Religion and Human Rights are compatible (I've just recently graduated in Human Rights, so, I've done various things on this). Many Humn Right abuses have been carried out in the name of religion, or God (or Gods), but, many religious people have used their religion and God(s) to promote Human Rights. For example, while in Ameica, slave owners did use the Bible to promote slavery, there were many Priests, and other Christians, who used the Bible to campaign for an end to slavery. Buddhists, of all denominations, have a long history of promoting compassion for all beings (not just human, or even those who are exist on this physical plane of existence), Jains do not believe in harming any creature at all (and, anyone correct me if this is wrong, but, I believe some go out with mask round their mouths to prevent microbes being sucked in and dying?), there are many great Jewish quotes (from the Jewish Bible, as well as various commentaries, about being compassionate to all - women, kids, animals, etc), same for Christian, and Muslim (especially the more mystically-minded Muslims, like Rumi), etc.
I actually made notes on a subject like this for a presentation on one of my uni modules, and used a couple of great books. I'll try and dig them out, or, at least, the book titles.
IMO, anything can be used and twisted to create evil. I remember reading something about Hitler, that he was Christian to the Christians, Catholic to the Catholics, Pagan to the Pagans, Atheist to the Atheists, he even, apparantly, had Hindu supporters (look up Savitri Devi). What that shows is anything can be twisted, religion is no exception. If religion no longer existed in the world, people would still do evil (and I know Dawkins said that without religion, good people wouldn't do evil, but, that's BS, good people would still manage to commit some kind of evil, it's the nature of being human).
So, I do think God, or Gods, or religion (as religion doesn't necessarily include a belief in God(s)) are perfectly compatiable with Human Rights, as long as they're used rightly, there are, unfortunately, people who want to use them for evil, by twisting things, and appealing to our darker natures (whether you call it the Yetzer Hara like the Jews, the Shadow like Jungians, or whatever).