethel: and as he was going up by the way, there came forth little children out of the city, and mocked him, and said unto him, Go up, thou bald head; go up, thou bald head.
24 And he turned back, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the LORD. And there came forth two she bears out of the wood, and tare forty and two children of them."
Okay, do I want an ancient text that says something so stupid, to be my rule of life, my rule of faith, my rule of Theology? Really? Do I want to use a book that contains a bunch of far-fetched idiotic rubbish as fuel to correct, judge, and beat people (as so many Christians are fond of doing)?
First off, those are 42 children killed by two bears. Don't the children all start running away in different does the bear catch them all? And were all 42 of those kids actually making fun of a guys "bald head"? I highly doubt it. And even if there were a crowd of 42 kids simultaneously making fun of some guys bald head, does it deserve capital punishment, by being mauled to death by wild beasts? Really? Think of all the grieving mothers...
Then, a guy steadies the Ark, and God kills him for it.
People get executed for working on the Sabbath. How psychotic is that? Kill people for working on the wrong day of the week. That is as sick to me as when ISIS executed children for watching soccer because it "Violated Sharia".
So, why should I follow a book that completely goes against my conscience? Why should I use a text full of toxic information, genocide, bigotry, hate, intolerance, and says other stupid things like "call no man your Father...if your eye causes you to sin pluck it out"...and use that as my sole rule of Theology, rule of life, sole rule of how I learn about God, and whip such a book out to correct and admonish others, or attack what polytheists or Buddhists hold as sacred?
Absolutely Not!
I'll pray to God for understanding and enlightenment, but not let some ancient text (full of contradictions) control me, take away my ability to reason, go against my conscience,
and lead me into behavior that every fiber of my being tells me to be wrong!
Not gonna happen!
I'll pray that God makes me obediently do his will, but I'll not go against my conscience because some ancient irrational text full of contradictions says to.
I tried to read the Koran, thinking it had something better to offer, read it all the way through twice....and hands down, it was easily the most incoherent book I've ever read from front to back! Not to mention, it was toxic, filled me with darkness; it was depressing, disturbing (contained verses about non-muslims being crucified and having their hands and feet chopped off), antisemetic, bigoted, and bad for my health and emotions.
So, by all means, worship God, have a personal relationship with him, pray for him to guide your thoughts and actions....but the Bible and Koran isn't the only way to learn about God,
and no where do those books claim they are, and in my experience they are one of the worst sources to learn about God.
Were I God, I would be ashamed that such an irrational, embarrassing piece of literature, was the sole rule and basis of how so many people sought and learned about me!
Follow thy heart! Follow thy conscience! Ask God to guide you!