Why does the Bible, a book of human expressed writings claim that no man is God?
And why does it quote never give God a defined name again?
When science is the only artificial human chosen not natural history application by male group choice of humans living upon a naturally formed planet in space, that owned its own heavenly body?
Are you trying to infer that a human came as an evolved further than body of ground water/living bio form as some other form of a spirit before a bio life organic living human organism. Only quoted human by being cell/blood and chemical bio life owner to be quantified to be a living human?
As a fake God theme, as if the male/man/men telling the scientific thesis own a quote that they believed they first owned the power of God as man/men/male groups? As a science thesis, to think upon first. Without owning either planet body mass or the natural heavenly gas spirits. Seeing we lived inside a water oxygenated body?
For that is the first history, theist, human, group agreement, the sciences, in want of owning the power of the quantified presence of God. Meaning to change God the mass planet by conscious awareness of the spirit gases in the heavens. What we were not using, they just exist as part of the heavenly body. Scientific aware information before the practice of science.
In science that body was the stone body, the only place where human inferred sciences came from.
If you claim in bio Nature that a human came from the one first body of stone like the heavenly gases had, then you would infer that a human owns one spirit body of bones, like stone. Yet no mention of it living as a living bio life form if you compared a human bio living life to the body of God the one stone mass. First reference, where the gases came from...the stone planet body ejection.
Science powers, to change/convert the mass body and get energy/reactions. Science.
Thinking does not in any form of imposition own the power/energy of mass or bodies in space. Space owns it.
So then you ask a male science theist why he intentionally quoted Mother to be space and also Abomination of the Mother, spatial radiation changes?
For as a male and man and human he first owned the presence term natural day light. And evening clear cold night time spatial cold support the Holy Mother theme....in natural life. Hence where is any theory to the contrary of that natural circumstance to claim self a higher evolved presence after water mass, his life supported body?
Going back in time to the gas state is either a non alight gas/water atmosphere which is not a life support as a theme. And going back to gases alight is gases alight.
Water owned the cooling of the gases burning in a spatial vacuum.
So then you read a scientific quote that says I became A meaning alpha and the DAM....for I changed natural balances EVENing....and the Holy spatial night time sky sacrificed my life, male light owner, the ALPHA status.
So quotes, EVE the abomination radiation changes to the night time sky burning for 7 days did it. For you cannot abstract count a day light condition when day light is a constant.
Therefore straight away you realise that a male theist/scientist quotes he sacrificed/converted the male and female natural life by ADAM/ADAM quotes...did it to both selves he quoted equally.
Alpha status owner of living in holy water by natural light day ownership. Life never has owned any other natural history but presence of the day light 12 hours constant not 12 hours. So if you just think light is a constant for 12 hours, first you coerce self mind to think incorrectly. Daylight is non stop constant with no timing evaluation.
Natural day light is just gases burning in a spatial vacuum with ground water/oxygenated microbial mass existing in that history, natural history.
There is no variation to that history.
If you write a document that quotes no MAN is God, we are both a HU MAN, then you quoted that no human was ever a God.
And that science irradiated night time evening sky and changed life in science causes to quote....I A dam life...by the nation. To claim it was an Abomination event that science caused. I A then became outcome AI...the artificial effect...by will of the alpha male status....life owner, scientist converter.
As science is only living human expressed by humans for and on behalf of humans.
No other form consciousness expresses the human inferred/implied references to human sciences, for human and because of human consciousness in a human life form. Yet you all try to convince everyone that natural cosmological history is a God theme owner of your science quoted Numbers for science conditions, Earth owned and Earth built machines.
As the male lying coercive science condition as owned and preached by you ever since you invented the sciences. Always quoting and I know how you human self got created by scientific reasoning. As if thinking owns the words that details how a human before they were a human got invented theorised by the thinker human.
Who pretends that they are a God personally speaking on behalf of the term God as the storyteller.
Human science knows that Trees exist first in bio life oxygenated water atmosphere, then animals. Animals are not any speaking body of God. A human living after animal life however makes past looking back quotes about why those animals exist. What about when the animals did not exist, as some form of theory where they came from as an animal.
An animal spirit would be what a Satanic theist would quote is where the animal came from....a pre existing spirit form that evolved from a cloud image into a manifested life body. So how does a cloud mass evolve past itself, when clouds disappear when water is released?
Are you science brother trying to quote....we are nearly a water bio life because water fell out of the clouds? Which would be an inane theory.
However if you discussed why life Natural was sacrificed then you would own a book writing with a quote that God did it. Quoting your idea of God attacking life was a destructive ground reaction/fission nuclear event. As a correct Bible discussion.
And not some fake thinking human ability to tell stories and theorise thinking when you own no status that links a completed, formed and ended life that owns self presence as the body of your discussion. If a human life/bio body did not live formed, then you cannot talk or infer information about it.
Therefore whenever a human contested the scientific community it was to question, so how did a cloud mass evolve past being a cloud to own a spirit image to become a bio life form as if a spirit existed first?
As a human who can think about spirit I always taught my own self that there is no proof to the claim of spirit pre existing as a spirit before a bio life as a truthful human storyteller.
But in either case of a subject discussion a living human looking back and theorising is just a human thinking telling stories. And neither scientist was ever correct, for science was in fact first used to infer machine designs and for machine reactions.
As a human telling a story in science claiming I know how you got created, is quite a human scientific claim, when they are just a human their own selves. How do they express when they are not a human, as a human? The real answer, when a human is deceased is the only story about when you are not a human.
To talk about the presence human, is because a human is present to talk about.
Animals living as animals are not a theist scientist pretending, and now from my body and life form a human will magically appear for a scientific thesis of where a human came from. When it owns no personal relative historic advice for any reason other than to argue for the sake of egotism. In the claim of I know it all.
What I learnt as a human who has spiritual experience, the eternal was where the creation was released from into burning, so became a hole in the eternal body, which is not space. Space is the hole, the burnt eternal the creation.
So we claim spiritually when we die we still own the eternal, for our eternal spirit never changed, and we are just living a fallen human experience. For the eternal cannot be in our past. It is stated to be in our future when we personally physically die as a human life.
Which is why I quote spiritually that it cannot be proven, for it cannot be proven. And is the one belief that a human can own without science claiming ownership details of it. For it is not in creation by termed reference, the body portion that never changed.
Space itself does change, mass disappears in spatial conversions and so opens more space into expansion of space. Space was quantified to be an infinite number as you could not count how expansive it was. Never was space explained to be the eternal unchanged body.
Science therefore argues against a thinking story that cannot be proven by science or a living human. Yet a spiritual human is allowed to believe in it....science however should not....for when we talk eternal we are not discussing infinite space conditions.