I suppose you could just go back over all our posts and see.
I don't have to.
We are in effect debating the limit of evidence. Your evidence as for your methodology works in the following manner:
For any X, which is the same for all humans, X can't both be X is Y and X is non-Y.
The corner stone is "the same".
IFF God exists, God is the same for all humans.
IFF the universe exists, the universe is the same for all humans and is the same for the following class of words: Reason, logic and evidence.
That is where we end. It has nothing to do with God, it has to do with that which is the same for all humans.
That is the crux of your reasoning.
But that has a limit.
So first the indirect approach. Not just for God, but for all words assuming the same for all humans. How we ought to behave, what is just, fair, right, do we have rights, what is the correct economical system, what makes a human a human as for worth, dignity and so on and knowledge, evidence, truth, proof and so on.
Example: Some humans assume that knowledge is the same in an universal sense for all humans, but they can't agree on it. Some claim verification and others falsification. Yet others claim pragmatism, usefulness and so on.
So here is goes for all cases of X is Y and not just God, it follows for the sum of all these variants of X is Y, most humans have wrong beliefs. In effect for all times past and present you properly end up with 99,9+% of all humans having wrong beliefs.
But then a question follows: If it is near universal that all humans have wrong beliefs, is it then properly a case of special pleading if a given human claims: I don't have wrong beliefs.
Special pleading is this: Applying standards, principles, and/or rules to other people or circumstances, while making oneself or certain circumstances exempt from the same critical criteria, without providing adequate justification. Special pleading is often a result of strong emotional beliefs that interfere with reason.
Now notice the key element, which is the corner stone of your argument. 99+% of humans don't reason in the correct manner, but you do. The root question is this: Are there limits to reason, logic and evidence for all humans and not just everybody else but you?
Now I am a global skeptic, so I know these limits apply to me. And I know that apply to you and everybody else for the totality of all human aspect of everyday life and not just God.
You are a local skeptic, because you are skeptic of all other forms of reasoning, logic and evidence, that you don't use. But you are not skeptic of your own, because that works for you.
So here is the practical falsification of wrong beliefs. They really can't be that wrong, because if they are really really wrong for how the universe works, humanity would be dead a long time ago.
So here is what you believe about me, but which is not a fact. You believe that I use the words "I am right" as most humans do and properly including you. I don't. I am a global skeptic and I don't believe like you do in wrong beliefs, because we don't think and fell in the same manner. And there it is: "The same". That is psychology for both cognition and feelings/emotions, but you and I are not exactly the same.
And it doesn't work for me in the same manner, how wrong beliefs work for you.
So no, I don't believe in right and wrong like most humans. And I don't use this: I am right and you are wrong. Nor I am wrong and you are right. Because I don't have to. I do my cognition and feelings/emotions differently than you.
So your assumption that I use "I am right" like most people don't apply to how I do that.
Neither of us are right or wrong as humans. We are in some cases different and how you deal with that can be different from me.
So am I condescending? Yes, I am, because I point out something you haven't considered, because you don't have to. No human lives only with reason, logic and evidence alone. But you can believe that and a lot of humans believe it. They use it to justify that they are right and I have wrong beliefs. The joke that I checked it and figured out that it didn't really matter, the way that they use it. They all use it to say something about my worth as a human, but I still have that. Because my worth as a human is in me. I am proud to be a human, because I have made the best of it as me.
Now it is a whole other game, when we go: You and I. But we are not even close as long as you judge me in effect as less for having wrong beliefs.
I don't judge you for your worth as a human. I believe that you have it, because I believe in that and I don't mind that it is a wrong belief to you. I still believe it.
And yes, I mean it: With the best regards.