True date....each tries to see only the worst in the other.
Alas, I can't do that, since I find agreement with people
on both sides....on an issue by issue basis.
It's kind of fascinating, in a way. Some people just have a certain way about themselves, whether it's what they're saying, how they're saying it, what kind of tone they're using. It's almost like an artform, how some people can just work up a crowd into a frenzy. "Rabble rousers" they're often called.
It's funny, because I've read where most people's biggest fear is speaking in front of a group of people, yet there are those who are just the opposite, who can get in front of a group of people and turn them into a witch-burning mob in a matter of minutes.
Hitler is an example of this. Here's a guy who had no real schooling, no real background or experience in politics. Everything he had done in life previously was a failure. And yet, just through the power of his voice and oratorical skill, he was able to gain absolute power. It's both fascinating and frightening to contemplate how it can actually happen.
Of course, our system is different, yet a politician has to still have a certain style and form when they're delivering speeches and addressing crowds at political rallies. That seems to be a major factor which can make or break a political candidate, possibly even more so than their qualifications, experience, or track record.