That has never been my understanding and personally I have not seen that in the writings. I have read this book a few times and have an early copy of it. My understanding that world peace would have been established in the years 1900 to 2000. We are too close to it to see if that is the case, but with the League and then the United Nations, I see that is a firm foundation for our future peace, even if it again morphs into a different body with a different name. It is saiud the foundation of peace will be a world parliament.
As noted above 1957 is seen to be the establishment of the Baha'i Faith in all Nations. An amazing feat really.
As noted before, there is an issue when you mix what is not an official writing with a writing that was written after the talk from someones memory. Also it was translated on the spot before the pilgrim wrote it later from memory, there is no official text to refer back to. As such, pilgrim notes are a good reference for interest only. The Universal House of Justice has rightly remove any pilgrim note from official writings about the faith and the original copy of Baha'u'llah obviously contained some of this material.
The book does not hide this, the notes tell of the publication dates and what was done. Mine is a 1974 copy. First printed in 1923, 2nd impression in 1925, 1st revision 1940, 2nd 1952, then 1974.
This is Bible prophecy, each day for a year. It is widely accepted by the Christians this is correct and it was William Miller that first used to to predict 1844.
Day-year principle - Wikipedia
Regards Tony